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Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 3:19 am
by Crystal
Uhhh, I actually meant to do this a while ago but I kinda forgot until now. Anyway, I just wanted to plug the latest revamp of my collective domain, ZerudaORG. The layout features Lana from the upcoming Hyrule Warriors, which I am totally psyched about, but likely won't be able to play for a long while after its release as I can't afford myself a Wii U. But yeah, I love how it turned out.

With the revamp have come a couple changes. The first, and probably most noticeable is the completely redone network page. This I probably spent the most time figuring out and working on. I didn't really like how I had it before, and while it was something that would have worked with a smaller number of sites it looked like a complete mess on my domain. I hated it. With a few suggestions from Todd I am completely happy with the way it all turned out. I know one of the flagship shrines listed isn't actually complete yet but after adding that on there just to see how it would look I absolutely had to keep it there when I uploaded the final layout. For now it just links to the fanlisting but I'm hoping to finish the shrine some time soon!

The second I meant to add a while ago when I was still using the previous layout, but I never got around to it. As such I thought it would be a good idea to add it with this revamp. That being a shrine wall linking some of my favorite shrines on the web. After seeing several others do it I was inspired to make one as well. The list is still fairly incomplete, and will probably remain that way but I'm happy with it for now.

And I think that's about it for now. There are a few things I still want to do with the domain yet but I have no idea how or what I want to do with them so they're sitting off to the side for now.

Also apologies for the massive wall of text. When I'm super excited about something I tend to talk a lot about it. *cough*

Re: ZerudaORG

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 1:07 pm
by nyxmidnight
I love your layout! Thank you for using big font, this old lady has bad eyes :D

Your network page is splendid, and the shrine wall is now an idea I wanna steal for my own site. May I?

Re: ZerudaORG

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 1:40 pm
by Mayumi
/jaw drops down. I know I already told you on Twitter, but I can't stop looking at this!!! This is absolutely gorgeous, Cri!!! Awesome work job on it ;D And I completely agree with Nyx! And hey, it's your site, you can write whatever you want since it's from the heart. I have no complaints. At. All. Now I feel like revamping my domain too. XD; Guess it will have to wait until after I finish Risk. XD

Re: ZerudaORG

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 2:40 pm
by Crystal
@Nyx: Thank you! I have my Dad to blame for that because I always ask him for his opinion on my layouts. The font is something that always bugs him so I make sure it is bigger. xD

Totally! I didn't come up with it so you're more than welcome to.

@Mayumi: Thank you Michelle! <333 I have the same problem too, haha. And yes, finish Risk! I want to see it! :D

Re: ZerudaORG

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:05 pm
by Mikari
The new layout looks great and the colors go very well together. I like how you did the network page with the highlights and character pictures. Yay shrine wall! Those are always fun to visit. (aw! Ablaze, thank you ^^)

Re: ZerudaORG

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:41 am
by Tara
Ahh, I'm so honoured my Tharja shrine made it to your favourites!

I also really like the new layout and the new network page. Hyrule Warriors is going to be so great, and you made Lana look so good!! I am really looking forward to your upcoming Zelda shrine.

Just like the others, I think I may do this shrine wall thing too. :swt: It's such a neat idea, but I'm afraid mine will end up ridiculously long...

Re: ZerudaORG

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:05 pm
by Crystal
@Mikari: Thank you Mikari! I love Ablaze so I had to add it to the list. :D

@Tara: Of course! I love your Tharja shrine! <3 It is! I'm so excited for it. And thanks! Using Lana was totally random but I love how it all turned out. Thank you Tara!

The shrine wall really is fun. I have more I need to add eventually. x_x

Re: ZerudaORG

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:24 am
by neo
Hi, Crystal! I actually seen the layout change via twitter, but now I have a chance to comment about it in more than 140 characters 8D!

I think the most striking thing of your new look is how well the color scheme fits together! It's clear to me that you spent a lot of time trying to make sure that each element fit into this perfectly, even with the images on your network page!

In turn, your domain's layout really complements your subdomains ! ^_^

Great job, Crystal! :D I look forward to seeing your upcoming projects!

Re: ZerudaORG

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:31 pm
by Sarah
It's absolutely beautiful, Crystal! :heart: I can't get over those colors. *_* I love how you've set up the network page, too. It's so organized, and the way the images are colored and have the hover effect is really neat. Also yay for shrine walls! I still need to make one of those myself. :D;;

Re: ZerudaORG

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:55 pm
by Crystal
@Neo: Ahhh thank you Neo! ;-; I probably spent more time on this layout than any other I've ever made so I'm glad to see my efforts have paid off. I'm so happy with the end result.

Hopefully soon! I've had difficulty focusing on anything lately due to weather but I'm hoping to fix that, or something. xD

@Sarah: Thank you Sarah! I can't either. The colors I came up with were totally random but I really like them. It was originally gonna be either blue or green and somehow ended up as both. I love it though. I love the network page too. It took me days to get something I liked so I'm glad it turned out well. And yes! Shrine walls! They're really fun!