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Re: 'Sup!

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 2:10 pm
by Larissa
Lethe wrote:
I KNOW THE ANSWER TO THIS! NANA due to the sheer amount of emotional pain, X for masochistic pain bc of Tokyo Babylon and Rainbow Bridge - but definitely X FOR HEADDESKING PAIN BECAUSE NOTHING IS HAPPENING HALF OF THE TIME.
Andrea wrote:A-Also. I THINK. IT'S ACTUALLY ME. I'M... AT FAULT. MY PINKY JUST NATURALLY INCHES TOWARDS THE "SHIFT" KEY AND THEN IT JUST NEVER LEAVES. I'm trying to be more sophisticated and less capslock-happy on the forums, BUT. WHO KNOWS. :DDD
Okay, I've browsed this topic and the forums some more and have come to the conclusion it is entirely your fault. In fact, I think this topic has grown so much because everyone's feeding off the energy and enthusiasm in the above average amount of capslocking in here. (how do you even capslock so much without using the capslock key though wtf andrea)
I love how much capslocking is in this thread, it's so full of happiness. NEEDS MORE SMILIES TBH. :heart: :music: :music2: :star: :heart: :star:

That said: that is a perfect comparison of Nana and X and now I'm laughing. Bless you both.
Andrea wrote: :heart: :heart: :heart:

LOL, no worries! PLAY THE GAME WHENEVER YOU HAVE THE TIME. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside to know that there are still people that play it or are interested in playing it, haha. Do you have the PS3 version by any chance? I never played the HD remastered version, so I'd be curious. :3 Or maybe don't tell me because then I'd be TOO JEALOUS. :P
I do have the PS3 version! So I will probably play Ico first when I get to it. The main problem now is that my PS3 has been sitting on my desk unplugged for like six months, aha. It doesn't help my inherent laziness at all. At this rate playing the PS2 ones would be easier bc at least that's plugged in :sob:

Re: 'Sup!

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 7:07 am
by Elysa
Yesssss Sakura/Syaoran bc 1) CCS is still my favorite series after all these years and 2) I've been meaning to make something since foreverrrrrrrr but I am pretty anxious and worried about how it'll turn out omg /)w(\

I don't think I'll start on anything (new) until after I finish S/S, but I'm already excited at the thought of doing something with the two of you! *-*

(Also I never capslock with the capslock key either o.o;;)

Re: 'Sup!

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 1:00 pm
by Chibi
Hi Andrea! Welcome to Amassment (even though I'm late)!

I absolutely love your domain layout! :heart: I'm also a fellow INFP! *high fives* Hope you have lots of fun and I look forward to your future shrines! :D