Clique Happy

Browse all previous marathons and challenges along with the realized projects!
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Clique Happy

Post by Todd »

Hey guys! It's time for a new marathon.

Back in the day, cliques, web rings, and other joinables were all the rage. Many of us look back fondly on those days, and wonder what happened to those sites. They were fun, creative, and interactive; most webmasters couldn't help filling up their joined or index pages with codes. Today, a webmaster is lucky to find five things to join. Let's bring those days back in a big way! With this marathon, we're looking to increase the amount of joinables online so that webmasters can fill their collectives and shrines with codes again, and further promote website interaction and promotion.

With the exception of fanlistings, which we will not accept, you may make any kind of joinable for this event: a clique, a webring, a top site's list, a directory, a rotation... Be creative, and have fun.

Because we are a shrine and fansite community, we want to issue a challenge. Your challenge during this marathon is to create a joinable that ties to shrines in some way. This can be achieved many different ways. 1) You can create a joinable that is meant for people to join their shrines to. 2) You can create a joinable that is part of one of your shrines, and treat it like a fun extra. 3) You can create a joinable with subject matter that relates to one or more of your shrines. I'm sure you can think of more ways. Webmasters who rise to this challenge and are able to tie their joinables back to shrines in some way will receive 10 additional participation coins (30 instead of 20 for each site!), and their cliques will receive a special call-out in this event's reveal.

Clique Happy will run from May 1 to June 15. Sign-ups will be open from now until May 9. You are free to start building your joinable(s) as soon as your application is approved.

  • Fanlistings (TFL-approved or otherwise) will not be approved for this event. Please make sure your joinable isn't a “fan of subject” clique.
  • You must make an 80x15 code for us to link your joinable with after this event. The rest of your codes can be any size.
  • Do not plug your joinable until the event is over. We will make a master post plugging everyone's joinables at once here at Amassment.
  • You may sign up for as many joinables as you can make during the event. Please note that due to a tight events schedule, we won't have room to grant an extension for this marathon. Its time-span is already shorter than most marathons. We believe a month and a half is plenty for this type of site, and we trust you to decide what you have time for and to plan accordingly. Although sign-ups close on the 8th, participating members may submit additional sign-up requests throughout the event to create multiple joinables.
Sign Up

PM or e-mail Todd ( the following info:

E-Mail Address:
Description of joinable you'd like to make:
Is your joinable shrine-related, or will it be tied to a shrine?: (Yes or No. Explain in which way.)

Submit a separate application for each site you wish to make.

Upcoming Joinables

We will keep who is making each joinable a secret until the event is over. The description of planned joinables will be posted below, however, so that members don't create the same joinables.

1) Final Fantasy class-claiming clique where webmasters can sign up to be black mages, white mages, warriors, monks, etc.

2) Tales Of Directory.

3) Song-claiming clique.

4) OTP (One True Love) clique.

5) Pokemon webring for Pokemon fansites.

6) Dragon-love clique.

7) Star Wars-themed clique with shrine guardians!

8) Kingdom Hearts/Disney Directory

9) Food-claiming clique.

10) Villains clique.

11) Webring for main character shrines.

12) Megane bishounen clique. (Boys with glasses)

13) A bishoujo (anime/manga female characters) claiming rotation.

14) A Hogwarts houses claiming clique.

15) A Pokemon claming clique.

16) Coffee lover clique.

17) Book/Comic/Manga directory.
Posts: 2636
Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:18 pm
Location: Zanarkand

Re: Clique Happy

Post by Todd »

Hey guys, I've been getting a lot of questions on this, and it seems there's some confusion.

Your joinable does NOT have to tie to shrines. In fact, we expect that most of them won't. The bit about the challenge of making a joinable that ties to shrines is there just because it would be super cool, and as a shrining community, we wanted to reward that. The joinable I am making is NOT shrine-related, fyi.
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Location: Columbia, MD

Re: Clique Happy

Post by Destinie »

I'm pretty excited that someone is doing a Tales of directory!!
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Re: Clique Happy

Post by Mikari »

This will be so much fun! After thinking of it for a few days, I think I've finally come up with something... I'll have to confirm all the details, but I might be onto an idea worth pursuing. :o I'm definitely looking forward to seeing all these cliques. Final Fantasy! <3
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Location: Zanarkand

Re: Clique Happy

Post by Todd »

Hey guys, I have been super busy at work, and lost track of who I have sent approval e-mails to. I got a lot of sign-ups right there at the end. lol If you see your subject listed, you are obviously approved so feel free to start whenever.

If your subject is not on the list, please message me! I didn't reject anyone, so if you're not there I just overlooked you somehow. Thanks!

Also -- if you were on the fence about this marathon and have not yet sent a sign-up, I'll accept them til the 20th. Cliques will still be due by June 15th, though!
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Location: Columbia, MD

Re: Clique Happy

Post by Destinie »

I'm so excited to see all these cliques and directories open!

I have just a bit more to go and I should actually be done on time!
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Re: Clique Happy

Post by karenjeane »

Excited to see the results of this! And join a few things too.
Posts: 50
Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2012 3:59 pm

Re: Clique Happy

Post by earthy »

So excited to join these! \o/ More incentive to get off my rear and get my collective up and running!