@dubiousdisc: <3333333333 (Being excited about anything you make or say goes for me too, so ramble awayyyy. ;D)
November 2016: Round #2 - Appreciation
Re: November 2016: Round #2 - Appreciation
To be honest, I appreciate the whole board and everyone on it. This is such a friendly, helpful place. Everyone is more than happy to share: their ideas, tips, advice, everything. There is so much to read here, so much that is supportive. I wish I could hug everyone!
Re: November 2016: Round #2 - Appreciation
O-OMG??? This was so unexpected and incredibly SWEET of you, Dubs, aaaaaahhhhhh. I-I don't even know what to say... Thank you so much! melts into a puddle of goo I appreciate your art and stories so much, and I'm always looking forward to seeing what you create! YOU AND DENISE ARE AMAZING ARTISTS!!! PLEASE KEEP MAKING WONDERFUL MASTERPIECES FOR THEY ARE A GIFT TO THE WORLD.dubiousdisc wrote:Andrea: Sometimes I honestly cannot believe how nice you are? Like, how does someone like you even exist I don't even know. Do you, in fact, literally glow? I'd believe that.
I've been meaning to do this month's tasks since forever, so before I forget again AND THE DEADLINE ARRIVES: some appreciation!
Lethe & Elysa: Every time I'm looking for images or scans or something YOU GUYS POP OUT OF NOWHERE LIKE FAIRY GODMOTHERS TO GRANT ME MY DEEPEST AND DARKEST DESIRES??? It might be shady as hell, but you know what? I APPRECIATE THAT SHADINESS SO MUCH. You guys saved me many a trip to the, er, more questionable parts of the Internet, haha. I wouldn't have made as much progress on some shrines and layouts without your help. SO THANK YOU FOR THAT. AND BEING SUCH COOL FRIENDS IN GENERAL.
Amassment: THANK YOU for being so incredibly supportive and encouraging all the time—ALL THE TIME—even though I'm a sloth beyond words and beyond measure. Honestly, I still can't believe I'm a part of such a lovely and warm community. Even now I still find it a bit strange... A little less than a year ago, all I did was admire all the pretty sites and creations everyone made. But now I'm actually talking to the people who make them—CAPSLOCKING and screaming and despairing over different fandoms and projects with them. Not to mention exchanging holiday cards with them?! WHAT. WHAAATTT?! I never would have imagined it.
Again, thank you so much for all the new friendships this year. Here's to more glorious shrines and fun years!
/end cheese
Re: November 2016: Round #2 - Appreciation
Thank you for participating in our second round of Little Bits, everyone! Little Bits will go on hiatus for a while as we sort things out behind the scenes. For more information, please check out what we have in mind for the Community Direction in 2017