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Re: The Legend of Zelda

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 11:16 am
by Cherri
Whoo hoo, Snow. When you have some spare time, of course.

I don't think I could survive the link that was posted.

Re: The Legend of Zelda

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 12:50 pm
by Destinie
Cherri, it's beautiful, you should watch it. XD

Re: The Legend of Zelda

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 3:33 pm
by Eden
I'd say in order to fully enjoy Twilight Princess, you absolutely must play the Gamecube version as all the dungeon maps are mirroed, the controls are backwards and the usage of the Wii remote for most things makes people sick. It ruins the immersion when you're flailing around. Twilight Princess is one of my top favorites for story and gameplay, but this is the Gamecube version. I've played the Wii version and that is horrible. It's a really terrible way to get introduced to Twilight Princess quite honestly. The two versions are not the same. I might also add that Twilight Princess is not a native Wii game, it was adapted for the Wii, so basically the controls were tacked on.

I've enjoyed Zelda over the years. My first Zelda game was Ocarina of Time on the N64. I have the first edition cartridge. :) It actually took me 7 years to beat it. I started when I was 10, got stuck in the Forest Temple and left it sitting for about 6 years. I grabbed it again around 16/17 years old and finished the game. I really love it.

After that I played The Wind Waker and I think it's one of my number 1 favorites. Everything about it is so refreshing and fun. The sailing was fun, treasure hunting was fun, and exploring the dungeons is neat. I also love the feel of the controls since they are pretty much the same in the other 3D Zeldas but they do add on little features. I loved the sword play I get to do in it. Overall the story is amazing and I loved every bit of it.

I played Twilight Princess right afterward (my bf bought me the Gamecube version) and really enjoyed it. Though my intense spider phobia prevented me from playing a few of the areas and 1 whole section of the game that my boyfriend had to do for me (the temple was chock full of spider enemies and a huge tarantula boss). Otherwise the scenery is gorgeous, the controls were nostalgic yet again (this is the Gamecube version btw) so I adapted quite quickly. The dungeons were huge and I loved the side quests. I also enjoy the ability of turning into a wolf back and forth, using a bird to help you complete tasks and Epona looking so regal.

I haven't yet played Majora's Mask but it's my boyfriend's favorite and he loves it for the story and the uniqueness about the game itself. He's beaten it many times. That's next on my Zelda playlist.

I've not played Skyward Sword as I do not like the motion controls on the Wii, and I hate the Wii in general in terms of immersion. Unless there's a hack we can do to play it on an emulator with a gamepad, I'm not touching it. The story didn't sound all that great and it seems rather dull (I've read everything about the game from different people/reviewers) in comparison to its predecessors.

I have played the SNES Zeldas and they are a lot of fun. But I tend to like these sorts of games anyway so I'm a little biased to them. I've played the DS ones as well, but not the Oracle series.

Re: The Legend of Zelda

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 4:26 pm
by Cherri
Srsly. Destinie, I'm starting to think you and Dubs enjoy teasing me. (I don't mind at all and you can continue.) I'll probably break and watch it as I have no willpower against you guys.

Good luck with Majora's Mask, Eden. I really didn't enjoy it. So your boyfriend gets mad props. I can't remember if our Twilight Princess is GameCube or wii.

Re: The Legend of Zelda

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 8:16 am
by Destinie
I have the Gamecube one for TP. I think one of the reasons I didn't like it was because I waited so ridiculously long for them to have over here and they kept pushing it back. Then when I finally got it, I was so disappointed. Plus, I just don't like the idea of Link turning into a wolf. (When I read about it, I was in shock because my sister and I used to make stupid flash movies and we were joking about making one about Link being raised by wolves. Cross-over with Wolf's Rain. Then TP was revealed and I was like "OMGNO." It was a joke, a joke! Wahh!!)

I prefer the motion controls in Skyward Sword over the button mashing techniques in Twilight Princess. I feel like I have more control and I move much more naturally. I hate having to remember a string of button codes to do attacks, hence why I never got into Street Fighter.

@Cherri Aww I'm not teasing you. ;o; ♥ It's just funny but also horrible what they did to Link. Due to this, and the Mario Movie, it's probably why we will never see any anime/movies of LoZ!

Re: The Legend of Zelda

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:23 am
by Cherri
@Destinie: It's okay either way, I'm not mad or anything. :heart: I do agree there. That's probably true most anime/movies of those don't turn out that great. Well I liked the Mario Bros movie just not the tv show but that's a different topic. Also the ;o; reminds me of an octorok. Just saying.

When Link turns into a wolf it's a bit difficult and ridiculous. But I do so enjoy the character art for Twilight Princess. Link looks so manly. :heart: Makes me want to play Ocarina of Time again. Different game but I love it so.

Re: The Legend of Zelda

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 4:46 pm
by Destinie
There were parts of it I really enjoyed. I know some people didn't like Midna but I really liked her! The art style was gorgeous! I just left me wanting more out of it, I guess. ^^;

Also, Octorks? ;o; * * * * Pew pew!

Re: The Legend of Zelda

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:33 am
by anon
Destinie wrote:I prefer the motion controls in Skyward Sword over the button mashing techniques in Twilight Princess. I feel like I have more control and I move much more naturally. I hate having to remember a string of button codes to do attacks, hence why I never got into Street Fighter.
I thought the use of motion controls was pretty clever in Skyward Sword! It was really like you were mimicking Link's moves. :) Added a lot of dimension to the gameplay and I got my ass handed to me hard when I fought the first boss because it relied so much on getting your angles right. The game isn't unplayable as a left-handed person but I do wish Nintendo could like... maybe do something to compensate for the fact that Link was a legend as a southpaw before they had to mirror everything for the majority of gamers.

The hidden skills in Twilight Princess.... OH LAWDY. It took me like 10 minutes to learn the back slice because I kept being interrupted by the Hero's Shade while I was doing it. Though it was one of the most useful moves in the game, it works better in a cramped space. Saved my ass during the fights with King Bulbin and the Darknuts.

Re: The Legend of Zelda

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:44 am
by Destinie
Hmm, why couldn't Nintendo just program the option for the user to choose which hand they played with? Would it be that difficult?

Re: The Legend of Zelda

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:45 am
by Varen
For me, the motions were a hit and miss in Skyward Sword. I definitely love the sword controls because you get to have a little more control on how you strike the blade; and plus, the positioning did make a lot of nifty puzzles as well. I also like having the motion controls to use the item you want rather than PAUSE - MOVE SCREENS - CLICK ITEM - CONFIG BUTTON - CANCEL and repeat ad nauseum. I also find the motion control of the Beetle made it more favorable, since it feels like a wind-up toy of sorts.

But, I really didn't like the swimming controls. It was a relief that you didn't do much swimming, but it doesn't change the fact that it was just horrible. Since running is simply the use of a control stick, couldn't swimming just been that too? I like twirling it, I don't mind that part, but multitasking with one way of moving is rather aggravating.

Arrows were especially difficult to use, since I have issues seeing straight already, and the precise aiming on your hand alone was kinda... bad. Since arrows involve careful precision, and timely execution, I think the arrows should be old-school in that manner. I think I also didn't really like how to roll in the game, whereas by Link or with a bomb or something. It took me forever to figure out how to roll a bomb, and it sometimes takes a few times just to roll into a tree.

Don't get me wrong though, I still generally like the motion controls, and do not oppose the change, though I admit there could be some tweaks made.