About Creature Feature

From the beginning of January 2014 until the end of June 2014, we are challenging members to create sites to non-human characters! Robots, aliens, fairies, animals... Let your imagination go wild!
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About Creature Feature

Post by Todd »

Image Welcome to the Creature Feature Challenge! For the first half of 2014, Amassment wants to challenge you to make sites to non-human characters. Aliens, mythological creatures, animals, and robots are some of the best and most beloved characters in many fandoms. Imagine Final Fantasy X without Kimahri Ronso, X-Men without Mystique, Gundam without Haro, Battlestar Galactica without the Cylons, Chrono Trigger without Robo, Fire Emblem: Awakening without Nowi, Evangelion without PenPen, Pokemon without well, Pokemon... Let's show these characters some love!

This challenge will work like previous marathons, but there will be no sign-up deadline, and no due date. You can sign up for the challenge at any time during its run, and when you finish with your site, plug it in a new post at this board. This will allow you to work at your own pace, and will get your site individual recognition when you complete it. Details are below.

Rules and Guidelines

We are looking for shrines to non-human characters. Characters can have been human previously, but must not identify as human now. Tobias from Animorphs stayed in morph too long and got stuck as a Red-Tailed Hawk. Although he was once human and can even morph his human self, he lives and identifies himself as a hawk. Ben Grimm from Fantastic Four was transformed into a monstrous Thing, but lives his life and identifies himself as a human. Tobias would work for this challenge. The Thing would not. We suspect many members will question characters they are considering, so we created a post for you to get feedback from other members. Ask about your character in Is My Character Non-Human? if you have doubts or want to discuss a character before signing up. The Events Team will not approve sign-ups to characters we know don't fit the bill, but you guys catching that yourselves will help us a ton. :)

Your shrine must have at least five articles/essays. This is a new rule for events, but one we want to implement so that we can allow one page shrines to be made for this challenge (We didn't allow them in previous marathons). As long as you have at least five informative or opinionated sections, your shrine can be any size. Shrining a major character and want to make a monster of a site? Awesome. Is the character you're considering more minor, and you just want to make a one pager? That's cool, too.

You may make as many shrines as you'd like during the challenge, but must sign-up for each one. Since there is no sign-up deadline, and you can sign-up anytime during the challenge, we will only approve one sign-up per member at a time. When you finish and plug a shrine, you may sign-up for another. Six months is a long time for an event. We hope several of you make more than one shrine!


Sign-up at this post.


You can submit your shrine anytime after it is completed. Simply plug your shrine in a new post to this forum. You can talk about your shrine, ask for feedback, or write anything you want in the message area, but your shrine must be linked with a 100x35 button. We'll collect these and link completed shrines below. If you need help posting a button, PM a staffer, and we'll help you out!

Please title the subject of your submission post the name of your shrine. For example, if I was plugging Amassment, the subject of my post would be "Amassment".

Completed Shrines

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Challenge Quick Info
  • Challenge period: February 1, 2014 - July 31, 2014
  • Events Staff contact for this challenge: Todd.
  • Back-Up Support: Sofia and Cherri. Contact them if Todd is unavailable!
  • Sign-Up post: Here.
Feel free to post any questions, comments, or issues you might have in a reply to this post!
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Location: Columbia, MD

Re: About Creature Feature

Post by Destinie »

I wanted to mention that if you're on twitter we have a hashtag started for this event! You can tweet @amassment with #creaturefeature and talk about your progress. :)
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Re: About Creature Feature

Post by Cherri »

Thank you Destinie. When I start working on it, I may just tag. ^-^
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Re: About Creature Feature

Post by Crystal »

I have a question seeing as I'm almost finished mine. Do we post a reply of the shrine in this thread or do we make a new topic in this forum? I'm just a little confused on that.
There are shadows before us - but only because the light is at our back.
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Re: About Creature Feature

Post by Destinie »

Hey Crystal, just start a new thread in this forum announcing that your site is done! Don't forget to plug it with a 100x35 button. :)
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Re: About Creature Feature

Post by Crystal »

Alright, sounds good. Thanks Destinie!
There are shadows before us - but only because the light is at our back.
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Re: About Creature Feature

Post by Destinie »

No problem! Can't wait to see it!
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Re: About Creature Feature

Post by Todd »

Yep, what Destinie said! Each shrine will get its own topic, and members should make the topics for their own shrines. The subject of your post should be the title of your shrine. :)
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Re: About Creature Feature

Post by Crystal »

Okay cool. Thanks Todd!
There are shadows before us - but only because the light is at our back.
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Re: About Creature Feature

Post by Cherri »

Okay, so we just post them up in this section like we would when plugging new shrines. ^-^ Fantastic.

@Crystal: I'm so exited to see it!
;o; *** pew! pew!