Relationship Shrine Topics?

From November 2015 to August 2016, create a shrine or shrines to celebrate a dynamic duo! Lovers, enemies, brothers, sisters, parents, and close friends contribute to a character's being. Explore the fandom and the relationship from another side.
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Re: Relationship Shrine Topics?

Post by nyxmidnight »

I like to see why the couple in question goes well together, especially if the pairing is non-canon! I love to see the reasoning behind pairings, especially those of the crack variety, even if it's just "they look pretty together".
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Re: Relationship Shrine Topics?

Post by Camy »

Echoing what Neo said! I want to see why the two of them click, what makes pairing them up fun rather than just "They look great together!".
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Re: Relationship Shrine Topics?

Post by Laura »

Megan wrote:I feel like for both friendships and relationships, its also important to note that people don't have to spend time with anyone, but we pick and choose the ones we love and want in our lives, both friend-wise and relationship-wise. So maybe that can even be an idea, why they chose to spend their time with this one person instead of anyone else in the world!
I find this really interesting because my characters (Cloak & Dagger) don't actually choose to be with each other. They're sorta forced to be with each other because the powers they have make them co-dependent. I find it fascinating that while they care about each other a lot, they aren't necessarily in a romantic relationship with each other (lots of unresolved tension here lol).

So it might be worth it for anyone else doing a relationship shrine about "having" to be together as well. Maybe they feel that their partner is the only one they can truly work with in order to accomplish something or maybe it involves a higher power/fate. :)
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Re: Relationship Shrine Topics?

Post by FandomSavant »

Well, reading through this topic has made me very happy. I'm currently building a shrine for the Dynamic Duo challenge and a lot of the things I plan to address were mentioned in this thread. Yay!! I love feeling like I'm on the right track. Thanks all. :-)

This shrine is so different from my other work, because I'm actually building up content in dribs and drabs before I've considered the layout. That's the opposite of my usual MO. ;)

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