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Re: Shrine Stigma

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:14 am
by Saya
My friends don't have problems with the stuff I do, I got mostly teased about playing the ps, more then making shrines. Actually most of the people I told about my shrine making want to see it and then comment on the layout or content - mostly people ask why I don't write it in Slovene LOL and as Crystal and Dragoneyes said - it's not that shrining come up really in the discussions I have with them, so mostly it's when I'm on the phone with someone and they ask what I'm doing, then I answer that I'm shrining.

Re: Shrine Stigma

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:53 am
by Destinie
@Crystal I think it's cool that your parents are supportive of your hobbies! I remember when I was really young and first found shrines and was trying to explain the concept to my mom and step-father and they were like "--whaat?" So that, and multiple other situations, just killed my interest in trying to talk to my parents about anything I liked. Ha!

My hubby is rather supportive. At one point I was trying to convince him to make a site (because he showed some interest) and said it would be a great way to learn how to write HTML and CSS! ...I wonder what happened with that?

My sister used to make shrines with me back in the day. I think I had told her about some stuff I was working on and she kind of said something like "You're still doing that?" XD;

Re: Shrine Stigma

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:53 pm
by Mikari
Unfortunately I don't run into many tech savvy internet people, hence why I have very few friends offline. I don't tell people, but if the subject of the internet or art comes up, I mention it. They say it's "cool" though I know they don't really get it. Most annoying thing I get is being asked if I run a business and how much I make. The same thing has come up in relation to art, though I don't consider myself all that skilled. Sucks how people assume everything has to be about money, I don't want a job messing with the things I love, I don't want work getting in the way and "tainting" it. Back on topic, it would be awesome to run into people who actually get it. I mostly just shrug off their opinions (and their person really, because while I'm all up for having nice acquaintances, but I'm way picky with who I call "friend.") I think it's awesome that everyone here continued to make shrines, you guys rock!

Re: Shrine Stigma

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 8:33 am
by Destinie
@Mikari aww, you rock, too! And I totally understand what you mean. I've interacted with many people (including family members) and their attitude is "If you're not making money, why are you doing it?" Why not? What better way to hone your skills and get experience? Why stop doing something you like just because you're not making a profit? How boring would it be to stop doing everything you like just because you're not getting any money in return!

Re: Shrine Stigma

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:39 am
by Emma
Destinie wrote:"If you're not making money, why are you doing it?"
Oh my god, that attitude is the WORST. Heaven forbid someone do something just for the passion of it and not for monetary reasons. I feel like they're the same people who get on my case for doing an art degree, because it's "useless".

Anyway, while it's not a thing that usually comes up in conversation, some friends and family members know. Most don't get it but also think it's kinda cool, I think? I think it helps that most of my friends are into similar things are kinda geeky in their own way, even if they don't particularly get shrines. My mother likes looking at my designs - she's not at all interested in what I'm writing about, but I think she appreciates the creativity of building a site and the effort that went into putting it together.

I used to be embarrassed by it and wouldn't want anyone to know, but I don't really care about that anymore. One of my best friends IRL now I originally met through fanlistings, too, so she gets it. :P

Re: Shrine Stigma

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 1:07 pm
by dubiousdisc
And to add on that - then when you do work as an artist and make some money out of it, some people go, "but that's not a lot of money". That's when I say, "does being an asshat pay a lot?".
...Sadly it usually goes lost...

Re: Shrine Stigma

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 1:34 pm
by Destinie
Art degrees are not useless!

I always thought it would be cool to have IRL friends who made sites. I used to have a friend back in middle school (?) who made a Harry Potter-centric shrine. We lost touch when I moved, I think. :(

Re: Shrine Stigma

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 9:40 pm
by Crystal
I have a similar problem too when it comes to hobby vs profession with web design. My Mom wants me to become a web designer for a living and while I do love it I just don't have the same passion for it when it is for someone else. I'd prefer to keep it as a hobby but my Mom has other ideas. I hate it.

(Personally I wanna be a writer but again my Mom thinks that should be my hobby rather than profession. Ugh.)

Re: Shrine Stigma

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:22 am
by Chibi
As you guys said, it's not a topic that comes up in conversation. I always keep it secret from everyone IRL because I've never met anyone who is into the geeky stuff that I'm into (anime/manga and shrining)... except for my boyfriend, that is. :heart: He is the very first person I showed my domain to, because he wanted to know more about me. He knows I make fanlistings and, while he's not sure he gets the concept of fls, he's still supportive and still takes an interest in my web design hobby. <3 I think I'll have him proofread my shrines in the future. But anyway, he's the only person IRL who knows about my online hobbies. I'm not going to tell my parents because they consider shrining a "silly hobby I had when I was a child" and I don't bring it up to my friends because I don't want to get odd stares from them. I did link my domain on my facebook profile about a year ago (after much thought), but I think no one noticed, haha. (Everyone I know on facebook is too busy taking selfies of themselves anyway...)

Also, seconding everyone on the "Why are you doing it if you're not making money" attitude! Ugh, that's just so stupid. Not everything in this world has to be about money, you know!

Re: Shrine Stigma

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:55 am
by dubiousdisc
Chibi wrote:I'm not going to tell my parents because they consider shrining a "silly hobby I had when I was a child"
Aaagh this attitude pisses me off, also. If you write literary critique to Shakespeare everyone is gonna be all, oooh, you so cultured, congratulations. But then if you write literary critique to an anime character, that's a silly hobby. >_>