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[Plug] Wonder Girls

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 11:47 am
by Megan A
Hi, everyone! I'd like to plug my first complete "A Little More" fanlisting! I really had fun writing it so I hope that it's an enjoyable read!

Title: Fallen For You
Subject: Wonder Girls (Musicians: Bands/Groups)

When I'd first applied, I knew I wasn't going to turn this into a shrine so I wanted to try to work for adding "A Little More" to this. The About section writes about the history and future of the group as well as individual member and past member profiles. Site section has some more personal information: why I like the group and some of my favorite performances. I also added two additional fields for the members list so others can contribute their own personal bias and songs to the site!

Thanks for checking it out! Hope you like it! :D

Re: [Plug] Wonder Girls

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 1:33 pm
by Robin
Excellent work! The group history, current/past members list, performance videos, and personal connection make it feel like a mini-shrine with a fanlisting attached! :)

Re: [Plug] Wonder Girls

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 10:12 am
by Lethe
Yay! I'm glad you made an about section for this - even people who aren't fans and end up on your fanlisting can learn something new from it, and check out the videos/songs that you've pointed out. :D I also like that you didn't list only current members of the group, but past ones as well. <3

Re: [Plug] Wonder Girls

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 12:21 pm
by Laura
AMAGAD. This is friggin awesome!! I LOVE the layout and I love that your info section is so detailed! I'm also stoked that you have info on why YOU love them. This is what I like to see on fanlistings. :) <3<3<3

Re: [Plug] Wonder Girls

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:05 pm
by Megan
Already told you on Skype that this is awesome! Really love your "something more" that you did for this fanlisting! It is inspiring for me to also work on getting up a bit more on things that I know I won't fully shrine, but just to make it have a bit more spunk!!

Re: [Plug] Wonder Girls

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 11:48 pm
by Megan A
Robin wrote:Excellent work! The group history, current/past members list, performance videos, and personal connection make it feel like a mini-shrine with a fanlisting attached! :)
Yay, thank you so much! I am glad that it comes off as a mini-shrine. :D That's what I was striving for.
Lethe wrote:Yay! I'm glad you made an about section for this - even people who aren't fans and end up on your fanlisting can learn something new from it, and check out the videos/songs that you've pointed out. :D I also like that you didn't list only current members of the group, but past ones as well. <3
Thanks, Lethe! The past members that I listed (I ignored one because she wasn't in the group for long) are pretty iconic and important to the industry as well as the group so I couldn't imagine the site without some information about them. I am really glad that you liked it! :D
wolfrun wrote:AMAGAD. This is friggin awesome!! I LOVE the layout and I love that your info section is so detailed! I'm also stoked that you have info on why YOU love them. This is what I like to see on fanlistings. :) <3<3<3
Thank youuuuu! My favorite sections to read on fanlistings are why the owner loves the subject because I just love when people's words show their enthusiasm for a subject. That's a section I want to eventually add to all of my subjects. :D
Megan wrote:Already told you on Skype that this is awesome! Really love your "something more" that you did for this fanlisting! It is inspiring for me to also work on getting up a bit more on things that I know I won't fully shrine, but just to make it have a bit more spunk!!
Thank you so much, Megan! :D You were a really big support when I was working on this so I am glad it inspires you, and I can't wait to see which ones you expand!

Re: [Plug] Wonder Girls

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 4:16 am
by Crystal
I'm not familiar with this group but I had to drop in and say I love how you've done everything. There is so much information on this site. I love it! <3

Re: [Plug] Wonder Girls

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 3:04 pm
by Mikari
It's great that you added new information. You're making me curious about their music so now I'll have to listen to some songs. :D

Re: [Plug] Wonder Girls

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 3:14 pm
by Andrea
Aaahhh, the Wonder Girls! Oh, the good ol' days of blasting "Tell Me" during karaoke for funsies. XD I'm not too familiar with their history or their songs, but OMG, their Wonder World album was such a jam; I can bop to those songs all day. "I Feel You" definitely drew me in (conceptually and musically), along with Yenny's solo, so I've been anticipating their future projects!

In any case, I love the colorful layout! The site's also incredibly informative, and I liked how you showcased some of their MVs and still included the old members when talking about the group. Also, on a smaller note, I liked how you desaturated the photos of the past members; it was easy to tell them apart from the members currently active. Really great design choices—it inspires me to fix a few things on my own site!

(Alsssooo, would you be interested in affiliating with the F.T. Island fanlisting? No pressure, of course! :3)

Re: [Plug] Wonder Girls

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 3:40 pm
by Emma
Oh man, I love Hyuna, but tbh I don't know anything about her beyond her solo music so I didn't realise she was a member of this band. I Feel You is such a bop, I'm going to have to listen to more by them. So yes, I really enjoyed reading your about page and learning about the girls, and also why you love them so much. Super pretty layout, too, I love how colourful it is.