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2015/16 Shrine Goals

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 4:09 pm
by Lethe
I've always enjoyed reading shrining resolutions and love hearing about upcoming projects on this forum and around the community, so I thought it'd be nice to have this topic return. :star: Rather than a complete list of projects (because I know we've all got our list of projects, whether on or domains, listography, or in our heads), this is meant to focus on certain points, in hope that it'll help sort out priorities and perhaps even nudge you to consider some new things. (For example, I know quite a few people in this community are planning shrine revamps, so seeing many revamps planned can be encouraging!)

The list is set up so that you can set accents for your own projects while avoiding repeat answers, though feel free to omit points on the list or to include repeat answers - it's really all up to you! :heart: Not all of these are strictly about shrines, but also include steps and tools in the shrining process.

Something Cherished
Name a project you've finished or revamped this year that holds special meaning to you.

Something Accomplished
Name one thing you're proud of this year shrining-wise; it needn't be a shrine itself, but can be a part of a shrine, finally starting a project, learning something new, etc.

Something Different
Name something shrining-related that you'd like to tackle next year, whether it concerns a shrine's subject, structure, choice of topics, visuals, the information-gathering and note-taking process, tools/scripts/frameworks used, or something else.

Something Continued
Name an incomplete or unreleased shrine you've started working on at some point that you want to continue working on next year.

Something Reworked
Name a shrine you plan to revamp next year, whether in content or layout.

Something Remembered
Name a shrine you've wanted to make for a long time and hope to finally get to next year.

Something Important
Name a new shrine you definitely want to create next year.


Code: Select all

[color=#17AADB][b]Something Cherished[/b][/color]

[color=#17AADB][b]Something Accomplished[/b][/color]

[color=#17AADB][b]Something Different[/b][/color]

[color=#17AADB][b]Something Continued[/b][/color]

[color=#17AADB][b]Something Reworked[/b][/color]

[color=#17AADB][b]Something Remembered[/b][/color]

[color=#17AADB][b]Something Important[/b][/color]

Re: 2015/16 Shrine Goals

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:49 pm
by Tara
Something Cherished
Getting Angels online and completed was such a huge feat for me!! I've never made a couple shrine, and having one finished (to a point) of my OTP from my favourite video game is so!! Amazing!! I worked really hard on this shrine, and I even got to use fanart from my favourite fanartist for the layout... It means so much to me. I'm hoping to expand on it at some point next year. :heart:

Something Accomplished
I think getting my own shrining style outlined and figured out was my main accomplishment this year!! I have a certain way I work on shrines now that has become habitual. I also have a certain way I organize all of my shrines, even relationship tributes, and it's stuck and has worked quite well. :music:

Something Different
I'd really like to expand my font library with layouts, and perhaps also work on typography! I also may like to... create more shrines for male characters... :swt:

Something Continued
I really want to get my Mitsuru shrine online!!! I've been working on it for such a long time, and it would nearly complete Angels 100%! My Homura shrine also really needs to get done. I've been meaning to work on her for months. ;v;

Something Reworked
ROARING DRAGON REALLY NEEDS WORK. It's going to be my first revamp of next year for sure.

Something Remembered
RANKA. RANKA LEE NEEDS TO BE MADE NEXT YEAR!! I have the layout complete, along with the writing outline. I just need to start writing content.

Something Important
Both an Aigis and Froslass shrine need to get done for sure. :star:

Re: 2015/16 Shrine Goals

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 2:17 am
by Crystal
Something Cherished
I think Lullaby was the biggest thing for me. Zelda has been my domain's namesake ever since I opened it back in 2006 and I had never considered making a shrine to her until just last year. I am really happy with how it all turned out and would like to go back and add more to her as well.

Something Accomplished
I am really super happy to have finally completed Transformation. This shrine had been incomplete ever since the day it opened in 2009 and to have it finished now feels good. I'm also really happy to have made an Anna shrine because she needs some love too.

Something Different
I'm not really sure. I've been using a different format with Chrom but I don't really have anything definite for all my shrines figured out.

Something Continued
Chrom comes to mind for this. I started working on him last year but stopped for a while until I found myself motivated again. I wanted to finish him before the end of the year but I've been either really distracted by a game or busy with real life stuff so it isn't happening. I am going to make sure I finish him soon. Also, I still need to finish Precious Memories.

Something Reworked
I want to give Transcend Time a serious overhaul. The site is in really bad shape right now and I haven't gotten around to doing much of anything with it since getting the fanlisting. I'd also like to expand Dreaming of Love into a full shrine.

Something Remembered
Tohru, Tohru, Tohru, Tohru. I've been wanting to make her shrine for YEARS and it is something a lot of people have been looking forward to seeing. 2016 IS THE YEAR!

Something Important
Chrom and Tohru. Enough said.

Re: 2015/16 Shrine Goals

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 2:35 am
by Robin
Something Cherished
I am over the moon about Lux Perpetua--this shrine has been so long in the making (and I've had to make it twice because of a hard drive crash), so to know that it's finally online, even if slightly incomplete, is just amazing.

Something Accomplished
I released or revamped TEN different websites this year (six shrines and four info sites). This after years of doing ONE site every two years, maybe? LOL! #randomproductivity

Something Different
I hope to expand on my book and music shrines, since reading and listening to music are so important to me and yet are under-represented on my domain so far. A lot of site topics on my project list for 2016 covers book heroines :D

Something Continued
I'm making a site full of itty-bitty shrines about my favorite songs (hopefully this will be more successful than my itty-bitty game shrines and TV shrines V_V). I've got a basic design so far, and I'm looking forward to writing content for it.

Something Reworked
Ugh, there are several things that need reworking on my domain. The one that stands out in sorest need of revamp, however, is my City of Heroes character info repository. I've currently got an unpublished design for it but I'm not sure if I like it well enough to continue with it. I might Bootstrap it, and I might not...depends on if I want to lose that much sleep and hair over a project. xD

Something Remembered
I REALLY want to make a Princess Peach Toadstool shrine in 2016, since she's my favorite video game character of all time and she still hasn't been represented on my domain. (I want to make sure it's "done right," of course, because perfectionism, but I'm not gonna let the fear of "not doing it right" hold me back anymore. ^O^)

Something Important
I'm going to make a shrine about the Eighth Doctor (played by Paul McGann); he doesn't get a lot of love from either the Classic Who subfandom or the New Who subfandom, because he's kind of the bridge between Classic and New. I want to focus not only on his two televised appearances, but also his audio adventures that have now been canonized thanks to the mini-episode "The Night of the Doctor." (These audiodramas are awesome and really help flesh out Eight's character--not to mention that McGann's voice is like the finest silk and chocolate ^O^)

(Fun fact: I'm planning to release this shrine in May of 2016, 20 years to the month that the Doctor Who TV Movie came out.)

Re: 2015/16 Shrine Goals

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 11:33 am
by Todd
Something Cherished & Something Accomplished
A Murder of Crows and Forget Me Not - This year was a big and busy one for me in real life. Moved across the country, got promoted at work, etc. I have only done substantial work on two shrines: I made a new site to Henry from Fire Emblem: Awakening, and I revamped my Kara (Starbuck) Thrace from Battlestar Galactica shrine. I'm going to cheat and use both of these shrines for the first two questions together, because I'm proud of them both, and proud of myself for getting anything site-related done with my life being so busy. There is still so much I want to do to the Kara site, but it's off to a great (re)start.

Something Different
I want to tackle a series instead of just a character. I have an idea, but I want to keep quiet about it until I make some progress on it and can guarantee it will get done.

Something Continued
I've started work on a shrine to Drifloon that I'd like to finish up in (early!) 2016.

Something Reworked
I feel really good about all of my shrines except for Silent Lucidity. I'd like to rewatch BSG and tackle that monster in 2016. The pages up are good; they're just kind of all over the place. The site needs structure, and completion.

Something Remembered
I have been threatening to make a Wolverine shrine for years. I have the layout and a fanlisting. Just need to start on content.

Something Important
Hei from Darker Than Black. After 5 years, it's about time for another animanga project from me.

Re: 2015/16 Shrine Goals

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 12:07 pm
by Anise
Something Cherished
I would say Double Threat. I've been into K for a while and my desire to make a shrine to him is part of what made me get to work on shrinign again.

Something Accomplished
Getting my sites back up? That was a huge accomplishment for me. I'm so glad I did.

Something Different
I'm looking forward to making a pair of shrines to the Hawkeyes. Making a pair of shrines to the characters from the same series is new for me.

Something Continued
Again, I would say Double Threat since I made the shrine just before the second season premiered it needs some additions. Saru grew a lot this year. Also, I want to watch Pokemon Origins and work on Master That!

Something Reworked
Rain Shine is the only shrine I didn't make a new layout for when I came back and well I need to do that. I also need to finish sections for the last arc.

Something Remembered
I toyed around with the idea of making a Fruits Basket related shrine years ago so Samantha's Onigiri Box project was the motivation I needed. I enjoyed revisiting the series.

Something Important
Hawkeyes and Kureno.

Re: 2015/16 Shrine Goals

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 3:17 pm
by Samantha
Something Cherished
Zero was probably my favorite site I made this year! I put a lot of effort into the set-up and found myself learning a lot about both Sayaka and the way I want to make shrines moving forward while working on it. I'm so happy to know that others also were able to enjoy it. :heart:

Something Accomplished
I'm proud of myself for creating more than one site this year! I'm still struggling with regard to my perfectionism and have a bunch of half-finished/partially started sites uploaded... But I do acknowledge that I'm slowly getting better at just having fun and getting stuff up.

Something Different
I'd really like to get better at making original relationship shrines through re-organizing Resonance and working on my shrine to Yuri & Flynn for Dynamic Duos! I'd also like to make my first ever general series site for Shin Sekai Yori.

Something Continued
I have a lot of work done on my shrines for Zinnia from Pokemon and Loki from the Thor/Avengers movies, so I'd like to get those finished in 2016!!

Something Reworked
I've decided that 2016 is going to be my "revamp" year... But my priorities are definitely The Raven and Hymnaria!

Something Remembered
I've been thinking about making a shrine for Auron from FFX for a number of years now and have some renewed passion to do so... 2016 may be the year.

Something Important
Marathon/challenge shrines (Sohma Akito from Fruits Basket, Yin from Darker than BLACK and Yuri & Flynn from Tales of Vesperia) and Raven from Tales of Vesperia. Definitely Raven. I must finish Ravennnnnn!!

Re: 2015/16 Shrine Goals

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 3:36 pm
by nyxmidnight
Something Cherished
This year was the year of the fansite for me, with the launch of the new Nyx's Lounge and the new Grab Bag. I'm super happy and proud to have revamped both sites, especially Nyx's Lounge, as it was quite a colossal redesign thanks in part to the 70 fics on the website.

Something Accomplished
Having finally learned about relative and absolute paths, I have slimmed down Nyx's Lounge back end considerably, allowing the site to be a mere third in weight of what it used to be!

Something Different
If I can learn Gulp and make it work on my computer, I would love to step away from Bootstrap and learn Semantic UI to make awesome layouts a little less generic in form.

Something Continued
I, of course, intend to finish the Eva shrine that I have started building for the Dynamic Duo challenge!

Something Reworked
And to go with the Eva shrine, I will revamp the Sparda shrine so both have matching layouts, because I am romantic that way.

Something Remembered
My Vergil shrine has always been tiny and an outdated disaster. For 2016, I hope to build a bigger, better shrine to Vergil, with in-depth essays and info, so that I can close down the fanlisting but still keep up one of my oldest sites, since the fanlisting went up in 2002, shortly after Devil Child.

Something Important
I frankly hesitate between a shrine to Dante and Vergil's relationship and a shrine to the series Sky Doll.

The shrine to Dante and Vergil would allow me to close down my last fanlisting while keeping a site from 2004 up. It would also allow me to write down my thoughts about the twins, because even if you don't ship them, it's impossible to deny that their relationship is immensely important for both of them.

Meanwhile, a shrine to Sky Doll, which I have already gotten a modest attempt online, would fill what I feel is a void in the fandom. There is/was already a great site for news and side art online in French; however, there is no site which attempts to analyse the series and focus on information outside the gorgeous artwork. I want to be the person that builds this analytic shrine. With the series almost over (though there were 10 years or so between volumes 3 and 4) and entering the final conflict, I believe now is a great time to get the shrine started.

Re: 2015/16 Shrine Goals

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 10:58 pm
by Camy
Something Cherished
This is definitely for Control Their Lives, my fansite for the Sims 1. I had so much nostaglia while creating it and I wanted to play it again no matter how outdated it is by now since it's a huge stepping stone for video games, especially with humans.

There was this documentary about Pixar (and I highly rec it) and I had no idea that Steve Jobs did a partnership with them. These guys were fired or brought over from Disney and did the unthinkable, and what was thought impossible, by animating on the computer and also animating humans.

With this game, it shows that even the simplest thing can be an enjoyment for hours on end.

Something Accomplished
Honestly, I'm really glad I got to participate in more events! :D

Something Different
I want to shrine something with a weapon. I'll probably do it for Vergil's as part of his shrine? -shot-

Something Continued
Ahaha omg, this is really for my Ulquihime shrine. It's been on the backburner for so long and it's in limbo still thanks to new fandoms. Oopsie...

Something Reworked
LOL so many. Mostly my domain, SO OLD BY NOW, along with my Sesshoumaru and Ulquiorra shrine.... -lazyyyyyyy-

Something Remembered
Ironically I can't remember who I want to shrine the most. Once I remember I will edit this xD

Something Important
It'll definitely be Vergil once I get my butt into gear after New Years lol!

Re: 2015/16 Shrine Goals

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 3:37 pm
by Lethe
All the projects. *-*

Something Cherished
Definitely Strength of Heart and Dornenkaefig because they're subjects I've loved for over ten years; Magic Knight Rayearth was part of my very first internet steps, whereas I remember stumbling upon the series Ludwig Revolution all those years ago and wanting to have a mini shrine to Idike one day. There's something so amazing in loving something for so long and wanting to create a tribute to it for just as long, then finally granting yourself that wish of yours. Especially when you look back and know that what you've produced now is something you could never have created with this particular vision back then. I am so looking forward to granting myself some more of these long-standing shrine wishes next year.

My motivation and inspiration for the Cephiro shrine was also a source of strength for me during finals, and I'm also so so happy it's the shrine that got me back into this community.

Something Accomplished
Coming back to Amassment and really making shrines my hobby, which also made me realize this is exactly where I want to be and how I want to spend my time. I only had a one page shrine before that, and don't remember the feelings associated with it. I've also made so many different layouts this year, and I think I've developed a better feel for coding them while picking up some minor new things. While I still don't love making layouts, the process has become more enjoyable to me - especially because I know I can poke people around Amassment when I have questions. :>

Also, Valkyrie. It's a very big shrine, but what it really showed me is that yes, I am capable of starting something big and finishing it - even if it takes two months, even if I have to juggle university and other things, even if there are periods of writer's block inbetween. As someone who often started things in the past without seeing them through and someone who often hesitates to even just start things that look like they'd require enormous effort and time, that means a lot to me. Dreaming big and following through is an experience from which you emerge with new confidence in yourself, and it makes me feel like I can tackle projects just as big in the future (... shrining-wise /cough).

Something Different
I think I'd like to try my hand at a combo shrine or a relationship shrine, especially with the Dynamic Duos challenge going on!

Something Continued
I've started taking notes for the shrine I'll be doing for the Fruits Basket marathon, so that will definitely be continued. With a shrine as big as Valkyrie finished, I think it's time to seriously map out what I plan to do with the NANA series, since Reira is a shrine I've started several years ago and wanted to create forever...

Something Reworked
Prisoner's Dilemma is an eyesore and needs a new layout; that background looks like something from ten years ago, I don't even know what I was thinking wtf. I'm intimidated at the thought of a new layout though since I'd be using lovely B/W scans and I'm not good at decorating and blending lmao.

Something Remembered
What I said about the NANA stuff. Figure out who I seriously want to make shrines for in the future, one page shrines or otherwise, and set the foundation accordingly; make a series shrine first if I must. Because that Reira shrine is sooo overdue.

Something Important
The Fruits Basket marathon shrine, and then it's time to figure out what I want to do for the Dynamic Duo challenge. Also, at least something Claymore, since I have several upcoming projects for that series. Aaaaaaand I should replay Aquaria and make a shrine to that.