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Radiant Dawn (Yrel)

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 4:35 pm
by Crystal
Radiant Dawn - Yrel of World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor

So I would like to expand upon my Yrel shrine, but I'm at a loss on what I should do for it. I'm currently in the middle of working on an image gallery for her (which I must say has been a serious pain the butt), but I'd like more articles people can read on the shrine besides the usual generic ones. If there's anything you guys would like to see me talk about -- or perhaps even expand upon something already on the site -- please suggest it!

Re: Radiant Dawn (Yrel)

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 5:05 pm
by Camy
I don't see one for her abilities, perhaps add those in? :D

Even basic attacks to aoes since I love to read about different skills, no matter the class someone is since I love to think up of powers and skills myself. Even better if she has any that is only unique to her.

Re: Radiant Dawn (Yrel)

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 5:07 pm
by Crystal
It's worth a shot. It's kinda hard to tell what all of her abilities are in-game but I'm sure I can find something on it. :D

Re: Radiant Dawn (Yrel)

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 5:12 pm
by Lethe
I stumbled upon this shrine a while ago and was immediately drawn to it because a) female video game character b) gorgeous layout colours and I've been a fan of your layouts for the longest time (well before 2010 judging from your layout archive lmaoo), but only had the chance to read it now! I think it's at a good spot already and that a gallery is a great addition, assuming she's a minor character compared to the rest of WoW (I have no knowledge of WoW, but your shrine and Yrel totally make me wish I did), since those can be difficult to find good images of. Keep going. :D

Here are some things I'd be very interested in as a reader if you think there's anything you could add on top of what you've already covered across the shrine; some of this is about Yrel specifically, some of it is general background so that the reader can put her character into context even better:
  • race: what is her race like, how do they present themselves, what is their culture, what roles do they play in WoW; how does Yrel relate to her race, are there things about her that are typical of her race, what is her position within the race beyond the rise in her position? can include discussion of her titles "Light of Hope" and "Vindicator"; does she call herself that, do the people regard her as such? (Your appearance page is very interesting in this regard, including what you can't customize as a player choosing the same race.)
  • alliances: pretty much what I said under race, but with regard to her role as part of "The Alliance" and the "Council of Exarchs" (just ignore this if it's redundant; as said, no WoW knowledge)
  • homeland: if you can weave something character-specific into a homeland section, you could consider it? or cover it under race if most of her people live in the areas you mentioned
  • video game mechanics: what interests me the most by far when it comes to writing in video games is their unique ability to back up the writing with mechanics; I think it's very interesting that in her profile, you mentioned that her class is Paladin, but that she was formerly a Priest. If it's something you're interested in and can write about, I'd love a section explaining the Paladin and Priest classes, whether it's in WoW alone or in (MMO)RPGs/video games in general or even both. They're different roles, but they also sometimes merge, or sometimes a Priest base class can turn into Paladin somewhere down the line; Priest is a vulnerable support role that involves healing and buffing from the backseat, whereas Paladins are often tanks and leaders in heavy armour, though they sometimes have throwbacks to priests in their ability to heal and grant aura buffs. Following that: Does one see Yrel as a Priest in action in WoW? Do her combat style and abilities change over time to mirror her class change and development (since I think that class change symbolically stands for her her development as a person, going from acolyte to leader)?
  • further video game stuff: list of abilities for completion's sake if you'd like, and list of quests, if only in name and location? :>

Re: Radiant Dawn (Yrel)

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 7:52 pm
by Crystal
First off, thank you Lethe! It means a lot to me that you like my Yrel shrine and my layouts.

Yrel is pretty big in this expansion for the Alliance faction (Horde does not interact with her outside of one quest, and even then it's just barely). It helps that the game allows you to take screenshots so I have tons to fill up a gallery with. It's awesome.

To answer some of your points, all of them are amazing. I'm sure I can come up with something for a lot of them and others are also something I was even considering. The fact that others suggest it makes me think it would be a good idea to add them. Anyway...
  • I think talking about her race would be an awesome idea. Those who are not familiar with WoW (like yourself) may not know what Draenei are and talking about them would give readers a better idea on what they are, plus there is a lot of lore to go with them. Also, some of the other points you mentioned I feel are also worth discussing, such as her titles (although some I'm not really sure; I got a few of them from Wiki's).
  • I think a lot of this could be included under race. It explains a lot as to why the draenei joined the Alliance and I think why they primarily interact with the Alliance in Draenor.
  • I think this could also fall under race too. Definitely worth talking about.
  • I'm not quite sure how to talk about mechanics but I can probably add what Camy suggested to it with abilities. Also writing about her class(es) is an awesome idea! Paladins and Priests in WoW are a bit different from your standard Paladin and Priest so I think it would be a great addition!
  • Abilities I'll likely add to class like I mentioned above. Adding quests though sounds like a great idea! It was actually something I almost added, but the way the quests work in Gorgrond with Yrel kinda made me not want to do it. I think it could still work though!
Whew! A lot of text, but seriously, I love all of your ideas Lethe! Thank you so much for your thoughts!

Re: Radiant Dawn (Yrel)

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:13 pm
by Robin
Though I know almost zilch about World of Warcraft, I was curious as to where Yrel's name comes from. Maybe an article highlighting possible real-life inspirations for her name/name spelling would be cool? (And/or an article on how she was named in-game by other characters, if desired)

Re: Radiant Dawn (Yrel)

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:50 pm
by Crystal
My only concern with the name idea is that it may not even come from anything. I tried doing a quick search of it on Google and I found next to nothing on it. It could just be a random draenei name that Blizzard gave her.

Re: Radiant Dawn (Yrel)

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 6:46 pm
by Robin
Hm, okay ^_^ Yeah, it could have been just a case of "hey let's take 4 letters and mix them up until it looks like a cool name," lol. I admit I've done that with a few of my novel characters!

(I did happen to find the Hebrew name Yael listed on a few baby name websites, so that miiiiiiiiiight be something you could use.)

Re: Radiant Dawn (Yrel)

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:52 am
by Crystal
Really, it could be anything. Yael, I'm kinda looking at a bit because the song I sorta connect with her is also named after a Hebrew word for "angel". Honestly though, I don't think I can come up with anything really for a name section. Thanks for the suggestion though!

Re: Radiant Dawn (Yrel)

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:12 pm
by Robin
No problem! Came up with a couple other article ideas:

- You mention that Yrel is a "Strong Female Character." Perhaps an article unpacking that term and what it means for this particular character would be cool?
- Is there any symbolism in her armor?
- What kind of character archetype is she?
- What are her biggest fears and drives?

(On a related note, I read through your Joan of Arc article and it's kind of along the same lines as some of the stuff I've suggested here. ^_^ In terms of formatting and polishing that particular article, some subheadings to help break up the paragraphs a bit would help with readability, and maybe including a "further reading" section of historical links would be cool, too.)