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Re: Which gaming consoles do you own?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:58 pm
by Varen
For a while, I stuck with family consoles only until I recently expanded my gaming horizons.

- Nintendo Entertainment System: Don't know where it is now...
- Super Nintendo Entertainment System: My parents sold it
- Nintendo 64: Still connected to my sister's bedroom! Although most of the games can't seem to work for it now
- Nintendo Gamecube: Gone. After a while, the sound borked, so I use my early era-Wii to play Gamecube games now
- Playstation 2: One of my favorites. Sadly collecting dust right now since it can't read disks anymore. Hoping to get a new one sometime in the future.
- Nintendo Wii: One of the earliest made, thankfully, so I can play Gamecube games too
- Xbox 360: My least favorite. Right now it's disk-tray is wobby and only opens when it wants to
- Playstation 3: Sadly the thin version, so I can't play PS2 games with it

Handheld Consoles:
- Gameboy: Don't use anymore; I don't even think it works anymore. I heard it fell in some water. I never had a game for it anyway (it was my half-brother's) soooo....
- Gameboy Color: Don't use anymore. None of my Gameboy Color games seem to work anymore, anyway.
- Gameboy Advance: Don't use anymore, as the DS can emulate them fine.
- Nintendo DS: Still use occasionally whenever the 3DS is being used.
- Nintendo 3DS: I only have one game for it, haha. But I love playing with it with my DS games! The joystick feels so smooth on my hands, and I like the main menu screen.
- Playstation Portable: I hate this one sfm, and not as a biased Nintendo lover. It's so uncomfortable to hold, and the joystick is so small and has little room to move. It was my mother's gift, but the only reason I play with it is because it does have some nice games. I also REALLY hate how I hear the disk turn so loudly whenever it loads something.

Re: Which gaming consoles do you own?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 4:48 pm
by anon
dubiousdisc wrote:I wasn't allowed to have consoles growing up so the first I had was a Nintendo DS, which I later gave to my sister since I had played all the games I wanted to play and I wasn't really using it anymore. The other I have is a PS3. :B I was a PC gamer as a kid, and later a "oh let's just emulate it I'm not gonna buy a console for a single game" kid XD
Same with me. My parents stopped at the Nintendo 64 and claimed that video games were bringing my brother and my grades down. My brother bought the PS2 on his own, and my parents only got the Wii because it was so they could play Wii Fit Plus.

Re: Which gaming consoles do you own?

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:41 pm
by Emma
OH jeez, I think between my brothers and I, we've had most of the big ones over the years (except the Dreamcast). Right now I've got:

Xbox 360/PS3/Wii aka all current gen, though the Xbox is the only one that I use regularly these days and it is DYING. :(
PSP, DS/3DS. Also still have original Gameboy, Gameboy Colour, Gameboy Advance and the Gameboy Advance SP.
NES/SNES (NES will only play DuckTales these days. SNES still works perfectly <3333) N64, Gamecube.
PC, aww yis Bootcamp on my Mac - best of both worlds.
Oh, and a PS1 and PS2. Somewhere. I keep meaning to find my PS2 so I can replay Final Fantasy XII.

We used to have a Sega Master System, Sega Megadrive, Sega Game Gear, ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64 but my brothers either sold or dismantled them. :( I clung to the SNES and refused to let them get rid of it. We've always had consoles in our house for as far back as I can remember.

Re: Which gaming consoles do you own?

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 6:03 pm
by dubiousdisc
Joe wrote:
dubiousdisc wrote:I wasn't allowed to have consoles growing up so the first I had was a Nintendo DS, which I later gave to my sister since I had played all the games I wanted to play and I wasn't really using it anymore. The other I have is a PS3. :B I was a PC gamer as a kid, and later a "oh let's just emulate it I'm not gonna buy a console for a single game" kid XD
Same with me. My parents stopped at the Nintendo 64 and claimed that video games were bringing my brother and my grades down. My brother bought the PS2 on his own, and my parents only got the Wii because it was so they could play Wii Fit Plus.
I have no idea why parents are all oh no grades since my grades never took a single blow regardless of my playing XD I have to say though that my parents were rather opposed to the idea of playing videogames because they had heard the usual shit about them and blah blah blah. Lately my dad seems to be more interested whenever he sees me playing and asks me stuff about what is the plot about and so on. In a couple cases he actually said that it was interesting, and wanted to see more about it :O it's crazy to see that from a person who ten years ago would have grounded me if he spotted me playing for too much time XD


Re: Which gaming consoles do you own?

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 8:27 pm
by Mikari
My grades were always okay so playing wasn't a problem though after a certain age I didn't get any games as presents anymore and didn't have money to buy them... hello emulation! I can pay for games now but don't have too many as I try not to buy unless I know I will play them and I have a lot of unfinished games to occupy my time. Mother also used to play blame games, especially the games I played on the computer (which were emu anyway) for random things. It was pretty stupid since I would (for example) avoid her since before I had a comp. So no, the games are not taking time away from this and that, because I wouldn't give it any time even if I didn't have them anyway. Honestly, I'd rather watch paint dray than talk to someone I don't find pleasant, but if I happen to have a game, I might as well do that. Dad was smarter than that. He would play SNES with me.

Re: Which gaming consoles do you own?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:47 pm
by anon
dubiousdisc wrote:I have no idea why parents are all oh no grades since my grades never took a single blow regardless of my playing XD I have to say though that my parents were rather opposed to the idea of playing videogames because they had heard the usual shit about them and blah blah blah. Lately my dad seems to be more interested whenever he sees me playing and asks me stuff about what is the plot about and so on. In a couple cases he actually said that it was interesting, and wanted to see more about it :O it's crazy to see that from a person who ten years ago would have grounded me if he spotted me playing for too much time XD
LOL My dad said all this stuff where video games were entertainment for poor kids but IDK because he might not have actually meant that and got his words mixed up. I think it's pretty cool your dad is a little interested now. Mine isn't and I honestly wish more of my family would play video games with me because it is hella boring playing by yourself.

Re: Which gaming consoles do you own?

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:55 pm
by Juhi
Systems I own:

- Playstation 3
- Wii (barely use it these days)
- Nintendo DS Lite
- Xbox
- Gamecube
- Gameboy Advanced SP
- Nintendo 64
- Gameboy Color (Pikachu edition)

I sometimes use my friend's Xbox 360 for epic online trolling and used to mooch off of a buddy's PS2 back in high school/college. I can't say I own those systems though, haha.

Re: Which gaming consoles do you own?

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 3:48 pm
by Eden
I own:

Dreamcast x4 (My favorite console; bought 4 of them since we saw them cheap in random Goodwills and fleamarkets)
Playstation 2
Gameboy Color
Gameboy Advance
Gameboy Advance SP
Gamecube x3 (found 1 of them while room raiding and the other one at a Goodwill for $5)
Nintendo DS Lite
Nintendo Wii
PC (my monster gaming PC)

I don't play with the Wii too often since it's really my bf's but we mostly use Homebrew on it and most of these consoles are heavily modded by us. :)

Re: Which gaming consoles do you own?

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 1:24 am
by Mayumi
I originally had 4, but since I sold my Xbox 360 for Catherine (キャサリン), I have 3 now ;P

Now I have:
-Playstation 3
-Nintendo Wii
-Playstation 2

I might get a Playstation Vita in the future. (Depnding if it's Region Free since I want to play Tales of Innocence R) XD

Re: Which gaming consoles do you own?

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:49 am
by nyxmidnight
I have...

- Playstation 2
- Playstation 3
- Game Boy Advance
- Nintendo DS
- Nintendo 3DS

I am also in need of a PSP to play Persona 2 but I am out of monies :/