External Issues
Shrine Spotlight
The winner of June's Monthly Spotlight is Lux Perpetua, a shrine to Dove from Hawk & Dove by Robin! Congrats!
Events and Marathons
The Dynamic Duos Challenge has been extended by one and a half month and will now end on August 15, 2016! Gogogo!!
The Construction Zone Challenge is still going - there's still plenty time to start until December!
One Page, One Month June Marathon is wrapping up today, and results will be posted soon! This post will be edited with the finished shrines afterwards.
New Shrines
Shrines made for One Page, One Month June are marked with [1P1M].
Probender - Mako from Avatar: The Legend of Korra, by Jae [1P1M]
More than meets the eye - Kise Ryouta from Kuroko no Basket, by Delphine [1P1M]
Gold Standard - Carl from Meet the Robinsons, by Sarah [1P1M]
Rise Again - Tailmon from Digimon, by Samantha
In-Progress Shrines
The following are shrines started for Construction Zone.
Red Pin, Blue Pin - Monica and Chandler from Friends, by FandomSavant
Shrines: Neverending Work? - How do your changing standards affect your sites?
Shrine Creation Time - How long has it taken you to make your shrines?
Flash News
If you're struggling with your Construction Zone content, we have set up the Pages in Progress topic for you to ask for input (if you'd rather not post the discussion in other specialized topics around the forums)! Don't hesitate to ask the community.

See you next month! Go work on those Dynamic Duos shrines!! <O><O>