Someone give me some inspiration to work on my shrine

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Re: Someone give me some inspiration to work on my shrine

Post by Crystal »

That's an interesting idea Mikari. I have no idea what music would inspire me to work on Zelda though, besides Zelda's Lullaby of course lol.
There are shadows before us - but only because the light is at our back.
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Re: Someone give me some inspiration to work on my shrine

Post by dubiousdisc »

Smart idea, Mikari! I'll have to keep that in mind. I use that for working on my personal projects but I had never thought to apply it to shrines too. :D
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Re: Someone give me some inspiration to work on my shrine

Post by Destinie »

@Todd huh, interesting. So just having some minor content up on the site and expand on it later? I'm so bad about putting a site up and then not touching it for a while and I think it's because I have far too many sites. >_>; I might try something like that some time.

@Mikari I've never really done something like that, either. I might have to try it. Maybe listening to the game soundtrack will inspire me? XD