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Re: Multiple Shrines to Same Series

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:43 pm
by Mikari
I used to have shrines for Reno and Shera from Final Fantasy VII. From Summon Night: Swordcraft Story I had shrines to Ureksa, Sakuro, VarilxPratty and CleruxSugar. They were all very focused on the character so they were different. Later only the Ureksa shrine survived and was revamped to be more detailed and have additional game info. From FFVII only Reno survived.

Re: Multiple Shrines to Same Series

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:20 pm
by Destinie
Guilty as charged! XD; I used to have 2 for Avalon Code. Not too mention I have had a lot of Pokemon shrines and several digimon ones in the past. Currently, I have 2 shrines for characters from Starfox. I guess you can say they are both from the same game because I cover aspects of both.

Re: Multiple Shrines to Same Series

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:21 pm
by Destinie
Joe wrote:I have done this before. I dunno if it's illogical or unnecessary but basically I do assume people don't visit my other sites and rewrite the information as scratch as is.
I kind of do the same thing. xD Now I think I would lean towards pointing people to another site where I've already written the same information so I wouldn't have to write it again.

Which brings up an interesting topic- how to handle rewriting similar information...?

Re: Multiple Shrines to Same Series

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:12 pm
by anon
I don't think there's much to think about when rewriting, haha. :9 I just... recount all the events I want to write about except in different words?

Re: Multiple Shrines to Same Series

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:28 pm
by Sarah
I honestly don't think I could do two shrines from the same series. It would bother me, I'm sure of it. And the re-writing bit had never even occurred to me. So I don't know what it is, really. It might be that I want my shrine subjects to be as unique from one another as possible (but not merely for the sake of being unique, mind). I don't know how to articulate it, I just think it's something like, each subject needs to be special. And having more than one subject from a series would make each shrine seem less special. That is just me, though. It's definitely not how I feel about others with multiple shrines to the same series.

I'm very anal when it comes to my websites.. :ack2:

Re: Multiple Shrines to Same Series

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:07 pm
by dubiousdisc
Destinie wrote:
Joe wrote:I have done this before. I dunno if it's illogical or unnecessary but basically I do assume people don't visit my other sites and rewrite the information as scratch as is.
I kind of do the same thing. xD Now I think I would lean towards pointing people to another site where I've already written the same information so I wouldn't have to write it again.

Which brings up an interesting topic- how to handle rewriting similar information...?
I have something to say about this. When I was working on the Anarki shrine, I was also thinking about making other Quake character shrines (and maybe I will), and in that case I was thinking that one approach to presenting the same information might be to have a main hub for the series that then forks into different sites. I guess this would solve part of the problem. Its downside is that you don't necessarily know from the beginning that you will be opening a bunch of sites from the same series, so if you started out with one and ended up with many, you might need to rework everything and it might be long and tedious.

Re: Multiple Shrines to Same Series

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:01 pm
by anon
I think if what you want to rewrite is long (primarily when it comes to relationships since two characters do cross over) it might be tedious work. So I guess it just depends on the length and how much you are willing to rewrite.

LOL, guys, don't think too hard on rewriting. Sometimes with these shrine discussions I feel people overthink too much of something that should be straightforward.

Re: Multiple Shrines to Same Series

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 5:04 pm
by dubiousdisc
I guess a lot of us are big on overthinking...XD

Re: Multiple Shrines to Same Series

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 7:06 pm
by Eden
Since I'm doing something to 5 different characters from the same series, I was thinking of having a hub page for the basic information/stuff that would end up as copypasta on its own pages, and then have links to the character tributes with their own content. That solved the crisis in my opinion. XD

Re: Multiple Shrines to Same Series

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 7:07 pm
by anon
I noticed! :D I guess I'm totally the whatever type which is why I don't have any special telltale approaches to anything. Rewriting is just rewriting to me.