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Assassin's creed unity

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 4:39 pm
by Saya
So, is anyone geting it?

I got myself ps4 for it and preorder it ;)

While at comicon i teied it a little, they were promoting it and omg its fantastic. I aleeady love Arno!!

Re: Assassin's creed unity

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 6:22 pm
by Camy
I might get it for Christmas since I haven't beaten the other one yet and I want DAI more orz

SO MANY GAMES not much money hahahaha ;;

Re: Assassin's creed unity

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:10 pm
by Saya
I spent so much money on ac; i have all action figures: altair, ezio, ezio bro, ezio rev, connor, edward and arno!! Next year i will be cosplaying as arno ;)

If u get it we should do multiplayer!!

Re: Assassin's creed unity

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 10:32 am
by Emma
I do not have a console that I can play it on. :( And I still haven't played Black Flag, sigh.

But the French Revolution is one of the settings I always wanted an Assassins game in. I hope it's good! I will play in like a year and a half or something.

Re: Assassin's creed unity

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 4:00 am
by Saya
I'm actually poor now, because i got myself ps4 just to play it (and because so many games are coming out <o<)

I love the settings too, even if I do know that Assassin's creed 2 will always be my favorite with Firenze, Venezia and Roma as the cities :)

Re: Assassin's creed unity

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 7:43 am
by Emma
I actually considering asking for a PS4 for Christmas haha, but decided against it. I don't have the time, or the money for new games, so I'll wait a bit.

Yeah, I LOVED the AC2 settings. Ugh, perfection. Ezio <3 I need to replay them soon.

What do you make of AC: Rogue? I kinda like the premise of it but I'm not sure if I can overlook the awful accent. (Just hire an Irish actor, jeez. Also everyone with English accents in Unity also bugged me, but I can deal with that better!)

Re: Assassin's creed unity

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 8:20 am
by Saya
What i loved of ac2 is the Italian stuff.

I actually tried it. But I'm a little put off, I had huge problems with ac3 and Black Flag because of the ship battles, I'm really bad at them. Which I don't like.

And, another thing that pushed me away is when I read about the story in while thinking if ordering or not rogue too (I will get it at some point because I'm ac-addicted)
But the only assassins turned traitor and becoming a templar that I accept is: Haytham Kenway (even if he is an idiot and he became one on the fact that he was lied to) - so I will have to get used first at the idea of Shay - I do know that there is a good explanation and that assassins aren't saints....

Re: Assassin's creed unity

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:23 pm
by Emma
Yeah, I think Ubisoft picked such a great setting for the Italian games, and made such a great world to explore! (And also Ezio <3 haha I love Ezio)

Ah, I hear such conflicting things about the naval battles! I know for some people it's their favourite part of Black Flag. It's pretty cheap pre-owned now, so I should try pick it up soon.

Re: your spoiler text. It does seem like ground they've done before. :/

Re: Assassin's creed unity

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 3:52 am
by Saya
Ezio is by far my favorite XD

on the spoiler: yeah it's an original turn, but i hate ship battles <o<

anyway my babies Image Altair, Ezio, Ezio BR, Ezio REV, Connor, Edward and Arno

Re: Assassin's creed unity

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:46 am
by Emma
Holy crap, Saya!

They look like really nice figures too. I love Edward's pose, haha.