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question(s) about Persona 3 PSP

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 6:02 am
by earthy
Okay, so, I'm really enjoying Persona 3 PSP and playing as Minako/Hamuko, but for serious, if ONE MORE PERSON does the whole "You're the leader? But YOU'RE A GIRL!" or "You're a great leader...FOR A GIRL!" variation in dialogue, I am going to smash something. :\

Also not sure I'm okay with the fact that Minako (age 16ish) can have a romantic relationship with Ken (age 10/11ish). But not with any of her female Social Links, of course. <.< >.>

And: Why does Minato (male protagonist) get shafted in this game? He can no longer use all the weapons (to be fair, neither can Minako), nor can he have the amusing Social Links with Akihiko/Shinji/Ken/Koro-chan/Junpei that Minako can.

(Um. Apparently insomnia means earthy drinks too much tea and plays video games....)

Re: question(s) about Persona 3 PSP

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 11:35 am
by Cherri
I think that "But you're a GIRL" tones down after a bit and it's mostly Junpei doing it. If I'm not mistaken.

I always saw Minako's and Ken's relationship as close friends that could change when he is older. It makes it easier for me to grasp. But I always go for Aki.

As for Minato getting shafted, I think it's because in P3 he gets shafted. So they wanted to keep that. And I think they wanted to change the social links so they were different depending on gender.

I'm not sure if I helped or made it worse. Sorry.

Re: question(s) about Persona 3 PSP

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 5:14 am
by earthy
LOL I'm not sure, either. ^^;; I do get that they wanted the SL to be different by gender, and it is kinda cool that they did that; just mostly sad that I only get to do one with Akihiko if I play as Minako, since he's my fav. Oh, well.

As for the "but you're a GIRL!" thing, I do think you're right that it's mostly Junpei, but Shinji and Akihiko get in on it occasionally, too. For them I think it's supposed to be "chivalrous," i.e., "since she's a girl, we'll have to protect her," but it's also kind of insulting, since Minako is totally capable of protecting herself (and is regularly a higher level/more powerful than pretty much everyone, since she's the MC and all). And even as late as I am in the game, which is Oct./Nov., Junpei still makes the occasional "isn't it awesome that you're our leader even though YOU'RE A GIRL!" comment, which gets real old real quick. >.<

Anyway, it's still a fun game. I do hope they're working on P5 by now (or will be soon!).

Re: question(s) about Persona 3 PSP

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 5:54 pm
by Mikari
The girl dialogue tones down, Junpei continues it for a while longer but only because
he feels he's not good enough / can't keep up. He kind of hints at that later on.
I go for Theo <3

Re: question(s) about Persona 3 PSP

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:37 am
by Cherri
I don't think they mean to be insulting calling you a girl all the time and wanting to protect Minako. Some guys just like/think they need to protect girls no matter how independent she is. It makes a little sense with Aki and Shinji because of some past stuff that happened prior to the game so they want to protect Minako. Though, yeah, it does get old super quick. And Junpei feels shafted because he is a boy and didn't get to be leader.

Yes! I am also looking forward to Persona 5.

Re: question(s) about Persona 3 PSP

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:23 am
by earthy
LOL oh dear! I just discovered that if you go into Tartarus with the maid outfit equipped (or maybe even if it isn't?) and Akihiko and Ken in your party, and you happen to be dating both of them, they get super awkward around each other, especially when Junpei teases you. It's very amusing, although I feel bad for Ken, since I only had Minako "date" him because I want to max all the SL, and the guide I'm using said it was easier if you dated everyone....

(Next time I'll focus on Akihiko for the lulz--"be my girl"? seriously??--and maybe Shinji because
dating him is the only way to keep him alive :(
and maybe Theo as well simply because now I know it makes Mikari happy. ^.^)

Re: question(s) about Persona 3 PSP

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 11:38 am
by Cherri
Date all the boys! Theo is pretty cool. I always go for Aki and Snow goes for Shinji. My cousin ended up having a relationship with Ken and was like "Noo!" And then her brothers teased her about it. Good times.