[GLOBAL] Forum Guidelines

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Location: Columbia, MD

[GLOBAL] Forum Guidelines

Post by Destinie »

Notice This guide was last updated on 3/8/17. If you have additional questions/concerns in regards to our community as a whole, please read our complete community guidelines.


Welcome to Amassment Forums! Before you start posting, please have a look at these guidelines so as to ensure that everyone has a positive experience at the forums. As a member of our community you are expected to follow the following rules and guidelines to ensure that everyone will enjoy their time here!
  • Always be kind and courteous. At Amassment, we promote an all-inclusive and non-hostile environment as we want everyone to feel welcome and comfortable. Please keep any personal drama away from the community. If you ever feel uncomfortable, we ask that you reach out to staff members. There are multiple ways to contact staff members with questions and concerns; see Contact Information for more.
  • Feedback We are all about motivating and bettering each other as shrine makers. Because of that, any plug posted at the forums is likely to receive constructive feedback as well as compliments. We have set up a “Sweet” system for members who wish to not receive any kind of constructive critique on their work, as some members just wish to show off what they have made. Please be aware of it when plugging a site, or responding to plug posts, so you don’t receive feedback if you don’t want it, or accidentally give feedback to someone who would rather not have it. More information on our “Sweet” system can be found here.
  • Communication We are an open community and enforce positive communication between members within the Forums. Communication goes both ways and we ask that you are willing to engage and discuss in other posts when you sign up for Amassment. While we have many different forum topics we do not specialize in offering assistance with code or web design. Soliciting help without engaging in creation or conversation may be seen as spam and may result in a warning.
  • Use appropriate language. We ask that you please keep this in mind because many other people of different ages and viewpoints are part of this community.
  • Do not post anything that is illegal, pornographic, or stolen.
  • Do not spam. We have implemented a coin system to enrich the experience of our forum community. One way to earn coins is by posting new topics and replying to existing topics. We ask that you promote meaningful discussions instead of spamming. Keep in mind that there are other ways to participate in the community in order to earn points.

    Our definition of spam includes:
    • Posts unrelated to the topic or board
    • Multiple posts of the same topic posted in various portions of the board
    • Soliciting help without engaging in creation or conversation
  • Please avoid double-posting in forum threads and use the edit function instead.
  • If any staff members find unruly conduct, the individual will be approached with a warning.
  • Harassment
    Harassment is aggressive or relentless unwanted pressuring of other individuals within the community. This could be done via private messages, forum posts, emails, and engaging members outside of Amassment channels for personal gain. In addition, we define harassment when an individual has requested to cease contact and the harasser continues to engage. Harassment within Amassment channels is not tolerated and will be grounds for an immediate ban.
  • Problem Resolution
    We are a community that are supportive of each other. If you have a problem or issue with another member or something someone posted, we ask that you message the member privately to first discuss the issue at hand. Please keep in mind that feedback should be about behavior, not personality. In your feedback, you should describe the effect the person’s behavior has on you. If for whatever reason you can’t resolve an issue yourself, please contact a member of the Admin Team.
Rule Enforcement

Issues Between Members
We hold each individual accountable for their own actions and place the expectation that they will behave in a way that promotes a positive and fun environment. If you are experiencing an issue with another member, please take the following steps:
  • Contact the member in question first and see if the issue can be resolved. Most of the time it is just a misunderstanding, as communicating over the internet can be tricky and what people say can be up for interpretation.
  • If the issue is not resolved, please contact one of the Administrators. Please refrain from bashing, or flaming, the individual within Amassment channels. Harassment is grounds for an immediate ban.
  • Administrations will discuss together and contact the individual in question. The first notice is given and is considered a strike.
  • If an individual has violated the guidelines to an extensive degree, as determined by the Admin and staff, they will be banned.
Contacting Staff
If you are unable to resolve the issue with the individual in question, or you feel that you are being harassed or attacked at the community, we ask that you reach out to staff members. We try hard to catch everything that goes on, but there are things that may elude us. Refer to the Contact Information topic for ways to contact staff members with questions and concerns.

Please consider keeping screenshots of interactions in question to present to the staff so we are able to make appropriate judgments regarding the situation. While we do not police the entire shrining web community we will not tolerate Amassment members being targeted and may be forced to take action when issues arise regarding harassment caused by current members.

A Strike is a warning that one may receive from a member of the administrative team. Warnings are sent via a private message or e-mail to the individual.

Breaking any of the guidelines or rules will result in a strike. When an individual has received three strikes they will be issued a ban from the forums. Grounds for a strike include:
  • Harassment of any Amassment member within Amassment channels. Our channels include: forums, our discord channels, our twitter account. Please review our Forum rules to see what we constitute as Harassment.
  • Theft or plagiarism. Using any Amassment member’s (or other individual’s) fanart, code, written content, or other original content without permission is considered theft.
  • Spamming the Forums or Chat Channels
  • Posting Illegal Content
  • Inability to adhere to Rules and Regulations of the community

Please Click Here to view our complete guidelines.

Note that our community guidelines are subject to change when deemed necessary.
Posts: 1341
Joined: Thu Jul 19, 2012 1:20 pm

Re: Forum Guidelines

Post by Lethe »

Addition: We don't have a hard necroposting rule here at Amassment! Obviously, don't comment on old announcements or past event topics, but if it's an old discussion you'd like to revive - particularly under Shrine Discussions - go ahead! :music:
Both despair and ecstasy are part of the elements that compose a person.