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Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 1:53 am
by dubiousdisc
So I've finally decided to make an update log. Honestly, what took me so long.

I made a thingy for my favorite characters page where now you can press a bunch of switches to prove that I actually only like one character, stretched across fifty fandoms. (I mostly blame Jigen as the archetype).


Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 1:53 pm
by Sophia
I've been thinking about how to do updates as well, though I certainly don't have much practice -- " quick note on the index page to announce any updates" struck a chord with me. If I can even remember to do that. >>

And omg, the fave character wall. I love it! I love the different 'types.' (And to be honest, I think we all have our types, ya know?) It's a very visually striking way to convey personal information. Cool. <3


Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 6:42 pm
by dubiousdisc
With me the thing is that I keep mixing up what I've been meaning to do and what I've already done, and after a few years I end up forgetting about everything anyway, so the update page will be first and foremost for me to keep the order of events straight. If you happen to be half as forgetful as me... maybe do have a page to log the updates. I'm seriously regretting not having done that from the beginning, by now I'd have a nice log of updates stretching back for all these years and I'd be able to see what was done and when. Plus, with only having the line for the last update on the page, I'm in trouble if I happen to have two large updates a few days apart, because the first update gets to be on the front page for only a couple days before it's pushed away.

Also, in the same way, that list has been very useful to me to even remember that I do like these characters, you know? Some of them being from media that I experienced like 20 years ago and I couldn't pull it off the top of my head without some scratching around, but the moment that you mention them to me I'm going to be like OH YEAH RIGHT THEY'RE COOL

(so essentially 90% of what I do on my domain is because I'm forgetful incarnate)