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Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:26 pm
by neo
/waves :heart: (I hope this is the right forum, I struggled a bit on deciding.)

I'm curious if anyone here has made their sites/shrines/etc. mobile-friendly. What do you think of it? If you haven't done it yourself, do you know of any examples?

Do you think it is worth adding to your sites?

As an additional question, do you think your sites are viewed more on a computer or on smart phones/tablets now-a-days?

(ah, and very sorry, I guess this would technically be a continuation of this thread:, but it is a little old/buried.)

Re: Mobile-Friendly

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 12:14 am
by Mikari
I mostly just keep my sites looking the same, which would mean they're tiny for mobiles until you zoom in. They're just a small version on the same thing on the PC. The content isn't rearranged to fit into the screen with a bigger text size, though the banner does fit. In for example because of how the content is arranged/what is it, it would look messed up if the text size is changed so I just disable that and let people zoom in instead. I might make a mobile version for some sites in the future, though not all of them.

Re: Mobile-Friendly

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 3:14 am
by Crystal
I don't think too much about it (only because I don't use it) so mobile friendly isn't something I worry about a lot. I have heard though that some of my sites are mobile friendly so yay me?

Re: Mobile-Friendly

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 4:53 am
by Emma
I think most of my sites work on mobile (although you have to zoom in), but they're not optimised. I know some layouts that work but that have HUGE images that your mobile data would not thank you for. I don't personally do much browsing on mobile, so I tend not to think of it, and I'm pretty sure most of my sites are viewed on a computer.

I do sometimes think of implementing it - maybe I will at some point on my main domain at least, so that there isn't a huge data sucking image. But I do think it's the kind of thing you could drive yourself crazy trying to optimise for everything. There's so many different types of phones and tablets with different screen sizes and different browsers, etc etc.

Re: Mobile-Friendly

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 1:49 pm
by Mikari
I don't worry much about data, though I do think about loading speed. Most people use wifi on the mobile most of the time anyway. I also tend to focus more on Firefox and Chrome. I have Safari, but don't really use it much, as I don't like it's css limitations.

Re: Mobile-Friendly

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 4:34 pm
by Robin
What do you think of making your sites mobile-friendly? If you haven't done it yourself, do you know of any examples?
I like the idea, especially since I use internet on my phone now and I really really REALLY hate having to zoom in on non-optimized sites. But then again, most of my sites aren't necessarily sites that would be browsed on the go (like a news site).

I have made my layout archive technically mobile-friendly, just because Bootstrap's grid layout saved me several hours of ARGH. Also, I'd love to make my blog mobile-friendly at some point.

Do you think it is worth adding to your sites?
I will likely attempt making some of my sites mobile friendly, but I'll need to get super-comfortable with Bootstrap first--I don't like my layouts to look so "cookie cutter", if that makes sense. :)

Do you think your sites are viewed more on a computer or on smart phones/tablets now-a-days?
I think my sites are still largely viewed on desktops and laptops (except for my blog, which has gotten more phone/tablet hits), so I can probably get away with not mobile-proofing everything for a while yet. ^_^

Re: Mobile-Friendly

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 5:21 pm
by dubiousdisc
I make all of my designs responsive and all that jazz. I think it's worth it.

But now that you're asking the question, I actually went to check how many people do actually access my fansites through mobile devices and, for this month, I see that I have a 27% of visits from phones/tablets. I then went to check globally on all of my sites and projects that are not necessarily fansites and I kept seeing about the same percentage, so this seems to be somewhat of a trend: at this point, about one third of all visits to anything I have are from mobile devices! That's almost one third of users! I hadn't realized they were so many! This is more important than I thought!

So I guess I'll go double-check that everything I have works perfectly on mobiles, yikes.

Anyway, if you want to try your hand at responsive designs, I recommend you read up on CSS media queries.

Re: Mobile-Friendly

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 2:03 am
by Camy
What do you think of mobile friendly?
I think it's a great idea especially since many people have mobile devices and they're easier to take with you. There was a study that people can pay for phones rather than laptops and/or desktops.

Also, let's face it, mobile is huge.

If you haven't done it yourself, do you know of any examples?
I have done it. Bootstrap already has it for you.

Do you think it is worth adding to your sites?
Yes. Pretty soon I'll be updating my sites to have it so that people who use mobile devices won't have trouble.

Do you think your sites are viewed more on a computer or on smart phones/tablets now-a-days?
It's balanced between the two.

Re: Mobile-Friendly

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 9:42 am
by Lysianthus
[...] What do you think of it? If you haven't done it yourself, do you know of any examples?
I think responsive is good. I want my websites not only to be "mobile-friendly", but also look good in different screen resolutions (for laptops and desktops).

There are many responsive frameworks out there. The most popular ones are Bootstrap and Foundation. My issue with frameworks is code bloating. And there are so many styles to override. :ack: This takes so much effort compared to when I make my own layouts responsive. So I just do the latter.

You can also make your layouts fluid. Then, they will seem "responsive" even when they aren't. :ok:

Do you think it is worth adding to your sites?
Yes. I try to make all my websites responsive. :ok: I don't have shrines yet, but I'm planning to create one soon. It would be interesting to see how I plan to incorporate responsiveness to shrine layouts.

Do you think your sites are viewed more on a computer or on smart phones/tablets now-a-days?
Some of my websites are viewed more on laptops/desktops instead of mobile browsers, but there are some which are viewed more on mobile browsers and tablets. So many people are using handheld devices to browse websites now, and I never know who's going to visit my websites. And like what @Camy said, there is a greater number of people who have phones instead laptops/desktops. I want to keep my visitors, so I'm playing it safe. :ok: