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Old Favorite Video Games from Childhood?

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:46 pm
by Robin
What are the games you grew up playing and have fond memories of?

For me, I'll always have a soft spot for Super Mario RPG, Super Mario World, Spyro (the first one), Super Mario Bros. 2 (aka Doki Doki Panic with Mario characters), Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario Kart (sensing a theme here)...

(Btw I was absolutely butts at SMB2, but it had the PRINCESS in it as a playable character so 8-year-old me didn't care ^o^)

Re: Old Favorite Video Games from Childhood?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 8:08 pm
by Mikari
Super Mario Kart, lots of fun times playing with dad. That's like my favorite childhood memory involving a parent. Super Mario RPG it was the game that got me into RPGs and now the majority of the games I play are RPGs. Super Mario World was another one I enjoyed playing. Donkey Kong Country, especially 2 and 3. Those are all for the SNES, which was not my first console, but the one I played the most. For the NES I really enjoyed Yoshi and Kirby's Adventure. Despite being a NES game Kirby's Adventure is so cute, I still find it to look absolutely adorable. I later played Phantasy Star IV on the PC (emu) and that's another old school favorite. I enjoy the reboot of Phantasy Star as well, but PSIV will always be special to me, I loved the plot and characters. Going back to Mario RPG, cuteness was all around (a major factor with me and games XD) and it looked way better imo than a lot of the "newer" games of the PSX (man early polygons were ugly!).

Re: Old Favorite Video Games from Childhood?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:20 am
by Robin
Cool! I've heard a bit about the Phantasy Star series but have never played it. What system was it for?

Also, did you ever try Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, also known as "This Is Why I'll Never Have Kids," starring Screaming Baby Mario? xD

Re: Old Favorite Video Games from Childhood?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:57 am
by Emma
(whyyy did it log me out when I was typing this D:)

Yoshi's Island is one of my favourite games ever! I was ever so disappointed when I got the DS remake for it for cheap and they'd entirely changed the game. No thank you.

My mother and I were talking about this the other day. I was playing Rockfall on a ZX Spectrum emulator and was texting her pictures. That game is HARD. I used to get really far into it as a child and I can hardly get past the first level now. Everyone in the family would play it. There are a few other Commodore 64/Spectrum games I played a lot but I cannot remember their names. Anyway, then we started talking about the first Mario game, which the whole family also played a lot of when we got the NES. My mother used to play it as soon as we left for school, because it was the only time she got a chance near the NES. She was SO proud when she beat it!

So yeah, basically Nintendo stuff is what I grew up with. My brothers and I spent hours on Mario Kart. All the Mario games, Zelda games... stuff like that. My eldest brother imported Final Fantasy IV (or II as it was known as then) and that sorta set off a life long love affair for me with Final Fantasy games. I guess I was around 8 or 9 then? Secret of Mana was probably my favourite RPG. We had a multitap, so the three of us could play together. I always played the little sprite guy. >:D Bomberman, too, wow we spent hours playing Bomberman.

...when I'm home for Christmas I'm so tempted to get the SNES out of my parent's attic and make my brothers play Bomberman with me again.

Re: Old Favorite Video Games from Childhood?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:47 am
by nyxmidnight
Chrono Trigger on the SNES. I have rented that game enough to pay for it three times over. Best game ever made fight me.

Re: Old Favorite Video Games from Childhood?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 10:19 am
by Destinie
Donkey Kong Country as it was my first Nintendo game and I eventually mastered it. We used to stay up late and sneak out of bed to watch our dad play it with us. It was a good childhood memory. I remember this one time that after he left (my parents had gotten divorced) I had I beaten the game and called him up to tell him. I don't think he was enthusiastic about it as I was but when I was young that game was a bond between our family. Now I just love it because it's a great game. :D

I also liked playing the original Star Fox. I would come home from school and my younger brother would be beating it for the umpteenth time. Good times.

Re: Old Favorite Video Games from Childhood?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 3:07 pm
by Robin
@Emma: I grew up with a lot of Nintendo as well--I played a Sonic game for the Sega GameGear handheld (also known as "stay 6 inches from an electrical outlet at all times), but I was terrible at it and quit about 5 levels in, if memory serves.

I also have never played a single Zelda game in my life. Just...not sure why. I've seen other people play 'em and I feel like a non-legit 90s child for not playing them; just never felt the need to play 'em. Weird.

@Nyx Heard a lot of great things about both Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross--never had the systems to play them/never got the games, tho. I love the music from the games, however! :D

@Destinie Mom and I bonded over getting through Super Mario World (though she also shouted at me for getting too angry over the game...natch). I probably learned how to creatively curse at games thanks to Mom, too xD!

I played Star Fox 64 but never have played the original. How does it differ from SF64?

Re: Old Favorite Video Games from Childhood?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 3:36 pm
by Crystal
My favorite games from my childhood were actually on the computer. I'd spent countless hours playing SimFarm and Transport Tycoon and was awesome at both. They were amazing.

I've played other games on the NES as well but I don't have as many fond memories with them.

Re: Old Favorite Video Games from Childhood?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:42 pm
by dubiousdisc
Aww, I love hearing all these stories!!

Like Crystal, my childhood was computer games. THE game of my childhood was Duke Nukem II (I named my website collective after it!). Then I have fond memories of One Must Fall: 2097 and, later, Simcity 3000. And memories of watching my cousin play Doom and Quake, although I only got into those later as an adult.

My cousin was the one who gave me all these floppy discs of game compilations, but he was adamant about not letting me play Doom or Quake because they were "too scary" (I was around 6 at the time and in retrospect he probably didn't want any trouble with my parents, hehe). Nevertheless, he did allow me to watch him play them and they left a huge impression on me. He'd play these dark games in the dark and I'd be so hypnotized. When I went and played them myself, I realized that they've left such a mark on me that, when I imagine a dark and cursed place, I'm really visualizing levels from Quake, and that maybe these games are the direct reason why I'm so fascinated by dark fantasy and cyberpunk worlds, portals and demons, all that stuff. Man, those groups who are all about OMG IMMORAL VIDEOGAMES CORRUPT OUR CHILDREN would have a field day with me. XD

Re: Old Favorite Video Games from Childhood?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:41 pm
by Mikari
Yes! Yoshi's Island! I loved it, mostly because of Yoshi <3

I played Chrono Trigger on emu, never could find it as a kid, but loved it as a teen and still do.

I didn't really play computer games until I was in my teens, one of my favorite memories is from playing Maniac Mansion, awesome game and it had voices when fully voiced dialogue was super amazing and rare.

I played the SNEs and N64 Star Fox games but my favorite was Star Fox 2 for the SNES, which was cancelled even though it was ready to be produced and can only be played on emu.

I played Doom when I was a kid, but didn't care for it because I always run out of ammo in shooters due to bad aim. My fav "big kid" game was Mortal Kombat 3. I guess the reason why I never got into horror games is because I'm so indifferent to it. Cute stuff produces a much stronger reaction, while I roll my eyes at horror and get bored.