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2015 Shrine Goals

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 9:25 pm
by Todd
Do you have any website resolutions you'd like to see yourself complete in the coming year? Talk about them here! Rather than listing every idea for a site you have, discuss 2-5 realistic goals you plan on tackling!

1) I would like to add one or two new character sections to Breathe Drew. I think the next ones I'd like to get done are Josie Gellar from Never Been Kissed and Lucy Whitmore from 50 First Dates, but Sally Jackson from Home Fries or Erin from Going the Distance are other possibilities. It just depends on what I feel like rewatching and writing about.

2) I want to turn my Wolverine fanlisting into a fan site. I'm going to start rewatching the X-Men anime I grew up watching soon, and I plan to start writing then.

3) I want to expand Silent Lucidity (to better cover the 3rd and 4th seasons) and Forget Me Not (to better cover the 1st and 2nd seasons, oddly enough).

I have a couple other ideas, and I may make a site to something I get excited about along the way, but these are my main focuses.

Re: 2015 Shrine Goals

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 9:57 pm
by Crystal
Seeing as 2014 was a year for new sites 2015 will be a year for working on existing sites. Here are a few things I plan to do aside from Yrel and Zelda which I both plan to finish before I work on anything else.

1.) I would love to actually get some written content done for Chikara and finish the shrine as right now it is just a fanlisting. The site turns 10 years old in September of 2015 so I think this would be a good year to finish it.

2.) Another site that has been online for years and never finished is Owarinai Yume. I've been replaying The World Ends With You again after nearly 3 years so if I can keep playing it I'll make it happen.

3.) After being approved for the game fanlisting at TFL I've been wanting to do a huge overhaul on the content for Transcend Time. I want to rewrite a lot of content and break it down into several subsections. I'm not entirely sure on what I all plan to do yet but I'm working in it.

4.) Something I've been wanting to do for years is turn my Tohru Honda fanlisting into a shrine and so I'm hoping to be able to do that this year. She's one of my favorite characters ever and it needs to be done.

That's about it currently. I have lots of other things I'd like to do but right now these are the things I'd love to do the most.

Re: 2015 Shrine Goals

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 12:30 am
by Robin
2015 is going to be a weird year for, since I'm going to be taking time off from hardcore site building to focus on my novel (currently sitting at 76% plot completion). By the end of 2015, ideally my book will be finished, edited, and published; I at least want to be in talks with a good publisher/editor who won't shit all over my story and make me change a bunch of it. (I have a B.A. in English, I would hope I know what I'm doing when it comes to creative writing xD)

One thing I would like to do, though, is to make Crooked Glasses fully mobile-friendly. Even though I won't be writing new posts there for a while (and possibly I'm done writing blog posts altogether--haven't decided yet), I do want the theme to be mobiley and pretty. I also want to make it super-easy to browse through, and I want some pages dedicated to article series, since I've done a BUNCH of article series over the years. (I have over 1000 posts, so I gotta do something to make it more attractive to read through >_<)

Re: 2015 Shrine Goals

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 5:08 pm
by dubiousdisc
Robin - hehe, I'm gonna publish a book in the coming year too (I wanted to do it this year but because of things greater than myself it couldn't happen, shame because IT'S COMPLETE AND READY TO GO ARGHH), so fistbump, and the best of luck. :)

Site-wise, I have two objectives:

1. Get the Agarest site I'm working on with Denise online asap. We need it to be in a visitable state, so like with 5-10 finished pages, but we're finding more and more to say about everything and so the pages we're working on are just getting bigger but nowhere near completion. We need to get them done!

2. Revamp the Anarki site because I've got so much more to say about that guy and I need a better layout. This is one of those where I gotta make the artwork myself, so everything is very open right now. I need to think about this long and hard. That site is so unsatisfactory for a character that I love so much! :(

Re: 2015 Shrine Goals

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 6:42 pm
by Mikari
I want to add more tutorials to Fantasy Bit and make a website for my original 4koma series. Other than that I want to finish some fanfics, video games and anime series. I don't have many shrining plans for next year, but I hope I can be consistent with my comic updates.

Re: 2015 Shrine Goals

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 7:27 pm
by nyxmidnight
I should not be formulating goals for the upcoming year because I will fail them :sob:

But I really, really want to finish Nyx's Lounge's redesign, put it online and call it a goddamned day already.

Re: 2015 Shrine Goals

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:00 am
by Robin
@Dubs: *author fistbump of magical publishing powahhhhh*

@Mikari: You have an original comic series? :D Awesome!!!

@Nyx: That's pretty much how I feel about my blog redesign, LOL. I've had a design mocked up for ages now, but I keep retweaking it and pushing it away because Wordpress was such a b!tch to design around the first time. >_<

Re: 2015 Shrine Goals

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:52 pm
by Mikari
@Robin: I posted the first 2 4komas yesterday at Deviant Art

Re: 2015 Shrine Goals

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:28 pm
by Robin
Woww, Mikari, the guy who didn't know that the date changes at midnight...xD

Also, yay for googling 4koma and learning something new today! ^_^

Re: 2015 Shrine Goals

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 5:46 am
by Saya
Actually finish unfinished shrines and stop getting new ideas to do shrines :)