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Re: Introduction Pages and Basic Info: How?

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 1:54 pm
by Destinie
So my issue with basic info pages is to know when to stop writing and trying to figure out when and where my content becomes boring or, hopefully not, patronizing. I omit basic information pages on my Pokemon shrines because I think that most people who are visiting are already familiar with it, but then on other shrines I wonder what length I should achieve. I sort of had this issue with my upcoming Godzilla site because there's so much I could write about but I think I needed it to be concise enough to give a good idea of the character and background but not be an entire site dedicated to the history. I think you could write as much as you want and then feel free to provide other links to where people have already done the grunt work.

I also think you should be able to give enough information that covers just the CHARACTER and not necessarily the entire franchise, if that is the point of your shrine. So if it is a game, for example, you could give a brief overview and mention where your character comes in. A few of my favorite intro pages: - Short, simple and you get the overall gist of things - Lethe gives you a good sense of the series and then she gives you the option to read more - if you want! This is a nice idea to tackle that sense of "Am I being too TL;DR?" - IMO Todd has 2 intro pages here: Intro to the character and to the game. The thing I like about his intro to the game page is that he talks more about why the game is significant to him more than the dry facts which I think is a really powerful addition to his shrine.

I'm seconding DubiousDisc that it's really nice to read intros that are more personal (maybe I should take a hint because I feel like mine are always so DRY).

Re: Introduction Pages and Basic Info: How?

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 11:25 am
by Lethe
After seeing Destinie's post (thank you for linking my shriiine) and setting up that Media Inspiration topic the other day, I feel like it'd also benefit us to make a list of basic pages we like in this topic, to pool the many different ideas, ways of presenting info and such - especially since intro pages are usually not singled out to be commented on. (I browsed a lot of random shrines just now to make this list precisely because of that.) So I'm giving myself permission to link-dump. :D
  • Generally, basic profile pages tend to be very diverse if they go beyond an official list of data or descriptions... A lot of shrines adress personality there, or already vaguely state how the character is going to change over the story! Some also cover information there that will not be covered again later on (whereas others would dedicate an entire page to it later), such as fashion, name meaning or voice actors. So there's a lot of different ways to go about it! :D
  • Ace of Hearts - Couples intro to the story and character. I really like it when basic info pages tell me how significant a character is in terms of the story or franchise/series, especially by already telling me the role they play. It makes it easier to put the pages that follow into context.
  • Howling Moon - Rather than showing a list or table of data, this page breaks down those bits of info into paragraphs to elaborate on them (without going on for too long), all with a good portion of humour! Also doesn't hesitate to refer visitors to later pages on the shrine for in-depth info on a subject.
  • Vanishing Star - I don't think I often see information on a game/manga/etc. (anything that isn't a character) presented as a list on shrines, but it's an effective way to deliver that info and get it out of the way without having to convert it to running text lol. The page addresses some opinions on the game that might deter people from playing it. :O I especially like that last paragraph that says how the game has contributed to the series as a whole, how it may have deperated from previous elements, and just where it stands within a series, mechanically or otherwise - I always love that kind of stuff. *_* Several Final Fantasy shrines do this (example 1 example 2), and I'd love to see it on shrines for other video game series too. :D
  • - Larissa's video game shrines usually have a small section on the intro page dedicated to listing where you can get your hands on a game nowadays, especially since there are so many ports, remasters, etc. while also briefly detailing the differences between the versions. I think it's a really caring way to subtly nudge visitors to go try out a thing lol. (example)
  • Aurora - I like the placement of name meaning and role musings on this shrine.
  • Roses Have Thorns - It links to a bunch of reviews at the bottom, which I think is interesting for those interested in learning more from different perspectives, or about aspects not covered on the shrine (especially gameplay). :O I can imagine doing that if I had more reviews to recommend. Not happening, too much rage.
  • Easy Breezy - Neat presentation makes info easy to absorb.
  • Memento - I like the story-style of the text at the top; it sets the mood while introducing key aspects of the character's story.
  • Baroque Orange / Libertatem - These do something I don't think I've seen before: introducing the cast with a small blurb, but only in so far as they affect the shrine's subject. You'll see it even better when you compare the two pages.
  • Dark Claws - Writing a personal introduction on a thing that everyone already knows.
  • Transformation / Renaissance / Somewhere Only We Know - Introducing a video game (and to some extent also anime/manga where applicable) character by their powers and playstyle or archetype is usually spoiler-free and can set up for more later on, especially since archetypes usually are associated with certain things and give a first impression of the character, and a character's fighting style is usually not completely random, but a reflection of who they are.
  • uncontrol - I like being introduced to things via their themes, even better when the shrine builds on that later on in relation to the subject.
I've also been influenced by Todd's shrines, the Sabin shrine linked above in particular, to make an entire introduction section for bigger topics that I'm shrining, so as to offer the visitor with a good amount of material to read if they're interested before they decide whether they want to experience the thing themselves first before reading on.

Re: Introduction Pages and Basic Info: How?

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:16 am
by Destinie
NP, Lethe ♥ Also these are all great intro pages! I love the idea of breaking the information out visually and trying to make it more interesting that way.