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Re: Collection Websites?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 4:50 pm
by dubiousdisc
Destinie: Yeah! It was visiting this Castlevania artwork resource that finally pushed me towards getting Ayami Kojima's artbook and I'm not regretting a single cent! :D

And yeah, I am totally like that with collecting. I suppose that part of it is: my dad is a collector of like, everything, and his house is completely overrun with things to the point that there's not an inch of wall that's not covered in bookshelves or cabinets full of ancient coins. While all of these things are gorgeous and amazing, it's also so claustrophobic to be surrounded by them, even with my dad's OCD that forces him to categorize every book by date subject color author etc. etc., it's just that there are simply too many things in too little room, and part of me wonders about how much money has gone towards this immense library...So you can understand why I have a sort of a visceral reaction to hardcore collecting and why I try to not get too many things if I can help it (then I might be on the road towards becoming a plant hoarder, but you can't win them all).

Re: Collection Websites?

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:38 am
by Destinie
I totally understand that! There's this part of me that WANTS to collect things but then there's this other part that is like "PSST HEY do you REALLY need that thing? What will you do with it??" So I just end up getting things that I like. I'm pretty frugal unless I can justify the cost and reason for having *the thing*. I guess that's why I really like seeing other people's stuff? I can live vicariously through them, hahaa!

Re: Collection Websites?

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:17 pm
by Mikari
the plushies! they're so cute!

I don't really know any collection sites, since I'm not much of a collector, but the electric pokemon plushies are soooo cute <3 So many Raichu ^___^

Re: Collection Websites?

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 5:00 am
by Emma
Destinie wrote:I totally understand that! There's this part of me that WANTS to collect things but then there's this other part that is like "PSST HEY do you REALLY need that thing? What will you do with it??" So I just end up getting things that I like. I'm pretty frugal unless I can justify the cost and reason for having *the thing*. I guess that's why I really like seeing other people's stuff? I can live vicariously through them, hahaa!

Same! I used to collect stuff - I had a lot of Nintendo and Pokemon random collectables. But moving around so much made it such a hassle that nearly everything got sold or donated (I gave most of my plushies - there were a TON of Pokemon and Care Bear ones - to a children's hospital) and now I don't have a lot of extra cash and I'm very aware that I'll be moving again next year so I actually almost begrudge it when people buy me collectibles, haha. I don't even like buying new books anymore, unless I can get them on Kindle. I still have a few things around my flat, but nothing like a collection. (My fav are my FFIV figures <3 I'd never get rid of them. Randomly found them for a couple of pound at an anime convention and it made my weekend.)

But I love seeing what other people collect, especially when they put them together on websites like that. It's fun to see what people are into! :)

Re: Collection Websites?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 11:42 pm
by anon
I used to see doujinshi collection sites, but those are very rare now... not just because of web 2.0 but also because doujinshi artists hate seeing their work on sites like these since they have to stay low-key (as publishing fanart is technically illegal).

Re: Collection Websites?

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 8:15 am
by nyxmidnight
Yeah, sadly :/ I still have my doujinshi reviews chunk of my fansites up, but doujinshi artists hate seeing samples of their work, even if used for review, up on a web site that is not theirs.

Re: Collection Websites?

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 9:20 am
by Megan A
I actually really like the idea of collection websites. I didn't think about them, but it makes sense that they exist. I visited the ones linked here, and I actually really like them! I love the idea of little details about each one that can include what it means to you, where you got it, etc. etc.

Perhaps some day I'll make one for my video game collection! I never really thought about doing that. I think it would be a lot of fun though!