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Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:24 pm
by Lethe
IT'S BEEN ALMOST THREE YEARS?! Not sure what's more unbelievable - that it's been so long or that I'm actually posting here again. O_O

I've been browsing the forum for the last few days to catch up with all the chatter (really appreciate the Monthly Rewind topics! what a lovely idea), though I'm saving the events, shrine spotlight and plugs for when I'm actually on summer vacation. :swt: Really looking forward to visiting new and revisiting old shrines...!! (Even though they keep disappearing. ;_;) Thinking of setting up a personal favourite shrine list somewhere on my domain too, instead of throwing everything into the bookmark folders. (Or link them on a Dreamwidth account to ramble about them so that I won't be necroposting here? Come back, old school guestbooks. ;_;)

The last five weeks were all about studying for this year's law finals for me and it doesn't feel as though I have been able to immerse myself in anything, for fear that it'd distract me from studying... And the next two weeks will be like that too, with the first - and biggest! - exam taking place tomorrow. On the one hand, studying makes you feel productive, but it's not as fulfilling as actually creating something - a feeling that I sorely miss, along with those feelings of waking up every day and having something to look forward to, or having something that motivates you to get your other duties done as swiftly as possible, so that you'll have time for the thing you enjoy doing. It's also a very strange feeling to look back on what you have already created, whether those projects were completed, abandoned or are still trying to come into existence, and all the more so the farther they date back. It's a mix of "I did this?", "I spent so much time on this?", "I was capable of doing something like that?" and "Why did I stop?", followed by "How many more experiences do I want to miss out on?".

Elysa asked me whether I'd feel like shrining something once my finals are over, so I had a look at Amassment's current events (for that extra push) and I'm considering the Old School Challenge! :heart: (Out of curiosity, is there any difference between some events being referred to as challenges, while others are called marathons?) I think I'll join and see how far I get, even if I might not make it within July (there's another exam mid-July :sob:). :music: I also want to update my Liar Game shrine and my domain ASAP!

tl;dr: Will be lurking again. Really happy to see Amassment still going strong and everyone being so supportive as a community! :music: :star: :heart: CAN'T WAIT TO BE FREE.

Re: Resurfacing

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 4:06 pm
by Todd
Lethe wrote:Out of curiosity, is there any difference between some events being referred to as challenges, while others are called marathons?
Hey, Lethe! Welcome back! I'm so happy to see you around again! Don't feel rushed to get back into shrining or feel like you have to be active in it to be here; a lot of us work sporadically on sites, whenever we feel like it. I personally haven't touched my shrines in a few months. :X lol

Anyway! A Shrine Challenge occurs twice a year here. Challenges are more relaxed and last longer than marathons (a full six months as opposed to one to three). Basically, challenges are just how they sound. We are challenging members to create shrines for a given criteria. There is no sign-up deadline, so you can jump in any time. You also don't have to wait for a reveal post. You can plug your shrine when you are done. Because the Challenges are so long and the themes are wide, many members make multiple sites.

Marathons are tighter. They're shorter events, and they have a fixed deadline for sign-ups, which if you miss you can't participate. You also don't plug your shrine when you're done with a site in a marathon. The Events Staffer running it will make a reveal post at the end promoting all the finished sites at once.

We used to just do marathons, but with our member base getting older and busier, we wanted to come up with something that was more relaxed, and gave members more time to work so they can work on sites at their own paces while keeping up with school, jobs, family, and whatnot. They've been really well-received, so Shrine Challenges won't be going anywhere anytime soon. We still run marathons every now and then (the annual One Page Marathon, and things like Clique Happy), so you'll see them pop up again, but the main focus of our Events Team is now Challenges.

Re: Resurfacing

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 4:08 pm
by Megan
Hello Lethe!

It's nice to meet you! My name is Megan. I am excited to see you posting around the boards again. I know how you feel about school... It's hard to be creative when you are studying or going to class... I work on top of that which normally makes me exhausted/take naps in my spare time. But, thankfully we have summer breaks!

I'm looking forward to seeing your sites! You should definitely join in on the Old School Marathon. It's going to be over in August, but there is still a few months left to join in!

Re: Resurfacing

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 4:16 pm
by Crystal
Welcome back Lethe! :D I do hope you consider joining Old School.

Re: Resurfacing

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 4:33 pm
by Lethe
Thank youuu. <3 <3

@Todd: Thanks for the lenghty explanation! :D My :?: :?: was mainly because of the word "challenge", since creating a shrine within the short time limit of marathons is quite the challenge too haha! Seeing your reasoning, I'm glad that you run both marathons and challenges! :heart: (I was mainly worried whether you had done away with the "reveal all finished shrines at once" part since that one's fun and exciting in its own way too. :D)

@Megan: Hi! <3 Aaah I know what you mean by naps. ;_;

I'VE BEEN WANTING TO TELL YOU THIS SINCE I SAW THE OLD SCHOOL CHALLENGE (but I didn't know how lol) I'm really really looking forward to your Kagura shrine! As soon as I read "InuYasha" in the "Build this Shrine" topic, I thought: "It's time for a Kagura shrine... Maybe I should make one?" And then I saw your post! :heart: She's by far my favourite character from that series, and there used to be so many different Kagura shrines...!

Haven't had any spare time to browse your shrines yet, but I will read your Kingdom Hearts and Hotarubi no Mori e shrines soon. :D I'm a fan of Midorikawa Yuki, and it makes me happy to see shrines to smaller animanga topics, such as OVAs or oneshots.

Oh, if you enjoy reading manga oneshots, may I recommend Kon no Ki Konoha by Yumeka Sumomo to you? It is very similar to Hotarubi no Mori e (similarly heartbreaking lol), so you might find it appealing? :>

@Crystal: Hehe I'll go sign up now. <3

Re: Resurfacing

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 5:46 pm
by Larissa
It's also a very strange feeling to look back on what you have already created, whether those projects were completed, abandoned or are still trying to come into existence, and all the more so the farther they date back. It's a mix of "I did this?", "I spent so much time on this?", "I was capable of doing something like that?" and "Why did I stop?", followed by "How many more experiences do I want to miss out on?".
I relate to this so much, haha. I go back and read through my sites every now and then - both new and old - and have the same sorts of feelings. Same with other creative projects. There's never enough time in the day, ahhh.

Anyway, welcome back! :heart: :star: I've already seen you around the boards some but I'm really glad to see you back around here. Your Liar Game site is really one of my favorite one-page sites around.

Best of luck with your law finals, yikes! Hope you do well on them, and I hope you have time to do some site things soon :heart:

Re: Resurfacing

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 7:54 pm
by Mikari
Welcome back! I hope you have some free time to make sites again soon. :D

Re: Resurfacing

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 5:02 am
by dubiousdisc
It's great to see you back! Don't feel bad about disappearing - as Todd and other people have already said, we're all really busy people with busy lives. Case in point: I've been having this tab with a test for a new domain layout open for...THE LAST TWO MONTHS. Hee hee.

GOOD LUCK ON YOUR FINALS! And good luck on your future shrining endeavors. Or any endeavors, for that matter. :D It's nice to have you around again!

Re: Resurfacing

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 9:19 am
by Lethe
Everyone's so lovely. <3 <3 Perhaps I had the feeling everyone was super active because I had so many new forum topics and shrines to come back to after that long timespan haha!

My first exam went well!!!!!!!

@Larissa: Gooosh that means a lot to me, thanks so much (for your comment in the spotlight topic too)! <3 <3 Glad to see a fellow Liar Game fan! I'll most likely add to it once finals are over. :>

By the way, I've listened to the entire Balance and Ruin soundtrack and have all the songs I like from it on my iPod now - isn't it tremendous what actions a shrine can provoke? :music2:

@Mikari: Thank youu! <3

@dubiousdisc: LOL That tab remark. ... I've had several GameFaqs tabs for games I put on hold open for half a year... Hopefully that won't happen to shrines. 8Da

Re: Resurfacing

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 8:56 am
by Robin
Welcome back!!! Holding good thoughts and vibes for your upcoming exams! I understand that feeling of looking at stuff you made like you made it in another life, LOL :P. But don't worry, you'll get back in the swing of it when you have the time ^_^