Atomic Heart: Heisei-Era Godzilla

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Re: Atomic Heart: Heisei-Era Godzilla

Post by Lethe »

YES for getting started on something you've always wanted to get going!

OMG THE LAYOUT LOOKS SO GREAT. I love that there are members in this community who make fansites with their own art omggg. AAAH JUST PURE RED AND BLACK.

I really love that you talk about the site name right away on the index, and introduce Godzilla as well as his significance to you that way! ... Hi I actually don't know anything about Godzilla. Looking forward to this!

(I like how people in this event forum have uploaded some "previews" of things to come on their construction sites already, especially in the form of navigation points heh.)
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Re: Atomic Heart: Heisei-Era Godzilla

Post by Destinie »

OH HO! I am glad you don't know anything about Godzilla, Lethe, this is going to really motivate me to write some wonderfully wordy pieces~!!! Now I am excited because I love talking about this stuff :D

In shrine-related news: Just watched "The Return of Godzilla" and am ready to start prepping some articles (when I have time).
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Re: Atomic Heart: Heisei-Era Godzilla

Post by Destinie »


I uploaded an essay I wrote today under "conception and creation" where I talk mostly about the 1954 film. I wasn't sure what more I could add from the resources that are already available on the internet so I posted wikipedia links to read the plot of [both] films. I kind of wanted to give background info but I want to stay focused on Heisei Goji.

I'm planning to go back in and add images where it makes sense after I write things.

I also have another essay planned under "personal" which is a recommendation of films for first-timers. I might rename that link, though. Maybe I should call it "Appendix" or something? IDK. Thoughts?

How'd the first essay turn out? Helpful? What else would you like to see?
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Re: Atomic Heart: Heisei-Era Godzilla

Post by Lethe »

Yay, great job! I like that page a lot; it covers various different aspects that are all very interesting to read about (context, filming technicalities, differences between versions, name meaning). What I like is how good it is as an introduction, as you manage to balance information about the specific version you're covering and shared or differing elements in the films that follow. :O

I definitely like reading about how certain elements may have changed over time (ambitions, context, technical aspects, for example rubber suits vs. CGI, what a bigger budget allows for, etc.) or what may have stayed the same; if your appendix is going to have a page dedicated to that kind of comparison, or if you're going to include it in passing in your recommendations, I'd love to read it.

"Appendix" sounds better to me than the current name for that later part of the shrine, yeah, since your planned content there has different aims. (I guess "dissertations" sounds very serious to me and doesn't fit with recommendations. XD) Or "further readings"?
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Re: Atomic Heart: Heisei-Era Godzilla

Post by Destinie »

Thanks, Lethe! Oh- a comparison of CGI vs Suit acting would be really interesting topic to cover; and then I could talk about the different suit actors. Suit acting wasn't really a practice until they rushed to do it for Godzilla and then it turned into a new line of special effects.

I think in my next update I'll change the name for that page. "Dissertations" does sound more formal than the rest of the site. Thanks for your input!
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Re: Atomic Heart: Heisei-Era Godzilla

Post by Kate »

I've been meaning to comment on this amazing piece of work riGHT HERE DESTINIE.. The layout, the content you have up already, THE ART. jfkdl;s I am just so excited to see this shrine complete. YOU HAVE NO IDEA haha :inlove: :inlove:
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Re: Atomic Heart: Heisei-Era Godzilla

Post by Destinie »

Thanks, Kate! I really need to find the time to work on it some more and get up all the info that's in my brain! :P
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Re: Atomic Heart: Heisei-Era Godzilla

Post by Laura »

I love the layout!! I'm a little bad with words right now but it gives me the sort of "warning!" feeling I get when I see government stuff. Like black tape, or blacked out information on important government documents. The red really helps with it. XD I hope that made sense, I just really love the theme.

I really enjoyed reading the background information about the original film. I believe I've seen it, a long time ago. I know I've seen some of the other Heisei era films (a term I learned from your site, nice!) and I really loved them... I'd love to watch them again and wonder if maybe you could think about adding a viewers guide in the future? :3 I know there's plans for "first time watchers" in your appendicies so maybe that covers it but it'd be nice to know where I could watch the movies online or where to buy them at least. <3

Also, I'm really curious about the original character designs that would have incorporated the whale aspect!! 0_0 I thought it was strange that the name would be based partly on "whale" but... he looks nothing like a whale... then on your site I learn they abandoned the idea in favour of dinosaurs. Hmm, I'm very curious! XD Post pics!! /superdemanding

Hahah, I can't wait to see what else you put up for the site. <3 I can't believe I didn't comment until now either! WTF. I thought I did but better late than never I guess. XD
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Re: Atomic Heart: Heisei-Era Godzilla

Post by Masao »

I love your love of Godzilla :heart:

The layout looks great, and I love how you used angular on this. I'm really looking forward to the "ENVIRONMENTALISM" page, since I really love the symbolism in a lot of the post-nuclear era and how the kaiju genre emerged from that.

Also curious, when I click on "Film Timeline," I get the "Site Credits" page. Since there's no page source info on hover form the menu, is there a way you could add a tiny content switch transition to help see the change when you navigate?
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Re: Atomic Heart: Heisei-Era Godzilla

Post by Destinie »

@Laura Thanks! I hope to add pics after I finish writing all the content. :)

@Masao Thanks for the feedback! And definitely, yes, I can play around with the code some more. A lot of the pages aren't up yet so I just have it default to the main page content. Would it be better to add a "page under construction" message?
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