Pokemon X and Y

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Re: Pokemon X and Y

Post by Samantha »

Ahhhh X&Y. I was so excited to see the original trailer! I think the legendaries that will be on the cover look pretty cool and I'm interested to see how going 3D will work. What I really want is to see the final forms of the starters so I can make my decision! XD
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Re: Pokemon X and Y

Post by Varen »

No offense but I feel that a lot of complaints about Gen V's level design is largely because of our nostalgia for the previous gens. Don't get me wrong, when I first saw the Pokemon designs I was like "meh" but that's because I was more focusing on comparing instead of just seeing it for what it was. And when I stopped forcing comparisons, I began to appreciate the Pokemon much more. For example, Fonguss is a much better example of a chest monster than Voltob line was. Whereas one was just eyes plastered on a pokeball, Fonguss had some creativity with its mushroom top. And while there are some overall bad designs, I feel like people are completely forgetting the awesome designs of pokemon like Volcarona, Hydreigon, Haxorus, Bisharp, Chandulre, Gothitelle, Braviary, Serperior, etc. that overshadow those mediocre ones. I mean come on, the first Pokemon designed ever was a rhinoceros (Rhyhorn). Gen I's really had some bad ones too...

And from what I read, many of the archetypes were intentional, according to an interview with the designers ( can't find the link now).

BUT BACK TO GEN VI XD;; (sorry I just felt the need to respond because it's a bit of a pet peeve of mines)
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Re: Pokemon X and Y

Post by dubiousdisc »

Eh I know I won't be buying anything Pokémon-related ever again and I'd retroactively take back some of my money if I could, so, as much as it tears me apart (and believe me, it does), I'm done with this. Besides, I don't have a 3DS and don't plan on getting one. I can't even see the 3D effect, lol

As for what concerns the new designs, I'm not going to draw comparisons or anything, I just know I don't like them. I don't think it's nostalgia goggles. I actually did an experiment where I had to grade the designs of all Pokémon to see how many do I actually like in each generation and how many I think I like, and yeah, gen 1 does have some poor designs, too. However, I dislike almost everything in gen 5; there's a couple that even I like, but it's just that, overall, I can see how rushed most designs were. If they're going to release games at this rate, of course they'll be rushed, and of course the quality is going to take a hit. It's just so weird, from a team that took almost a decade to make Red and Green, their "babies". I wonder if the original Game Freak team is even working there anymore...
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Re: Pokemon X and Y

Post by dubiousdisc »

Well they've leaked the main characters.
My first reaction was, hey, the girl's cute! ...ah wait a second, the girl's the other one?

actually I like both of them design-wise!
but I can't see them as anything but two girls XD
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Re: Pokemon X and Y

Post by Varen »

Definitely love the MC designs. Didn't really like B/W2's much, so seeing this is refreshing. Plus, it is confirmed that you can customize their apperance a bit, so it feels more like an avatar character. :)

And apparently new type might be confimed for Sylveon? I used to be against it, but honestly, I think it might be pretty cool to have a new type and see how it would change the metagame.
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Re: Pokemon X and Y

Post by dubiousdisc »

Seems like it and yeah, I was noticing that somehow they returned to the style they had before BW2 as for what concerns the character art? Which is good for me since the eyes of the girl in BW2 are like, the things I see in my nightmares.

Also the new pokes, I like them better than all of the previous ones. Especially Rideable Goat. It's a bit of a Sawsbuck/Torterra, but hey, I did like both of them, so I can't not be happy. The other three, I'm not a fan of first stages generally so I'm mostly waiting to see what will be of them, they look like they could evolve into things that I could like more.

Though, if the new game is in fictional France, why is the bird a Japanese Robin? It is a tourist????
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Re: Pokemon X and Y

Post by Destinie »


I'm not a fan of these Pokemon. It's about time we had a Grass-goat, though. My fiance had an starter grass pokemon he designed. I like his designs better, TBH. It was fighting/grass.

https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos- ... 0906_o.jpg
https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos- ... 1484_n.jpg
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 3145_o.jpg

Also, what is with that electric lizard?!

I'm sure there will be more designs that come out soon that I fall in love with. XD That happened to me with B/W. DEERLING!
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Re: Pokemon X and Y

Post by dubiousdisc »

grumpy goat ;w;

Yeah the thing with the lizard is...the concept's neat but the design doesn't really convey what they were going for. I find it okay in itself, but not at showing what they wanted to show. Perhaps it has an evolved form where the solar panel thing is more straightforward in the design.

Really though, my main criticism with the four new ones is that the colors seem to be very muted, and not very well planned. Might be just the scans, but I think they are really that desaturated. Hello Game Freak, I swear you won't run out of colors if you use more XD I've already seen fan arts where that aspect is fixed and they look so much better.
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Re: Pokemon X and Y

Post by Destinie »

OOOOOH it's a solar panel lizard?! I totally didn't even get that from the design. The head looked like a top or something. But solar panel is a neat concept but...I totally didn't get it. xDD
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Re: Pokemon X and Y

Post by dubiousdisc »

Yeaaaah that is what I meant XD cool idea but well, how am I supposed to get that without reading it XD
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