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Multiple Shrines to Same Series

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:40 am
by Todd
Have you, or would you ever make more than one site for a series? If you have, or would, how do you keep from being repetitive with your content? How do you handle things like links pages that would have identical sets of links?

And by series, I don't mean series of independent stories like the Tales of or Final Fantasy games. I mean one specific title, like Final Fantasy VII.

Re: Mutliple Shrines to Same Series

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:46 am
by Todd
I have shrined two separate characters from the same series, Kara and Sharon from Battlestar Galactica. The Kara site was a one pager, though, and I kind of made it at the spur of a moment. It's not something I generally do, and the reason isn't that I'm opposed to it. It's that I don't have a lot of time to make sites, and I have many subjects I love, so I kind of move on after shrining one character.

I have toyed with the idea of making more Final Fantasy X sites, but I don't know if I'll ever have a chance, as generally when I replay FFX, I work on my Tidus site, lol.

Re: Multiple Shrines to Same Series

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:52 pm
by Puppeteer
Actually, once I finish my current project list, I'm considering creating a mini collective of a certain theme, and the first projects will be shrines to 3 characters of the same series (LOL so much ambition). These characters represent different forms of devotion to the same thing and thus complement each other very well.

In other cases, the characters are often unrelated enough from each other that their shrines would naturally read differently. I've thought also about shrining a relationship I've already shrined one of the characters of. ...So basically I've thought about this quite a bit, hahaha. I'm feeling more and more impulsive with my shrine choices, I guess.

I think a repeated intro page or link page is an inevitability that viewers won't be too nit-picky about. Style-wise, I would have more integrated sites look similar to each other and probably have similar content offerings, just written in each subject's perspective. However, for subjects that I would want to emphasize the uniqueness of, I would go for something so different that repetition would probably not be much of an issue.

This is all theory of course, since I've yet to actually do any of it. XD

Re: Multiple Shrines to Same Series

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:41 pm
by anon
I have done this before. I dunno if it's illogical or unnecessary but basically I do assume people don't visit my other sites and rewrite the information as scratch as is.

Re: Multiple Shrines to Same Series

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:18 pm
by dubiousdisc
Todd wrote:Have you, or would you ever make more than one site for a series?


*breaks into tears*

Seriously though, as for what concerns content repetition I just try to change how things are arranged. Like, for the links, on one site I'd try to put them on the front page, on the other in a links page, on another in a general exits page, in one site I'd have them in 88x31 and in the other in 200x40 and in the other as text links...

Whatever goes better with the feel of the site, keeping in mind that they are individual sites and should not be treated as more of the same. For me at least.

(I had written a longer comment, then pressed submit and it was swallowed by the forum monster. What the hell!)

Re: Multiple Shrines to Same Series

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:25 pm
by Kibumie
I just did this this year. haha. :swt2:

I do admit that I copied a page topic from my shrine Fullmetal to Soul Bound ( Alchemy Page ) because I.. am too lazy to write/research about Alchemy outside FMA because Alchemy is such a huge topic. haha.. ..think it'll end up the same point. I also just edited the series page for Soul Bound, but other than those two general pages, everything is different. :yay: :swt:

Re: Multiple Shrines to Same Series

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:32 pm
by Eden
I've already got 2 characters I definitely want to build tributes to and they come from the same series. I plan on balancing out the content so instead of making it a relationship tribute, I'll touch up on the relationship between each character on their respective sites. I think the only things that'd remain the same would be the intro to the series bit.

Re: Multiple Shrines to Same Series

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:39 pm
by Crystal
I actually had something like this briefly. Along with my Ike shrine I also had one to Soren from the same game. I found a lot of info I ending up copying and pasting from one to the other because of the fact that they were two really close characters and were part of the same group that it was hard not to overlap content. I ended up dropping the Soren one because of this. Now I'm a little iffy about making shrines to characters from the same series/game.

Re: Multiple Shrines to Same Series

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:11 pm
by Todd
Oh, something else! I found it hard to promote two shrines to the same series, because the BSG fandom, particularly the fansite world, wasn't a super popular one. I think it would have been easier if I had just stuck with one.

When/if I make another FFX site, at least people visit sites to FFX and Poltergeist is already promoted and out there, so it won't be hard to promote the new one.

Re: Multiple Shrines to Same Series

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:14 am
by Chibi
Oh boy... To be honest, I've never made more than one fansite about characters from the same series in the past. I tend to make a shrine just to one character (maybe two at most) from the same series and it's usually the character that had the biggest impact on me.

However, looking at my projects page... I have 4 shrine ideas for characters that are all from Sailor Moon. This has never happened to me before. Right now I can't even think of "dropping" one of those shrine ideas, because the characters I want to shrine are all dear to me on a different level and they also are quite different characters from one another. To be honest, though, in the "general series" section, I would probably just copy-paste the info about the Sailor Moon series in every shrine, mainly because I can't think of any other solution; there's no way I can rewrite the same stuff 4 times. XD;

If, however, two (or more) characters that I want to shrine from a series also share a relationship that I really love, I will most likely just merge the two, but still have all the info on the characters separate, as if they were two separate shrines, and then have a whole section about their relationship. (This is what I'm going to do with my Chuck&Blair shrine.)