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Templar: Sakura Kyoko tribute

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:05 pm
by Cherri
Templar // Sakura Kyoko

I finished Templar! It's probably riddled with typos and stuff but I tried. I like how it turned out. It could probably be better but for now it's good.

Re: Templar: Sakura Kyoko tribute

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:22 am
by dubiousdisc
Okay, I caved in and started reading all of these Madoka Magica shrines that you girls have been making as of lately and fuck spoilers (reading them I figured out that I already knew about all the big reveals anyway).

Actually the only typo I could spot is, in your notes, "I liked Kyoko before I knew here character". That's pretty good since you were thinking that it would be all the typos, all the way!

About the shrine itself. I like it, but I just barely get to hear the basics about this character, just enough to catch my attention and make me want to know more...and then that's it. I don't know how much this character is explored in the canon, but I feel like it needs more on her character and her reason of being. Like, you say a lot that she tries hard to help, but do you have any examples you can explore to actually show how she does that? Also just exploring a bit more her personality, and what happens to her in the end, and so on. I haven't watched/read Madoka Magica yet so I might be completely off track, but I just feel like this could use expanding. Well, if something, let's put it that way - it makes me want to read more!

This is also a personal opinion and I guess this shrine is very text-based and meant for someone who is already into Madoka Magica, but I think that you could use a full body picture of her somewhere in the site.

Re: Templar: Sakura Kyoko tribute

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:58 pm
by Cherri
Thank you Dubs! No, this really helps out. I felt like it could be better but I didn't know what. I'll fix the typo you pointed out. And I'll add some more stuff, like pictures and try to vocalize about Kyoko more. I still need to watch the anime myself. I don't think you are too far off though. I'll work on expanding it. Thank you again. *hug*

Re: Templar: Sakura Kyoko tribute

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:10 pm
by Todd
I have to agree with Dubs. It's a great start, and I think you cover the basics well, but the site just needs to be fleshed out a little more. Maybe you can go deeper on her relationships, and give each character relationship its own page? I don't know anything about the series, so I can't help come up with sections, but there are almost always things to explore about characters. Were there significant events that changed the character? Did the character make decisions that affected the story or herself? How does her appearance tie in with her personality?

Anyway, congrats on finishing it. Can't wait to see it grow.

Re: Templar: Sakura Kyoko tribute

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:13 pm
by Destinie
Hi Cherri! I'm so excited to see all these sites that are being made! I like what you wrote and I think it would work really well and be really strong as a one-page site. I liked a lot what you have to say about the character and I think that was really well done! So great job on getting another site out there! :Db (I need to work on some of mine, too. Thanks for the inspiration!)

Re: Templar: Sakura Kyoko tribute

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:37 pm
by Cherri
@Todd: Thank you so much. I do plan on expanding it, it's just gonna take some time. I think I'll have Snow help me outline it.

@Destinie: Thank you! It would probably work better as a one page but I wanna expand it. You're welcome. I'm glad I could inspire you. I have more planned this month too. ^-^

I'm gonna work hard!

Re: Templar: Sakura Kyoko tribute

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:00 pm
by Destinie
Oh! Awesome, that sounds great! I can't wait to see what else you have to write! ^_^

Re: Templar: Sakura Kyoko tribute

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:13 pm
by Cherri
Thank you! The next one is gonna be big. Got big stuff planned. I'm looking forward to your work too.

Re: Templar: Sakura Kyoko tribute

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:46 pm
by Todd
I've seen bigger, more in-depth sites from you, so I figured this was just a start. Can't wait to see what you do!

Re: Templar: Sakura Kyoko tribute

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:10 pm
by dubiousdisc
Yeah, you're known for writing a lot both in terms of amount and content, so I was thinking that it was in this form so that you could put it online with this at least :P Good to know that there will be more to read!