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Eternal Wings new layout: help & suggestions

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 5:11 pm
by Chibi
Hey guys! So, as much as I like Eternal Wings's layout, the domain needs a massive revamp and I'm planning on doing one with a new layout as well. The only problem is... I'm stil having a layout block and I can't seem to come up with something I like at the moment. :( So I'm here to ask for your help & suggestions.

I made a layout, but I'm not sure I like it. Here it is. I like the image, but there's something wrong with the layout... is it too simple? Too blue? Too pattern-heavy? Not particularly original? I can't pinpoint what exactly I think is wrong about it and it's driving me nuts, 'cause I don't know what to do with it or how to fix it. So I'm open to suggestions. What would you do to this layout? I'm looking for very specific ideas (i.e. specific textures/patterns/etc. that you would use to make the layout look better), as I've tried using random textures/patterns myself and it just frustrated me more, because none of them seemed to help. XD;

Thanks in advance! :heart:

Re: Eternal Wings new layout: help & suggestions

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:32 pm
by dubiousdisc
I would play with adding a gradient (to counteract the flat look it has so far) and making it more balanced since as of now it's all unbalanced to the left. I'd also change the font you're using to something completely different. Right now it looks redundant with the choice of image you're using, I'd personally go for something that contrasts with the art or complements it - so either completely different (even a modern-looking sans-serif) or, if you really want a script font, something thicker, bigger and more regular.
You want to design together with the font you'll use for the content, too (unless you're doing that already and it's not shown in the screenshot, naturally).

I think the textures and the colors are a matter of taste, but if you're unhappy with the first, try first playing around with gradients to see if it helps in giving depth to the whole thing, and if you're unhappy with the second try playing with the color balance or even slapping a layer of some color or a gradient on top of it all and playing with the layer modes to see if there's any direction you prefer.

Re: Eternal Wings new layout: help & suggestions

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 7:02 pm
by Todd
I'd make the title larger.

Aeryvae from told me something like seven or eight years ago that has stuck with me: the title should be the text that stands out the most. It needs to be bigger than your navigation and your content. Your eyes should go to to the title. Obviously you also want to complement it with your other texts, like DD was saying. :) Making the title larger and having it bleed over to the group of girls on the right will correct the balance issue DD brought up as well.

I like the start though!

Re: Eternal Wings new layout: help & suggestions

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 10:15 pm
by Mikari
The image is cute and I like blue so no problem there. XD I also have no problem with asymmetry. ^^;; Not much to critique really, though I think Todd's idea of making the tittle reach all the way to the group on the right would work well. If I was going to get super picky I'd say goodbye to the horizontal line, fade the picture at the bottom and use the texture that's on the top background all the way, but that's just being overly picky and like DD said, textures are a matter of taste.

Re: Eternal Wings new layout: help & suggestions

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:36 am
by neo
What I like to do if I don't like the end product is start over from scratch.
I would play with a gradient as DD has said, and maybe define a color scheme for your site if you already haven't.
Play around with different text options, sizes, etc. Maybe your navigation doesn't need to be included in the image?

Can you render the image you have and lay something behind it? Maybe add additional images/renders to it?

Is the layout similar to your current one? If so, maybe consider branching out a bit :). If you have a certain idea of how you want it to look - maybe sketch it out? I usually sketch out what I want my layouts to look like and try to replicate it.

:) Excited for when you unveil your new layout.

Re: Eternal Wings new layout: help & suggestions

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:08 pm
by Sarah
I too would make the title font larger. I'd also make the navigation font something else, namely a non-script font.

As for textures, I think that image would look good with some light textures on it. Though, that may be my bias talking.. lol. But IDK, some round/dotted light textures might help. This is an example of what I mean. (that texture is from shizoo, btw.)

I'm sorry, I'm probably not the best person to give design advice. :swt2: Good luck, Chibi! You'll think of something, I know it!

Re: Eternal Wings new layout: help & suggestions

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 3:53 pm
by Destinie
Maybe just think about what you don't particularly like about it? You don't like that it seems too simple? Is there something you can put your finger on?

I agree with Todd in making the title larger. It might be neat to have the title overlap your blue bar. I would also recommend using a different font for your navigation as, I feel, that having that similar font conflicts with the title of your site. Also, try making your navigation a contrasting color. Maybe a gold or orange would work well?

Maybe try adding text and playing with headers and paragraphs in your mockup and see how that looks in comparison with the header. Maybe that will help you decide whether or not you like it more. Right now it seems like a very good start. :)

You can do it! Good luck, Chibi! Can't wait to see the final.

Re: Eternal Wings new layout: help & suggestions

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:45 pm
by Chibi
Thank you so much for all your advice, guys! :heart: It was great reading all your suggestions! :D

I'll try playing around with the layout like you guys suggested, although if I have to be honest, I might just start from scratch with a completely different image and style, haha. Still, thank you everyone! :heart:

Re: Eternal Wings new layout: help & suggestions

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 9:55 am
by dubiousdisc
That's a perfectly acceptable thing too 8)