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Re: 2015 Shrine Goals

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:56 pm
by Mikari
@Robin: these are true stories XD

Re: 2015 Shrine Goals

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 5:47 pm
by Robin
@Mikari: Not surprised they are true stories--I've had some similar experiences working in retail. My favorite was the lady who laid a $10 item in the $1 bin right in front of me at Big Lots, and then tried to say during checkout that since it was displayed in the $1 bin, she should only have to pay $1 for it. My reaction: "*overly polite voice* Well, ma'am, I actually watched you place that item in the $1 bin yourself, so it was not the store's doing."

The lady got mad and left in the middle of her purchase; my manager was standing right there for the whole thing, and told me after the woman left that it wasn't the first time she had tried to pull that stunt--apparently, any time the store hired a new cashier, she would try it. xD

Re: 2015 Shrine Goals

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 11:43 am
by Cherri
@Robin: Wow. Really, it's $10, just pay it.

Anyway! My plans are to get Heart Piece, my Ventus form Birth By Sleep up. Turn fanlistings into shrines (there is a select few) and revamps some shrines. That's my plan, I had to condense it a lot!

I want to work on my older shrines rather than create 20 new shrines this year. Though I only have 3 new ones on my list but I think about adding more. So I need to stop myself and work on the older ones. I'm rambling.

Re: 2015 Shrine Goals

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 3:13 pm
by Robin
@Cherri: Sounds good! I hear ya about updating older shrines--I didn't realize till I went on my big revamp spree this fall that my writing/organization style has changed A LOT since I made the shrines originally. :D I also need to quit adding more new shrine ideas and just focus on ONE at a time, LOLOL

Re: 2015 Shrine Goals

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 8:17 pm
by Mikari
@Robin: I'm pretty sure a lot of the other comics I have in mind will also apply to retail XD anywhere where people gather, stuff like this can happen, that's life in customer service

@Cherri: Yay Ven!

Re: 2015 Shrine Goals

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 10:50 am
by nyxmidnight
Now that I feel less depressed thanks to sleeping through the holidays and finishing my Nyx's Lounge redesign...

1. I want to add GAnalytics and Disqus comments to my one pager shrines! To see who comes visit me and to allow fellow fans to leave a shoutout or get in touch.

2. I want to finish at least one OTP shrine. I put so much pressure on myself to have the best shrine ever to my couples and to cover every little details and what will people think of my work that it completely paralyses me. I have one OTP shrine almost ready for Blast from the Past! and another one I've spontaneously started working on, a bit like Saya and dragoneyes with the Dorian/Iron Bull one, but I keep procrastinating, and not in a constructive way.

3. I want to finally get off my behind and finish converting Facing Destiny into an actual shrine, with more content and a much better layout, which is already half-designed.

4. I want to make one LGBTA themed shrine. Maybe in the form of that "Digital Devil Saga is queer-friendly" shrine I keep telling myself I should work on but am having trouble define the format or even a title. Maybe in another form. Good LGBTA characters are so rare and they should be celebrated.

Re: 2015 Shrine Goals

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 2:37 am
by Saya
Ok, goals for the 2015

1. Actually finish Alistair's shrine (I started that in January 2014) before end of January
2. Do a decent work on AC Series Shrine
3. Actually do and finish the Cullen shrine
4. Check all my shrines to see what needs revamping
5. Finish reading KHR so I can actually finish the Reborn shrine
6. Decide which project actually to drop completely.
7. Stop myself making another series shrine, this time dedicated to Dragon Age <o<

Re: 2015 Shrine Goals

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 9:08 pm
by Camy
Mine are...

1. Finish up Blast from the Past shrine for OTP: Chikage/Chizuru.
2. Make a new design for domain collective + update network page.
3. Pull out the Ulqihime shrine since it's so much work and it's going no where. (I don't have a lot of confidence to go in deep as it requires with the essays since that's my weakness.)
4. Redesign layouts for Sesshoumaru and Ulquiorra shrines.
5. Think up of a new domain since I feel like I'm outgrowing
6. Fix up Rido shrine layout, that weird corner hasn't been fixed!
7. Update planned projects on domain collective.

Re: 2015 Shrine Goals

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 9:56 am
by dragoneyes
1. Finish Castiel's shrine (ah ah ah ah)
2. Finish Dorian's shrine ( :| this is still all your fault, Saya, btw!)
3. Re-reading Eyeshield 21 so that I can finish Hiruma's shrine (also possibly a layout revamp? uhmmm)
4. Finally start working on an Umbreon shrine
5. Not falling into temptation of writing a whole Supernatural shrine. That can't possibly end well.

Re: 2015 Shrine Goals

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 6:01 pm
by Destinie
1) Finish my Link to the Past Shrine (that I will definitely not finish for the end of the event...sob) and get it online

2) New Layout for Thunderstorm because I don't like the one that I did. :|

That's all I got...for now!