To make sure we're all on the same page, this event will involve randomly assigning every member who signs up with someone else (who also signs up) to make gifts for. The person you get may or may not be the same person who has you, and your secret santa will be keeping their identity a secret until the end of the event (though it can be fun to give hints and play around).
This will be a good opportunity to have some fun and get better acquainted with another member (break the ice), and while there is a suggested minimum of things to do (at least FOUR gifts), you can always go over the required amount.
Send gifts to masao (-at-) amassment.org
- Gifts will be handed out in a weekly basis, so expect to fulfill about 4 gifts (big or small) for this event. The deadline for each weekly round will be on Saturdays.
- I will be acting as "Santa's Elf" and doing all the deliveries. Please pass any gifts or messages to your secret santa to me, and I will deliver it. Contact info for delivery will be posted at the start of this event.
- Please keep your identity a secret; the anonymous aspect of this event is a large part of why it's fun.
- Please send your gifts to me within the timeline. Anyone without a gift will be very sad
- Consider giving different gifts for each round, so there's some variety. One button every week is slightly less fun than mixing in buttons with icons, fanmixes, or a fun graphic.
- You're also encouraged to write short, friendly messages to your secret santa (written in a way that doesn't give your identity away) and I will deliver those, too.
Gift Suggestions:
- buttons for shrines, fanlistings, or collectives
- layouts for shrines, fanlistings, or collectives
- fanart of their favorite character (this might give you away, so if you do this, save it for last round)
- fanfic of their favorite ship, character, or general series (this might also give you away, so feel free to leave this for the last round).
- fun media or extra bits for their shrine, collective, fanlisting, etc. (scans, icons, fanmixes)
- It doesn't have to be shrine related. You can also gift things your secret santa personally likes, not something they have to put on their shrines. Perhaps a new board icon? Or make a general fanmix of songs you think they'd enjoy.
- Wallpapers or mobile wallpapers feature their favorite characters or series.
- Find and collect things your secret santa might be interested in. A list of pretty fanart or good fics to read they might be interested in. Or existing fanmixes you think they might enjoy. As long as it's not just one quick thing (since these are not made by you); more things show more effort.
- Emphasis on this not having to be shrine related. The goal is to give things to your secret santa that they will enjoy.
- You're also encouraged to send your secret santa anonymous messages to cheer them up or add some discourse.
- These can be one-liners, or short paragraphs.
- Feel free to take the persona of a fairly godmother or something similar (lol think Cinderella)
- You're also encouraged to write in a way that disguises your identity. Have fun with this!
- It can be as simple as a "omg your new shrine looks amazinggggg!!!
- Send these to me, and I will pass them along ASAP (not on Saturdays). If they require a reply, I will pass those back to you.
- These do not count toward your weekly quota, but serve as something extra and nice to do, in the holiday spirit of giving.
Please fill out the form and post it as a reply to this thread.
Sign ups: November 5 to November 20
Secret Santa assigned: November 23
Activity period: December 1 to December 24
Secret Santa reveal: December 25