Anyways! Since I've decided to take part in the Construction Zone event, I went ahead and uploaded everything I had already, including the layout (which I made back in February and I still love it a great deal, so that's a good sign), and some buttons I made a few days ago whilst on a code kick.
There's not much to see aside from the index, linking buttons, and my credits page, but I do have a site outline and a vague idea of what to work on first, which will be in Series - a series overview which will expand on what's on the index already, book summaries, and possibly a timeline (for my own benefit of figuring out when important things happened) but that'll have to be filled out as I work through my re-read closer to Goldenhand's release. After I get through these three pages, I'll make a start on the nitty-gritty world building stuff and tentatively touching characters. As I might have to rewrite a lot (Goldenhand is a sequel and is about everyone, it seems) that might be held off on, but! Goals, goals.
This is quite an undertaking since it's a large universe to write about, but we'll see how I go. I have a few ideas

3rd May 2016
16th March 2017