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Re: Feedback Needed: Nyx's Lounge

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 2:46 pm
by Mikari
I don't mind the resizing nav, but then I'm used to having a billion windows open with blinking things all over my task bar, so a resizing navi bar isn't nearly enough to distract me. XD

I agree about the banner, it would be a nice touch to have a rotating banner with more MegaTen to it. Right now the site looks kind of business-like, which might make some people close it before they realize it's actually an awesome fansite and not a broken link leading to some business.

The animations are smooth and fun. The content is organized and easy to access,very friendly navigation and great presentation. Just add a little color and it'll be perfect.

I can read the text, but then I mostly have my computer do the reading for me so I'm not sure how it would be for someone reading the whole site, a little more contrast might be good I guess.

Overall you're doing great. ^^

Re: Feedback Needed: Nyx's Lounge

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 11:04 pm
by Camy
I'm not bothered by the resizing of the header and navigation when I scroll. I guess it's because I'm so used to seeing stuff like that xD

I really love that logo by the way, so simple and relaxing. In fact, the colors used overall throughout the site just is lovely.

The only thing I suggest to change is the content text color. It's really light on my screen, which is pretty large due to my monitor. I think the reason why is because all of the gray being rendered on mine washes out the gray being used and I have to squint to read the content and blink my eyes. Just a shade darker could do the trick~

Re: Feedback Needed: Nyx's Lounge

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 8:37 am
by nyxmidnight
Resurrecting this thread for I made the font darker AND bumped up the size! The internet has also taught me how to make the titles different and highlight different menu items while using includes, so the conversion to php is ongoing. All pages under the Site header now work and are up to date.

Re: Feedback Needed: Nyx's Lounge

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:14 pm
by Robin
Awesome! Just to clarify, are you still working off the demo folder or does this describe changes to the main page?

Re: Feedback Needed: Nyx's Lounge

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 3:47 am
by Camy
The text is much better~

Logo leads to instead of has problems in the navigation with the "DEMO" button appearing in that tab and the others.

Re: Feedback Needed: Nyx's Lounge

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:49 am
by nyxmidnight
Oh sorry! Yes, the new stuff is still in the demo folder. I still have to convert all the 70 or so fanfictions to the new theme and make a better header image so it's not yet ready to go live.