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Re: What Drives You?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 3:30 am
by melzillah
I took a major break from shrining a few years ago and I honestly regret it. So you can say that I definitely had a few bad years! It's really a way (for me) to connect with people and to keep up with changes in design and coding. I love visiting other shrines and seeing how passionate people are! Knowing that I just hope that I can create something that other people will enjoy as well.

I view shrining as a creative outlet - much like drawing, writing, etc. I honestly NEED this, it keeps me motivated in other areas in my life. A few months ago I was so depressed that I wasn't creating or building anything and would just beat myself up over felt like all the drive left my body. Now I make sure to take at least a few hours every week just for shrining :) It's really "me" time and I have a little ritual I do (some coffee in the daytime, relaxing music, snacks, candles) just to make it extra special and relaxing. Sometimes I'll just make layouts when I don't feel like writing. I just try to make it enjoyable for myself so it never feels too stressful or like "work".

Re: What Drives You?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 1:54 pm
by Robin
melzillah wrote:Now I make sure to take at least a few hours every week just for shrining :) It's really "me" time and I have a little ritual I do (some coffee in the daytime, relaxing music, snacks, candles) just to make it extra special and relaxing. Sometimes I'll just make layouts when I don't feel like writing. I just try to make it enjoyable for myself so it never feels too stressful or like "work".
<3<3<3<3<3 AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3

also, candles?? Mannnnnn that is luxurious <3

Re: What Drives You?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 6:02 pm
by melzillah
Robin wrote:<3<3<3<3<3 AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3

also, candles?? Mannnnnn that is luxurious <3
LOL those Bath & Body Works coupons get me every time!!

Re: What Drives You?

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 12:39 am
by Robin
melzillah wrote:
Robin wrote:<3<3<3<3<3 AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3

also, candles?? Mannnnnn that is luxurious <3
LOL those Bath & Body Works coupons get me every time!!

/dragging myself back on topic

I will say that atmosphere has a lot to do with how well I shrine/how much motivation I have to do so. Now that I actually have a DESK and it has CLEAR FLAT SPACE...omg space for shrine notes, omg no more hunching over the computer and getting a headache <3

Re: What Drives You?

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 1:30 pm
by dubiousdisc
Robin wrote:
melzillah wrote:
Robin wrote:<3<3<3<3<3 AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3

also, candles?? Mannnnnn that is luxurious <3
LOL those Bath & Body Works coupons get me every time!!

/dragging myself back on topic

I will say that atmosphere has a lot to do with how well I shrine/how much motivation I have to do so. Now that I actually have a DESK and it has CLEAR FLAT SPACE...omg space for shrine notes, omg no more hunching over the computer and getting a headache <3
Holy shit, Robin. Ergonomics! They're important! XD

Re: What Drives You?

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 8:40 am
by Laura
Thank you to everyone who has posted their responses so far! I expected that everyone would have something unique to say but I'm still surprised at how different everyone's reasons seem to be. I hope that people who read this thread will be inspired by your words!

I struggle often with the question of why bother. People outside this community don't typically understand the desire to write about your favourite topics. It can seem like a meaningless task to go through the trouble of analyzing, writing, designing because what does it accomplish? What have you truly gained in the endeavor? In my lowest moments I wonder this. I spend hours on my sites, writing up content and analyzing my favourite characters and it doesn't really appear to progress my life in the same way attending school or work would.

However, I then think to myself... why bother doing anything at all? Reading a book, playing a game, watching a movie or TV show... these activities don't give anything back to me other than pure enjoyment and entertainment. Creating a fan site is no different; it's a hobby, something that occupies my time and entertains me.

It goes beyond that, however... It's a way to connect with other people. Some might read my site who have never heard of the topic before and it might create new fans. It might provide more information to someone who was curious about the topic, or perhaps put facts straight for those who heard about rumors but weren't sure. It can even be for my own purposes, so that I might be able to put facts straight for myself! If I'm going to do it for myself, why not share the work?

Above all else, however, it allows me to create a piece of work that I can be proud of. I created something and that's priceless. <3

Re: What Drives You?

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 5:05 pm
by Robin
dubiousdisc wrote: Holy shit, Robin. Ergonomics! They're important! XD
YAAAAAS. I feel almost human again working at a real desk after about 8 years of hunching over my laptop while sitting on my bed. Not as many headaches, better angle for my back and neck, and no more "volcano butt" (because memory foam mattresses hold body heat like whoaaaaa). Plus the computer is ventilated better too! :D

@wolfrun: YES. YES YE S SY E S YES TO ALL OF THIS. All of the sad feels, all of the happy feels, all of the accomplishment feels...and all of the community feels, most importantly of all. I feel like I've found a family here. <3

Re: What Drives You?

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 10:26 am
by Laura
Robin wrote:@wolfrun: YES. YES YE S SY E S YES TO ALL OF THIS. All of the sad feels, all of the happy feels, all of the accomplishment feels...and all of the community feels, most importantly of all. I feel like I've found a family here. <3
Me too! It's definitely been a huge boon in my activity level, that's for sure. Having people to talk to about the hobby helps so much... plus everyone's really sweet and chatting is fun in itself. <3 Family's a good way to describe it. :D