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Re: Soul Survivor

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:32 pm
by Crystal
I have no idea who to shrine though. Plus I gotta rewrite L'Arachel and finish Ike. xD Yeah, Fire Emblem images are so hard to work with because of the lack of them. If their a main character you may have better luck, but for minor characters it can be even worse. x.x I hear you on the projects list. I got a bunch to do myself. xD Thanks Cherri! I like having them added to. :P Lyn and Kent is cute but personally I'm a Lyn and Hector fan. xD *hide*

Re: Soul Survivor

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:57 pm
by dubiousdisc
I have a giant project about a game that has no artwork at all beyond the character models; the solution is always fan art! Either make your own or look around for a good one and ask the artist. A lot of times they will say yes, provided that you ask!

I am still saddened that the GBA Fire Emblem have amazing in-game artwork, yet the large versions are nowhere to be found. D: Unless you somehow make a layout that incorporates giant pixelated versions of them (which I can see happening, but wouldn't fit everyone's style), some characters really have one large piece of official artwork and that's it.

If I recall correctly my first time played I ended up with Lyn and Kent because wow, Kent must be a saint to put up with all that shit (and Sain), if he were to inherit the throne as Lyn's spouse he'd make a great ruler. The game doesn't end like that, but still, he's a saint, and I'm sure he'd be very good to Lyn, so! Regardless of pairings, he's one of my favorite characters, and I love his antics with Sain, and I love that there is a CG of him facepalming. I really don't know if I want him to keep having adventures with Sain or keep him away from his buddy's craziness...

(and here you go, they'd be two of the characters I'd totally write something about XD)

Re: Soul Survivor

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:11 pm
by Crystal
I always feel awkward using fanart though and my drawing skills aren't really that great. xD Still, it wouldn't hurt to try though (although I am quite pleased with the way Lyn's layout turned out anyway).

I am to. Although I do have some nice looking FE art some of the images aren't really all that big. :/ Some characters don't even have art which sucks to.

Kent is a very admirable character if anything. I don't think I could put up with someone like Sain all the time. xD I just seriously noticed that a couple nights ago and lol'd so hard. Not sure what it is about facepalming that is so amusing. xD

(I like that idea. :P)

Re: Soul Survivor

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:34 pm
by Cherri
I feel awkward too. But given I find a artist that I like the style of I might ask. Given I have the courage to do so.

I love that facepalm image. ^-^ It's a good scene. I think if I had a friend like Sain, I would punch them. I'm not as calm as Kent. I think he is facepalming because Sain is trying to flirt with Florina. At least that's what I always thought. It's kind of like "he's at it again. *facepalm*" Or something.

Also Crystal, I'm not gonna come after you cause you support Lyn with Hector instead of Kent. It's okay. I'm not that crazy, you don't need to hide. Some of the couples that can be support I don't understand though. But I try to ignore it and move on. Are you gonna work on Lala (sorry it's what I call L'Arachel) or Ike next? Also your welcome.

Re: Soul Survivor

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:15 pm
by Crystal
Hooray! Some people get so obsessed with a pairing that it's like this is the only pairing this is. All the rest don't exist kind of thing. I for one respect other people's thoughts on a pairing they like, even if it is one I don't really care for (although I do like the Lyn and Kent pairing).

I'm not sure which one I'm gonna work on. I was planning on working on my paperback marathon project next and then see about finishing Shiki after that (I'd been working on that since before I started on Lyn *cough*). Then I can decide if I want to work on L'Arachel or Ike next.

Re: Soul Survivor

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:59 pm
by dubiousdisc
Screw the crazy shippers though. I mean, you know that you've gone way past certain boundaries when you're thinking about a fictional character kissing another and getting angry at someone who thinks they should kiss someone else...

Also Fire Emblem is such an open-ended game, anyone could pair with anyone who makes sense and everything is tackled so gracefully that I'd be okay with everything, personally. :D

(...With the notable exception of Jaffar and Nino because I AM CREEPED THE FUCK OUT ON MULTIPLE LEVELS)

Re: Soul Survivor

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:55 am
by Crystal
Yeah, really. Some people take these things way to seriously. >.>

(I think Jaffar and Nino are cute together tbh. xD)

Re: Soul Survivor

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:08 pm
by Todd
Love the revamp! Great job on this, Crystal.

Re: Soul Survivor

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:43 pm
by Cherri
Yeah, the over obsession is just crazy for any fandom couple. Also I like Jaffar and NiƱo together too. There is a five year age gap, not too bad but she is 14. So I do get where you are coming from maybe.

Hehe, I gotta finish mine up too. Oh paperback marathon. That's way my fire emblem sites have to wait. I'll await patiently for Lala and Ike.

Re: Soul Survivor

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:31 pm
by dubiousdisc
It's not really the age gap but just how...abusive it sounds to me D: I can see it being a EITHER YOU LOVE ME OR I KILL YOU/MYSELF thing D:

but of course it's not like I think that everyone who likes it is a monster, I am just personally creeped out XD