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Re: Mellifluous - a music tributes site

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 10:39 am
by Destinie
This is such a cute idea! Robin, you think of the most creative sites! I really enjoy seeing the list of your favorite songs and that you have links to the videos to listen to them. My favorite thing is each song has a blurb about why it's your favorite. So nice! :) The playlists section is great too!~

Re: Mellifluous - a music tributes site

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 8:50 pm
by Laura
I'm pretty slow in getting caught up around here so I'm only just seeing this now but I think this is one of the most unique sites I've seen in a long time! Music is a part of all of our lives and a lot of us like to share some of our favourite songs but I don't think any of us have figured out such an eloquent way of sharing them with others like you have, Robin!

I especially love how you've embedded youtube videos in the pages to make it easy for people to listen to the songs. A great user experience; no one has to click to go anywhere else and if we need to stop playing, it's easy to do thanks to familiar formats. I really like how there's music videos for most of them and how you've provided whole playlists too! The youtube playlist feature is so perfect for this, I didn't even realise you could actually embed whole playlists into your site like that! Nice that you provided a little blurb about your inspiration for each one too. :) Maybe more in the future? Would be nice to see.

Re: Mellifluous - a music tributes site

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 8:57 pm
by Robin
@Destinie: Thank you!! :D I'm glad you like the site!

I definitely wanted any music site I made to be interactive enough to include the music--I'm just glad YouTube came through for me, LOL. (I tried using other music playlist software over the years, but either they weren't customizable enough or they were just kind of clunky to use.) YouTube's API allowing off site videos and playlists = <3<3<3

@Laura: OMG <3 so sweet! I'm glad this site makes sense (and flows well); I was worried this site would be a dud for so long because "omg what do I even talk about with music because I love it but aaaaa words"

I know what you mean about the YouTube playlists, too--I found out they could be embedded on outside sites and I was like "SIGN ME UPPP!" I hope to make more in the future...just need to dig through my archives and find my old playlist ideas from back in the DAYYYY

Re: Mellifluous - a music tributes site

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 5:53 pm
by Laura
I always found it hard to talk about music so I know what you mean... "what do I even talk about because I love it." I'm not as big into music as you are or some of my other friends, but I guess when they say "a picture is worth a thousand words" maybe they mean the same for a song too? :) Sometimes you just need to put the actual songs together and that itself can express your feelings for you without having to say anything at all. <3