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Oh, snap.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 4:06 pm
by Jae
Behold, Amassment, for I exist.

Which is to say "hi." I'm Jae, and I run the ever volatile I've run many collectives in the past and lost a great deal of sites in the process, but I liken this domain to a fresh start as my writing and overall presentation skills have improved. Be forewarned, however, that I make shrines/fansites at the pace of racing snails.

I haven't been all too active on the web making front, or in Amassment, really, so please bear with me as I take the awkward plunge back into this awesome pool. It's been a long time since I committed to a board like this.

Generally speaking, my sites reflect my gaming and anime/manga interests, the most favored of which is the Tales of series. I like to think my interests are fairly broad, so I'm sure we can find a common ground soon enough! I tend to revamp my projects a lot because I'm nitpicky about balancing fact and opinion, since I love to psychoanalyze characters, but here's hoping I'll be less wishy-washy.

I'm an undergraduate student majoring in (Pre-)Nursing, which is a bit masochistic because my scientific skills aren't that great. But I like assisting people, and I hope I can help out and contribute to Amassment's community for a long time coming. I'm looking forward to meeting or connecting with all of you again!

. . . and I talk a lot.

Re: Oh, snap.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 4:25 pm
by Lethe
Hi Jae! :D I found your domain while creeping on the member list at back then (cough) and instantly fell in love with the layout! I've only played Tales of Phantasia, Symphonia and Abyss so far, so I'm not familiar with the subjects of your current and upcoming shrines, but I love the Tales series' approach to characterization.

We can be snails together! @_@

Re: Oh, snap.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 4:49 pm
by Nekoi
Hi Jae! It's a pleasure to meet you! =) So glad to meet another Tales of fellow! :heart: Your domain looks great to me and I'll wait to see more of your websites soon! ;)

Re: Oh, snap.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:16 pm
by Puppeteer
Welcome, welcome!

You're definitely not the only slow shrine-maker here, so the main thing is to just have fun while you go at your own pace. Based on your domain now I'm psyched to see what you'll do in the future--especially if it's Tales of-related. I'm intimately familiar with only two of the games, but I like reading shrines about any of the series' characters anyway. :)

Re: Oh, snap.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:51 pm
by Todd
Hey Jae! I was wondering where you had gone. I'll update your collective link on my domain. Glad to see you back!

Re: Oh, snap.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:05 pm
by Jae
@lethe: Haha, I'm glad to hear it! I love their approach to characterization, too, and I have fond memories of Symphonia and Phantasia, myself. I unfortunately never got hooked to Abyss, but it's definitely got a colorful cast and story.

We'll be the coolest snails in the background, yup.

@nekoi: Hey! With that cheer, I've got to start cranking out projects now, don't I? I have two that I aim to finish before the summer's out, in any case, and they both happen to be Tales of-related.

@puppeteer: Sound advice, that! My motivation for web design is always so fickle; it sputters and fizzes out sadly once I hit the writing part. I'll work diligently to make it a good, understanding reading, then!

@todd: Hey, you! How have you been? I kind of disappeared off the face of Amassment for a while, oops. But I plan to deliver more on my end this time around. It's good to be back!

Re: Oh, snap.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:35 pm
by Nekoi
I can't wait to see them then! =D I'm enthralled and curious!! :heart:

Re: Oh, snap.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:31 pm
by Eden
Hi Jae! We never met before but I'm Eden and welcome to amassment! ^~^/

Re: Oh, snap.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:58 pm
by Aku
I wouldn't underestimate the power of racing snails!!

In any case, welcome, Jae! I feel like we have crossed paths at least once or twice elsewhere, and have probably even conversed, only because your name + sites sound really familiar. As my memory is incredibly foggy though, it's nice to meet you again! I'm looking forward to seeing what you put out. X3

Re: Oh, snap.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:55 pm
by Crystal
Jae! <3 I'm glad you could join us here! :D