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Re: Dear King: Wingul

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 7:51 pm
by neo
Xillia + Xillia 2 are ones that I have skipped :x for no particular reasons??? :sad: /ashamed

I have to agree with everything that has been said about your layout! I love that the image placement is in the footer, rather than the header - really changes things up!

I also really like the change in navigation. It flows a lot easier for me to "turn the page" in subsections.

Really like seeing your work on this and look forward to more! :heart:

Re: Dear King: Wingul

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 3:48 pm
by FandomSavant
Jae wrote:I am so sleep deprived right now, but I was determined to get another shrine out before the month ended.

Dear King - Wingul from Tales of Xillia

Complete with a very bare, very lonely index page. Drop me your Tales of shrines and I'll link them!

Dear King underwent numerous changes in both layout and content structure. It was pretty frustrating! So I threw caution to the wind (something like that) and just started writing, and this is the end product. It gets a little aimless, but I'm pleased with how it came out.

I focused on external source material more than the games themselves. It's been a long time since I reviewed Xillia, so I'm too rusty . . . but I also didn't want to spoil everything for newcomers. I hope that didn't kill the readability. :swt2: Haha, please enjoy.
Oh my gosh! What a great design idea, to put the main graphic as a footer type that moves out of the way for the content to shine. That is really nice for shrines, since they are content-focused. It makes it easier to focus on what you're reading.

It's also a very lovely layout in general. And the colors are very gentle on the eyes, making the text easier to read.

Did I mention it's easy to read? ha ha. Sorry, I'm kind of obsessed with that these days.

Great content, too. I'm an outsider to the fandom, but I enjoyed it.

Re: Dear King: Wingul

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 4:19 pm
by Larissa
Echoing everyone else that the layout is super cool! I also really love how you set up the navigation. Also I'm so glad you referenced Pelipper because that's all I could think of when I first saw the name, haha!

I haven't played Xillia unfortunately (one day I will play all the Tales games!!!), but I'd like to in the future. When I do I will come back to this! :heart:

Re: Dear King: Wingul

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 4:06 am
by Jae
@Mikari: Thanks! I'd love if Xillia were to be ported to Steam, myself. It's got colorful and fast-paced gameplay with stunning battle visuals - and one of my favorite characters in the franchise, of course! Hehe. Here's hoping. :star:

@Robin: (There's no makeover like a Super Saiyan makeover, clearly.) Thanks for pointing out the bit about the header! I'll fix that up in the near future. I did wonder about its readability, and should have accounted for different monitor settings. I appreciate your thorough feedback.

@Megan: Megan! Glad to hear it. Xillia's a fair hybrid of the old Tales classics and new takes on them. I hope that you enjoy if/when you get started on it!

@Neo: There are just too many darned Tales games! You've nothing to be ashamed of, friend. :ok: And thank you for your kind words and encouragement. My goal's to make at least one site every month, time permitting . . . So I may be back within a week or two with another topic.

@Patricia: For the longest time, I didn't like what I was doing with the early versions of the layout. Just pushing the graphic to the bottom of the page did wonders - it was like my whole world had changed, haha! My "theme" for this layout was readability, so I'm glad it delivered on that end for you. Thank you for visiting in spite of your being an outsider to the fandom; I think sharing canons like this is one of the most beautiful aspects of making shrines, so I deeply value your thoughts.

@Larissa: Thank you! The Pelipper references are prolific, so much so that his own VA has made jokes about it on his twitter. It's incredible. Should you ever pick up Xillia in the future, have fun!

Re: Dear King: Wingul

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 3:15 pm
by Andrea
So I've never played Tales of Xillia or any of the Tales of games (I should probably get on that!), but the site is wonderful!

I love how in-depth the content is and the fun yet informative way you presented it. Despite not really knowing the story or the characters, reading everything was still an engaging experience for me. Especially with gems like: "which gave him some beefy muscles not unlike Steve Rogers' super serum with a generous helping of Super Saiyan hair makeover" and "Don't listen to the king who makes Bad Choices," LOL. I DIED. I also liked how you managed to convey Wingul's personality alongside his story!

The layout is just fantastic in its simplicity and those COLORS! I love them a lot. :heart:

Again, I really enjoyed reading your shrine and look forward to your other sites. Well done! :D