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Retro Shrine Features

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 7:29 am
by Laura
Do you have an ancient site, so old that it's practically a fossil? Does it have totally RETRO things on it, such as:

- A FAQ where the questions aren't frequently asked AT ALL
- Image Policies
- Hilariously snobby "About Site" sections
- A section dedicated entirely to outdated awards and webrings
- Or other sections that are totally dated

Tell us here! :D I know I have a few sites where I have FAQ that don't pertain to the character I'm shrining at all... the questions had never even been asked before. xD I just didn't wanna deal with future emails, lol! I also have some absolutely ridiculous "about the site" sections that aren't so much about the history of my shrine but are more... insane ramblings. xD AND WINAMP SKINS. LOL.

Re: Retro Shrine Features

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 1:34 pm
by Destinie

I can't say I have anything as ancient as that but I do still have a LiveJournal mood theme on my Giovanni shrine and I used to post 50x50 icons for...AIM. lol! OH, I think I also have a "you know you like this subject too much when..." on one of my sites. I recall that being super retro.

Re: Retro Shrine Features

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 4:16 pm
by Crystal
Nope I got rid of all that. I have this thing with consistency across all my sites so all this stuff is now gone.

Re: Retro Shrine Features

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 7:14 pm
by Laura

I can't say I have anything as ancient as that but I do still have a LiveJournal mood theme on my Giovanni shrine and I used to post 50x50 icons for...AIM. lol! OH, I think I also have a "you know you like this subject too much when..." on one of my sites. I recall that being super retro.

I only ever did one of those and it wasn't for any shrines, just myself. XD It's too bad there's no way to use them today, outside of LJ!

I also still have AIM icons on my sites... I can't bear to take them down, it's like I did the work and I'm sure someone might wanna use little icons somehow. XD;;
Crystal wrote:Nope I got rid of all that. I have this thing with consistency across all my sites so all this stuff is now gone.

Re: Retro Shrine Features

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 7:22 pm
by Todd
I'll comment on more of these features soon, but I want to discuss my personal feelings on FAQs and why I don't make them!

FAQs sections to me are designed to eliminate the need or desire for visitors to e-mail me. If I was getting a lot of e-mails from visitors and was getting asked a lot of the same questions, and it was hard for me to keep up with them all, I might make a FAQ. Right now, though, I get a manageable amount of e-mails, and I love getting them from visitors of my sites even if several are about the same thing! It gives me a chance to respond and interact with my visitors, which I love doing. Putting a FAQ up might make it seem like I don't want to get e-mailed. Am I weird? lol

Re: Retro Shrine Features

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 7:27 pm
by Laura
Todd wrote:FAQs sections to me are designed to eliminate the need or desire for visitors to e-mail me. If I was getting a lot of e-mails from visitors and was getting asked a lot of the same questions, and it was hard for me to keep up with them all, I might make a FAQ. Right now, though, I get a manageable amount of e-mails, and I love getting them from visitors of my sites even if several are about the same thing! It gives me a chance to respond and interact with my visitors, which I love doing. Putting a FAQ up might make it seem like I don't want to get e-mailed. Am I weird? lol
Not weird at all. :D I never get ANY emails. Mostly because I forgot to change my email address and everything that I might have gotten over the last 10+ years has been lost to the ether. 8D <nervous laughter>

For me, I still include some stuff in the FAQ because I don't want to be bothered by certain questions that I know have come up often in the past. However, from now on, I think I may make my FAQ a bit more character specific, like dealing with rumors and stuff. :3 I never saw FAQ as a way to discourage people from emailing, but a way to help people so they didn't have to. Not sure if that makes sense. xD

Re: Retro Shrine Features

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 7:49 pm
by Todd
AdriCULOUS wrote:
Shoot, I misunderstood the topic. I just posted a screenshot of an old one that doesn't apply to the topic LOL.
It's okay! It happens to the best of us. :P One of our admins here posted a welcome message to a new member twice, the second a week or so after initially welcoming the member in her intro. Can't be worse than that, right? ;) She really wanted that new member to feel welcome!

Re: Retro Shrine Features

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 7:52 pm
by Crystal
wolfrun wrote:
Crystal wrote:Nope I got rid of all that. I have this thing with consistency across all my sites so all this stuff is now gone.
It felt kinda pointless anyway because only one of the questions I had on a FAQ was ever asked and it was for my Lyn shrine.

Re: Retro Shrine Features

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 1:20 am
by Mikari
In recent years I used to have a site with wallpapers... for resolutions that no one uses anymore. XD

Oh man, the awards, those were so fun! I haven't seen those in ages. Though I did have some, they weren't that old.

I'm weird for not having used Winamp so no skins but I do recall skins for something else... some kind of messenger program? except you had to put the image into the folder and trick it into thinking it was the original because it didn't have skin installation? I vaguely recall something like that.

I never wrote any faqs, but I enjoyed the funny ones!

Re: Retro Shrine Features

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 3:33 am
by Laura
Mikari wrote:In recent years I used to have a site with wallpapers... for resolutions that no one uses anymore. XD

I'm not really sure why I feel compelled to keep them... I suppose it's because I put the work into it and feel bad for just deleting them from existence. I think what I'd like to do is go back and redesign each of them so that they're nicer looking and available in more relevant sizes. It's just that designing wallpapers and other graphics take a long time and with all the work I have on my plate, I need to wait until it kinda quiets down a little bit. :x

But still... I have 800x600 resolution wallpapers! There's like 0.3% that still use it. xD;;;