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Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 1:37 am
by Mikari
I have 2 PSP batteries, an iPod touch and battery powered internet so that should be enough to keep me entertained... and if they run out I'll take them to work and plug them in the office. The airport always has power. XD Storm season can get pretty bad, so it sucked before I got my handhelds.

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 1:41 am
by Vii
Sometimes I like small power outages. Because then we play Scrabble and Apples to Apples by candlelight and I get to catch up on reading or drawing. But... my modern technology... my video games.... xD We once lost power for nine days. I LITERALLY DIED.

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:25 am
by Mikari
I don't have anyone fun to play with like that. Yay for handheld games saving me from absolute boredom! I find that I also have trouble sleeping without electricity because of the lack of AC. Ironically it's not the temperature that bothers me, it's the uneasiness of no knowing for how long I'll have to endure. But if I can listen to the soft humming of the little AC on the wall, it lulls me to sleep.

9 days?! O.O The most I've survived was a week and I had no handhelds only an ancient battery powered mini TV and it was older than me so the tiny thing was black and white with no cable of course. Most locals stations were out anyway save for one news station. I didn't and still don't watch the news, but that time I watched it all the time because I wanted to watch TV. I watched a lot of TV back then, but now You Tube replaced it.

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 4:55 am
by Vii
I sleep with a fan on every night. I have it face me when it's warm, and I have it face the opposite direction in the winter xD I just need the sound to sleep, otherwise every tiny little noise will wake me up x.x;

Yes, nine horrible, horrible days. It was damage from a hurricane and we live on some obscure back road so we weren't a priority. We would shower at the local high school every day, eat out, and return home to play Scrabble and cuddle the dogs xD This was after they cleared the tree off of the one end of our road on the third day x.x; All I had was my gas light and my books, but I survived! xD

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 7:36 am
by Saya
I actually forgot to say that my evergreen are pokemon games, I play and re-play those like a pro =) Kidding, I'm slow, but I always have my DS with me.

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 7:58 am
by Emma
I'm kinda always playing WoW in some capacity. I'm super casual with that game, though. I'm trying to level up some alts before Mists of Pandaria hits.

Other than that - STEAM SALES. I bought and played Dear Esther the other day, and it is GORGEOUS. And something different, too. I've also just started Jade Empire and I love it already and I don't know why I haven't played it before. I'm really hoping Civilisation V will be a daily sale.

I also still need to finish Final Fantasy XIII-2, but it really isn't holding my attention.

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:03 am
by Destinie
Ugh, I am playing too many things:

• Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (still)

• Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (So...I've had this game for years and have never beaten it. I'm stuck on Gerudo palace. Because...I have this bad habit that when I get stuck on a part in a game, I kind of give up for a year or two and later come back to it.)

• Replaying Pokemon: Diamond (Patrick and I restarted our games at the same time and are slowly playing through together again. IKNOWSOROMANTIC)

• Still haven't beaten Dinosaur King....

• Mario 64 for the DS

Too many. And I pre-ordered Pokemon:White 2 AGH!

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:47 am
by Samantha
Todd wrote:I started Tales of the Abyss for 3DS today. Felt like playing a handheld so I could lay in bed and be lazy on my day off. It's a lot of fun so far! Luke is hilarious.
I APPROVE OF THIS. In all seriousness though, I hope you enjoy it. Though I've never played the 3DS version (I'd like to but I don't own the console), Abyss is probably one of the best and most solid Tales games in my opinion.

Maybe you will really like someone and make a site to them -kicked-

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:38 pm
by Eden
Still making my way through Binding of Isaac. I have Wrath of the Lamb but I haven't activated it yet. I want to finish the initial run first before I add on this extra content. ^_^;

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:26 am
by Varen
Dragon Age: Origins right now. I got a nice deal of the Ultimate Edition for just $20, so it's like 2 games in one! Second playthrough in fact, this time as an Arcane Warrior. I'm trying to RP as a fan character of mine, so it's really fun~ I'm trying to *not suck* this time, so I can transfer the data to the DLC. And also because I didn't like some of the previous choices I made in my blind playthroughs... DAMN YOU ALISTER.

And I hope you like Tales of the Abyss, Todd! And you too Destinie with Skyward Sword!