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Aria's Oath: Liu Cheng-Long

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 3:21 am
by Jae
Aria's Oath - Blue Exorcist the Movie: Liu Cheng-Long

I love brothers like no one's business.

The layout's very simple for this one. I think it's appropriate for the character, but I'm sorry if the font toes the line of readability. :worry: Enlarging it threw off the balance.

What I'm most happy with is how I sectioned off the content. My usual format is to outline the character's biography while analyzing their personality on the go, but that's something I've been meaning to shy away from to give readers the room to experience the canon for themselves. I wasn't too redundant with Aria's Oath, and I don't think I parroted the story excessively.

I adore Liu dearly. One of my intentions was to promote him due to his limited appearance as a movie-only character with development scattered across supplemental materials. I haven't read all the external sources, myself; sometime in the future, I hope to maybe do more expounding and expand on what's here, because there's always room for growth on any shrine.

It's getting a tad late on my end, so I'll leave it at here and get around to commenting on the other recently plugged shrines over the weekend! As ever, thank you for dropping by.

Re: Aria's Oath: Liu Cheng-Long

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 2:19 pm
by Robin
Loving the spare white & blue color scheme and layout design; it allows the sketch-like details of the dandelions to pop without being distracting. The font is a tad small but still readable, and I can see why a larger font would have thrown things off, design-wise.

I don't know much about Blue Exorcist, so I was a little lost on some details, but you still explain things pretty well! By the end of the site I felt I had a good grasp of Cheng-Long's character. Well done!!

Re: Aria's Oath: Liu Cheng-Long

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 12:47 pm
by Andrea
Although I am familiar with Blue Exorcist, I've actually never read the series. That said, I really enjoyed reading your shrine and what you had to say about Cheng-Long! I liked how you organized all the different content, and the comparisons you made throughout regarding his character versus others in the series.

Despite him being a movie-only character, your information is incredibly detailed! I loved reading your personal opinions and speculations—especially since he seems to be such a mystery. I'd be interested to read about whatever supplemental material you can gather, and look forward to possible expansions of the site.

And that layout is LOVELY. I love how simple it is and the minimalist color scheme you have going on. I'm a sucker for tiny fonts, despite trying to steer away from it myself, so I'm not bothered by the size at all, and I understand why you went with it. IN THE NAME OF BALANCE.

All in all, excellent work! Your love for his character shines through, and I find myself hoping he'll get more development, too—be it in the manga or anime. :heart:

Re: Aria's Oath: Liu Cheng-Long

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 11:32 am
by Laura
I really love the simplicity of your layout and your choice of colour. I also prefer larger fonts myself but I can still read your content and that's the important thing. :D

I think I might have heard about Blue Exorcist but I don't know anything about it. This made it a little difficult for me to follow some of the information on your site because I didn't have the background but I enjoyed reading about Cheng-Long. :D I really like his character design too and now I'm compelled to try to watch Blue Exorcist. XD So you did an awesome job of captivating someone who knew nothing about the movie at all~ <3