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A few changes to this layout

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:23 am
by isavarg
When I did this layout, it was on a netbook, (which meant the screen was very small) and the entire layout filled the screen with no problem. I am wanting to tweak it a little so that the navigation div is further to the right, the content div's width is extended so that it doesn't over shoot the background image on the left, and I want to move the content div so that it starts next to the background image, rather than over-lapping it. I can usually get the container to extend, so that all the divs line up properly, but in this case it doesn't seem to be working.

http://kobayashi-maru.dead-winters-nigh ... index.html

Edit: never mind. I found the div I need to extend to make it fit. (It has been a while since I worked on it, so I forgot which div it was!)