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Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 12:01 am
by Robin

Check out the new look of Disguises, the layout archive for!

I've gone through and tidied up the site immensely, adding more layout trivia and facts, deleting errors, and beautifying the existing Bootstrap theme (which I had so inexpertly styled before, LOL). Now it's truly a beautiful archive to explore.

(Bonus: when you visit, you might be able to help solve a mystery! Can you discern which serif font I used on version 7?)

Re: Disguises

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:04 am
by Laura
I really love that you put in so much interesting information about each layout... especially what new technique you've learned and demonstrated in each one.

It was really fun to go through all of your old layouts! :D I think that it's cool to see progress in your works, not just visually but also from a skill/technological standpoint too. <3

Re: Disguises

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 10:52 am
by Lethe
I love browsing layout archives so much, and this one is super detailed wooah. Wish I had kept all the dates and such for my old layouts too. Great job, Robin! As wolfrun said, it's lovely to see your journey through the years here!

"New Techniques: Lots and LOTS of image editing in Photoshop" lmaooooooo

"I deliberately tried using bright pink in this layout, even though I actually dislike the color." wtf

"I applied to help with a (snobby) web design clique around this time, and was rejected purely because of my design choices here." WEAR REJECTION LIKE A MEDAL

"I actually uploaded this design while I was hanging out at the gaming shop in my hometown, borrowing the shop's fast Internet because I still had nothing but dialup at home. #rurallivingproblems" HOW DO YOU REMEMBER THIS STUFF???

Re: Disguises

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 2:20 pm
by Mikari
Nice! I like the colors and how it navigates :D

Re: Disguises

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 3:11 pm
by Robin
Lethe wrote:I love browsing layout archives so much, and this one is super detailed wooah. Wish I had kept all the dates and such for my old layouts too. Great job, Robin! As wolfrun said, it's lovely to see your journey through the years here!

"New Techniques: Lots and LOTS of image editing in Photoshop" lmaooooooo

"I deliberately tried using bright pink in this layout, even though I actually dislike the color." wtf

"I applied to help with a (snobby) web design clique around this time, and was rejected purely because of my design choices here." WEAR REJECTION LIKE A MEDAL

"I actually uploaded this design while I was hanging out at the gaming shop in my hometown, borrowing the shop's fast Internet because I still had nothing but dialup at home. #rurallivingproblems" HOW DO YOU REMEMBER THIS STUFF???
Yeah, I started out keeping prettttty good records, so I still have a lot of the details. The only thing I didn't keep at first was a record of the fonts I used, and now I'm kicking myself because there's a beautiful font on Version 7 that I CAN'T RAZZAFRAZZIN REMEMBER D:

About version 4's bright pink: I was trying to stretch my design wings and branch out from doing blue/black/white all the time, so I challenged myself to use a color I hate in a layout. My hatred, unfortunately, bled through into the layout, and the design ended up looking like somebody drank a gallon of liquid bubblegum flavor Amoxicillin and immediately barfed. xD

And about remembering the uploading of version 8...I think I remember it because the gaming shop was sooooo noisy, and yet I was sitting there making prettyful layout and peacefully uploading it. :D

Re: Disguises

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 4:04 pm
by dubiousdisc
Very neat! It looks VERY GOOD
Well done!!

and echoing Lethe on the descriptions omg WELL DONE LOL

A few things I was thinking:
1. Perhaps there should be a link back to wmw at the bottom of the page (I mean, it's not strictly necessary, but just to link everything back together, you probably want it)
2. Have you considered having hover effects on each thumbnail? It feels as if something *should* happen on hover. This is of course personal preference and if looks-wise you prefer it without that is also perfectly okay, just wondering :D
3. Now that I was looking at it again, I was wondering if the black borders on the pictures in the main page weren't too extraneous - until I realized it's the same black as the vertical bar and the text, okay, so that's good! I was playing around with it though and I realized that they look more connected to the rest of the layout if they are thicker than 1px. At about 3px they become about as thick as the bold text and, at least to me, look like they belong more with the rest of everything. Personal preference though, if you like the thin borders that's okay too :D

(and sorry, I couldn't identify that font :<)

Re: Disguises

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:19 pm
by Robin
dubiousdisc wrote:Very neat! It looks VERY GOOD
Well done!!

and echoing Lethe on the descriptions omg WELL DONE LOL

A few things I was thinking:
1. Perhaps there should be a link back to wmw at the bottom of the page (I mean, it's not strictly necessary, but just to link everything back together, you probably want it)
2. Have you considered having hover effects on each thumbnail? It feels as if something *should* happen on hover. This is of course personal preference and if looks-wise you prefer it without that is also perfectly okay, just wondering :D
3. Now that I was looking at it again, I was wondering if the black borders on the pictures in the main page weren't too extraneous - until I realized it's the same black as the vertical bar and the text, okay, so that's good! I was playing around with it though and I realized that they look more connected to the rest of the layout if they are thicker than 1px. At about 3px they become about as thick as the bold text and, at least to me, look like they belong more with the rest of everything. Personal preference though, if you like the thin borders that's okay too :D

(and sorry, I couldn't identify that font :<)
Thank you! :D :D

1. ROFL I can't believe I forgot to put the link in the footer! I think I was just like "HOMG GOT NEWISH DESIGN DONE YAAAAAS" and uploaded it xD

2. I wouldn't mind a hover effect! I just...didn't know what would be appropriate, to be honest. I thought about having the images display at opacity: .5 normally and then change it to opacity: 1 when hovered over, but I didn't want any visibility issues. What do y'all think?

3. In my browser, the layout thumbnails have a darker blue background framed in by the thin black border, and then there's a box-shadow underneath them, so that the overall effect is a thick blue border with a little black shadow under the edge, like a sticker popping up slightly from a page. That was my intention, at least--are you seeing the thicker, darker blue background or the box-shadow at all? (If not, I might have messed the CSS up somewhere xD)

Re: Disguises

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 3:15 pm
by dubiousdisc
Heeee it happens, it happens. :P

For the hovers: I was thinking they could zoom in slightly (css3 transform) or the border could become thicker, maybe. Yeah, I would stay away from opacity for that same reason - you want to be able to display your sites super cool!

I think I am seeing things correctly (at least like the screenshot you have on top). Nevermind then :P