The following categories Anime and Manga, Video Games, Animation (refers to everything besides Japanese animation), Live Action, Paperback, and Miscellaneous (actors, musicians, etc.,) as well as some fun themes will be chosen/put inside a random selector that will choose one.
Shrines are listed in the category that their subject originated in. So, for example, a shrine to a Pokemon would be listed under Video Games because Pokemon started as a game. The only exception to this standard is if a shrine owner only covers one medium--in which case it'll be listed in that category (such as covering only the movie version of a character that originated in a book).
When one is chosen, we'll keep that one out until all are chosen and repeat the cycle again. No one knows except the clawwww- er, the random selector.
Round Two, Choose!
A topic is made with a category that is the chosen one. All members can then go to the same topic to nominate shrines by posting those nominations publicly OR PM me.
The rules for nominating will be staying the same as it was before and everyone has until the 15th to post their nominations. The coin bonuses will also remain the same!
Nomination count is fluid (3 or 5 shrines) due to member activity! This means that during a slower month with less nominations, the following month will be upped to five, and then lower it again when the community is active once more.
A soft cap of 2 shrines at max for each shrine maker can only be nominated. Shrine makers at any time can contact me in PM to remove one of their shrines if they do not wish/feel uncomfortable for them to compete.
Round Three, FIGHT!
When the 15th day of the month arrives, the nominated shrines are all thrown inside a poll and that is when everyone votes!
When there are more than eight sites up to vote, everyone will instead get two choices. This extra choice will only be seen when there are 8 sites or more. Anything less and it will still be the same ol' one choice. This will be done for all categories, not just the larger ones.
The voting period will be open until the last day of each month. If there is a tie, there will be a tie breaker which will last two days. Please do not tell others to vote for the other to make it a tie since a winner must be chosen.
The winner will be given a shiny badge like the one below:
A screenshot of your site will be used instead, making it more personal :D
Winning sites may now have blurbs! They will be added to the first post after the winner has been announced. Everyone, no matter if they nominated or voted for the site, will have 3-5 days to submit a blurb via the winner's thread or PM (and may ask to remain anonymous). For writing a blurb, members will be rewarded 100 coins! Blurbs must be at least three sentences to count.Unsure of what to write about in a blurb? Just congratulate the winner, and write about what you like about the site. Feel free to call out and recommend sections you enjoy. Remember, it's completely optional too.
To your battle stations!
At the end of the year (and ones to come), we have everyone nominate shrines made during the said year no matter the category. They will all be put to a community vote as any special edition Shrine Spotlight. They will also receive a special badge for winning with a festive feel!
Still have questions? Feel free to ask~