The Admin Team wants to take a minute and let you know of some staff changes around the community. You have most likely seen the deletion of individual teams (Events Team, Forum Team, Directory Team, and Communications Team) in the legend at the bottom of the board, and the introduction of the pink Staff Team. We decided to merge all of the Staff Teams for many internal and external reasons, including organization, ease of task execution and communication, and cohesion.
In addition to the pretty pink name color (don’t look at me; our current staffers voted for that pink), all Staffers have a title that relays what they are responsible for at the community. Even though a few have specific focus areas, any staffer can help anywhere in the community now. These Staff titles are:
- Forum Staffer - Dubiousdisc
This staffer assists administrators with forum moderation, and primarily works with forum-related initiatives like forum organization and Monthly Rewind.
- Awards Staffer - Camy
This staffer runs our Shrine Spotlight program.
- Challenge Staffer - Robin
This staffer leads and takes part in the brainstorming process, the planning, and execution of both yearly Challenges at Amassment.
- Activity Staffer - Megan K.
This staffer runs Little Bits, our new Activity initiative.
- Communications Staffer - Open!
This staffer works with our Communications Administrator in setting up and running our community Tumblr. (Coming soon!)
- Freelance Staffers - Cherri, Crystal, Emma, Megan A.
These staffers assist everywhere and anywhere they have time. You may find them assisting with the directory, running events or activities, or making community-themed discussions at the forum.
Additionally, our Staffing Application is now open indefinitely. If staffing is something you think you would be interested in, please fill out an app, or speak to any member of the Admin Team if you have questions.
We would also like to thank Mikari, who is no longer on our Staff Team due to interest and time, but has contributed vastly to the community, particularly its Marketplace and coin system for years. We are extremely grateful for all she has done, and she will be missed. Some news on the Marketplace and coin system will be coming shortly, so please keep your eyes peeled.
Thanks, guys!