Site Revamp 2023 - Sign Ups

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Site Revamp 2023 - Sign Ups

Post by Camy »

A great way to get back into the game and get those creative juices flowing. I miss it and I know some of ya'll do too.

This event will run from August 22nd to October 31st. All finished revamps will be given a shiny new badge!

  • The site can be any kind, your domain network/collective, a fansite, a fanlisting, etc., Long as it's already done beforehand.
  • You can be minimal to detailed as you want.
  • If you wish to collaborate with someone, heck why not.
  • If you wish to add more sections to the site you already had, feel free!
  • Take a screenshot of what it looks like before.

    Feel free to let others know you're participating by replying to this post! Otherwise, we'll keep it a secret 8D
    We're also holding this on our Discord! Join us at
Important dates
  • The event will be running from August 22 to October 31st.
  • You can sign up at any time from August 11 to the end of the event.
  • Results will be unveiled on November 2nd!

Sign Up Form

Code: Select all

Your Name:
Site Name: 
Site Url:
Screenshot: (needs to be hosted)
When your shrine is completed, please contact me and send us your link and a 100x35 button.

For any questions, please contact me!
I accept your challenge, "high prince", but I am no general.
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