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Making some adjustments to Enthusiast?

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 6:38 am
by Chibi
Hello again, script section of Amassment!

So... since Tess has stopped developing Listing Admin and the script still has a few bugs that I can't fix myself (plus I've noticed that people generally tend to join a fanlisting that uses Enth more than one that used LA), I've been thinking recently of going back to Enth and converting all my fanlistings back to it. There's only a couple of things that are stopping me at the moment:

1) The way Enth handles affiliates. Each fanlisting has its own affiliates table. However, this is a bit inconvenient for me, because I have multiple fanlistings with the same affiliates and it just bothers me to add the same affiliates multiple times. Is there any way to tweak the code so that I can have one table for all the affiliates and add an affiliate one time for all the fanlistings?

2) Crosslisting. How does it work on Enth? I know it's possible because I have seen people do it, I just don't know how exactly you do it.

I would normally try and fix this stuff myself, but I don't know much PHP (I'm going to start learning it in September) and I was just wondering if anyone here would like to help me. :) Thanks in advance!

Re: Making some adjustments to Enthusiast?

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 6:59 pm
by Aku
Hey Chibi,

I'm not exactly sure about #1, but in the case of #2 I'm assuming you mean a fanlisting that is listed in more than one category? You just need to cmd + click (maybe something else on windows? ctrl + click?) on multiple categories within your Enthusiast panel when setting up the Listing Information! It will list it in as many categories as you would like.

Re: Making some adjustments to Enthusiast?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:49 pm
by Chibi
I should have probably clarified what I meant by crosslisting - basically co-owning a fanlisting between two Enthusiast scripts on different domains and have it listed on both scripts with the same members and everything. Sorry, hope what I meant is clear now! But thanks for your help anyway. :D

Re: Making some adjustments to Enthusiast?

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:06 pm
by Larissa
#1: As far as I know -- and my PHP knowledge is limited -- this is an extensive change that would require a lot of coding. This is not a minor feature addition, but something that would require recoding most of the affiliates function. While I agree it would be way more useful to have everything in one table, I wouldn't hold your breath for it, whether it's coding it yourself or asking someone else to do it -- it's a ton of work.

#2: This is the tutorial to use. It's an archived version of Angela's site (the Enth script author) since the page is no longer online. cPanel and mySQL have probably changed in the years since it was written but the basics should be the same.

Re: Making some adjustments to Enthusiast?

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:38 pm
by Chibi
Yeah, I thought it would be quite a bit of coding to do. I'm going to learn PHP and MySQL at uni so I might just do it myself in the future.

And thank you, Larissa! That's exactly what I needed. :D