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Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 11:50 pm
by Todd
Hey, guys!

I'm going out of town for training for my new job, and will be gone through Friday. Destinie is already on hiatus, moving into her new house. Masao has been busy for a while.

There should be no issues, as the community is very member-ran, but Dubiousdisc and Sarah are around and are "in charge" of Amassment while we're gone, so send them any questions or issues that you might have. You can also post in the "Ask a Mod" forum, and one of them will get to you when they can.

For Creature Feature, continue signing up, and if you know for a fact your subject works, go ahead and start building! Sofia, Chibi, and Cherri may approve subjects while I'm gone, but if they don't get around to it, I'll approve any subjects when I get back. I just want to encourage you guys to start building and not wait on an approval next week.

Keep doing what you all are doing, and be awesome. I just wanted to inform everyone so no one feels ignored next week. Thanks, everyone, and I'll talk to you all soon!