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Re: Reset - a shrine to a magical girl...

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 4:35 pm
by Mikari
I guess I just needed a break to get stuff organized, but I'm here to stay. XD Thank you ^^

You don't need to worry about links, the url is the same:

Re: Reset - a shrine to a magical girl...

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 6:55 am
by dubiousdisc
Aha! I knew it was Madoka Magica! (I haven't watched it, but heard of it from many people and am familiar enough with it to figure it out :P)

Would you say it's a very spoiler-sensitive series? Because I know the main story, but let's say that in the future I wanted to watch it...? Should I read through your shrine? It looks great...

Re: Reset - a shrine to a magical girl...

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 5:46 pm
by Mikari
It's an awesome anime, I definitely recommend watching it and it's not too long so you won't need too much time. Reset basically discusses every detail so yeah, it's very spoiler heave for the plot, the ending and everything between. The biggest spoiler would be Homura's mission, so if you know what it is, then you know a big part already. Other big spoilers are the origin of witches and Kyubey's mission. If you know all three, then there's not that much left to surprise you... and yeah all of that is revealed on the shrine.

Re: Reset - a shrine to a magical girl...

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 11:36 am
by SnowRayjah
I'm so happy to see you making sits again! The internet is WEIRD to me without your sites. ;w; Being as it is spoiler heavy, I'll have to go watch the anime first. ;D I'm really considering it.

Re: Reset - a shrine to a magical girl...

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 6:23 pm
by Mikari
It's a tragic but cute anime :) I really like the adorable art and the different plot line.

Re: Reset - a shrine to a magical girl...

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:49 pm
by Samantha
I know I've already briefly commented on twitter, but I just wanted to reiterate how awesome it is you made a site to Homura! She is a great character and I think you did an excellent job covering a variety of different aspects about her character. Definitely inspires me to work on my Mami site. :)

Re: Reset - a shrine to a magical girl...

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 1:37 pm
by SnowRayjah
This totally made me read the manga. Now I'm working through a small Mami shrine. ;w; <3
EDIT: Shrined. ;D

Re: Reset - a shrine to a magical girl...

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:31 pm
by Mikari
Samantha: Thank you! I'm happy you enjoyed the site :) Looking forward to seeing yours!

Snow: Yay! :D I feel accomplished. ^_^

Samantha & Snow: Mami is my second favorite, it's good to see she's getting some love.

Re: Reset - a shrine to a magical girl...

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 2:38 pm
by dubiousdisc
A few weeks ago I caved in and read your shrine regardless of having seen Madoka Magica. I just wanted to congratulate myself for what I think might be your best work so far, Mikari. It is beautifully written and it's for a series that seems like it really needs something like what you did to be fully understood. You're amazing.

My only critique would be about the layout: I would like at least one style to not have the blurry text shadow. I disabled it with Firebug, but if I had not done that it would have been unreadable for my (admittedly very damaged) eyes. Someone else with bad eyesight might not be as tech-savvy as me, and might just avoid reading altogether.

Re: Reset - a shrine to a magical girl...

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 2:17 am
by Mikari
Thank you! :D I'm happy you enjoyed it. ^^ Sorry about the shadow, I only copy and paste things into the reader these days and I'm a bit out of touch on actually reading long things. ^^;; (audio is certainly easier on the eyes and mine aren't doing all that great either). I'll make a note about the text shadow and fix that at some point in the near future (when it's not 3am). ^^;; Thank you very much for taking the time to read the site and give me feedback! :D I hope you'll still see the series and enjoy it. ^_^